Sunday, September 29, 2019

What - And Whom - Is behind Global Warming Activist Greta Thunberg?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)

What - And Whom - Is behind Global Warming Activist Greta Thunberg?


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 27, 2019

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The rise to fame of Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate activist, seems to have been spontaneous and nothing short of extraordinary, but is it, or is it just a Hollywood façade, and could what has happened to her, be classified as child abuse?

She is being used and abused by these Globalist control freaks. This yelling and screaming poor brainwashed kid has been turned into nothing but a programed robot, a useful propaganda tool with no independent thought, and is being exploited to get you to buy their evil suicide pact.

Less than a year ago, Greta was an unknown schoolgirl from Sweden, albeit an unusual one: she is the daughter of a famous opera singer and an actor. And if you have noticed something unusual about her, and not to take away from her charisma, Greta has Asperger’s syndrome, she also has obsessive-compulsive disorder and selective mutism. The latter, she says,”basically means I only speak when I think it’s necessary. Now is one of those moments,” she said in a Ted talk that was watched hundreds of thousands of times on the topic that first brought her into the public eye. It also prompted her decision (if ' in fact she actually made that decision) to stage a ‘school strike’ last August to draw attention to climate change.

Thunberg’s profile has only grown since. Her appearance at the UN climate conference in Poland propelled her to international fame. Most recently she was in Davos England. Her message to the billionaires at the World Economic Summit was stark: “I want you to panic about climate change”, she said.

Greta’s steely gaze and call to action has won her legions of fans online. She certainly makes for a good story: the seemingly provocative but precocious sweet girl appears to be moved to climate action and ends up as an unlikely international celebrity. However, her sudden appearance in the limelight has led to some pointed questions: is Greta’s celebrity status less to do with chance and more to do with a carefully orchestrated public relations campaign?

Doubts were first raised when the Swiss magazine Weltwoche published an article last month entitled ‘We’re making a climate icon’. It revealed that Thunberg’s school strike had coincided neatly with the launch of a book about climate change written by her opera singing mother, Malena Ernman. Is this a coincidence? It looks less like one when you learn from the same article that the first publicity of Thunberg’s protest came via the social media of the book’s PR man, Ingmar Rentzhog, on the day of its launch. It seems that Rentzhog took a freelance photographer along to the school strike, later posting the pictures on his Facebook and video on his company’s YouTube channel.

Meanwhile, Swedish journalist Henrik Alexandersson has claimed that Thunberg’s much-touted speech to the Katowice summit was actually delivered to an almost empty hall – perhaps a unsurprising given that she was speaking near the end of the day. Yet it was hard to tell this from the film of her speech – which went viral – which only showed close-ups of her face, a shot of the stage and a brief sequence of an apparently appreciative crowd. Nevertheless, it was this apparently inauspicious event that propelled Thunberg to worldwide fame.

Further disturbing details have also emerged. As well as working for Greta’s mother, Rentzhog had also recently launched a business called ‘We Don’t Have Time’, a sort of climate-focused PR agency. In October 2018, he invited Greta to join the company’s Youth Advisory Board and in the weeks that followed he used her image intensively ahead of the company’s share issue. This seems to have been very successful, bringing in something short of a million pounds. But whatever the figure, Greta has proved to be an extraordinarily lucrative asset for Mr Rentzhog, and the environmental press has been extraordinarily helpful too.

Greta and her family both deny being aware that she would be used in this way, and said they have since cut ties with Rentzhog’s organisation, but all these revelations have rather tarnished her image except of course among the low information indoctrinated crowd.

The Thunberg phenomenon seemed to have begun as the unlikely story of a young girl with strong views falling unsuspecting into the limelight. Her strange garb and piercing gaze added to the mystique. But now, the ‘Wizard of Oz’ outfits and the pigtails look to be less odd and more calculated: the careful Hollywood type packaging of a product so that it gets noticed rather than an unusual proclivity for 1950s fashion. What we have seen is surely an example of marketing genius rather than a miraculous and spontaneous stroke of luck.

If you want to know more about what is behind Greta, you need to do a google search on her family and their connections. Type in “Who is Greta Thunberg”. Then “Who are Greta Thunberg’s Parents, follow this where it leads down the rabbit hole.  You will find that this is nothing but the usual clap trap that comes in the USA from Hollywood and the leftist Social Communist Globalists. This is the Daughter of two famous entertainers and they deny any support but it is actually coming well-funded out of several Leftist organizations such as Rentzhog and the likes of Nazi Billionaire George Soros.

This is all Globalist eco-terrorism. Basically it is just more of “We are all going to die tomorrow” fear mongering from the people who have no facts behind their claims. Buy their lies at your peril if you choose, but remember when they shut down your local fossil fuel plant or nuclear power plant you will find your power doesn’t work much anymore and costs 5 times as much, as Australia is finding out as I write this article.

This my friend, is why these people don’t want to sit down and meet someone like President Trump. He would ask them how they plan to do what they demand and why. When the stunned silence grows on their part, it is just about “Solar and Wind” because they don’t know how and why, it is just not part of their programming. Moreover, in their rush to replace a functioning power grid they actually contribute to a polluted environment.  Few if any so-called ecologists know much of anything or much less care about ecology. It’s all about power and control my friend.

THE BOTTOM LINE: In case you don’t already know, you must know something about me when you read this. I want you to understand that I am not against a clean environment. Moreover I do believe in climate change, anyone who knows history knows that the climate has been changing for thousands of years. Moreover I even believe in certain aspects of regional environmental warming due to the cyclical change in the climate.  What I don’t believe in, is junk science with an ulterior motive. I am no environmentalist wacko, but I am a very practical one. More importantly I do the research and am not just playing someone else’s recorded message.

You need to understand what you are facing my friend. Communist Globalism is not dead. It lives, among other places, in the modern environmentalist movements and it is still the killer it always has been. The agenda is to destroy industrialized nations. You need to know that your food, your clothing, your house and your employment all depend on stopping these monsters. They are killers. Parents - keep your eyes wide open when it comes to the propaganda that your kids are being indoctrinated with in illegal government controlled schools.

Communist China is now massing troops on the border with a once free Hong Kong and when they invade - and they will, potentially 2 million people will die. Hopefully that will be a wakeup call to tell you who these monsters and haters of humanity and freedom really are. This is what Greta is all about. She is being used and abused by these Globalist control freaks. This yelling and screaming poor brainwashed kid has been turned into nothing but a programed robot, a useful propaganda tool with no independent thought, and is being exploited to get you to buy their evil suicide pact.

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival.
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and or friends to hear the truth.
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