Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Federal Reserve Does Not Want An Audit…WHY?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


The Federal Reserve Does Not Want An Audit…WHY? 

I’ll tell you…


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 5, 2019


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The Federal Reserve Is in the ‘Stock Market Business’ - that’s why, and they don't want anyone to know the details of their (M&M’s), ‘Market Manipulations’.

I have written many articles on the international financial crime family known as the Rothschild’s who now, by proxy, own and control all of the Central banks in the entire world, with one exception, and that is North Korea. Moreover the IRS is just the financial money producer for the Fed.   
That being said, what I was not aware of, is the fact that the Federal Reserve being in the Stock Market was not known by the general public. This was brought to my attention by former Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Now’ I understand why the Fed is so up-tight about being audited. As Dr. Paul said they don’t want the public to find out they have been manipulating the stock market sense 1928-29-32, causing up and down turns at will. I have been saying for years, that the Fed has been either directly or indirectly responsible for depressions and recessions by manipulation of the market, by selling off billions of dollars in stock, crashing the market. And then buying the stock back when it hits rock bottom because then, unlike you and I…they have all the marbles.  
Note: The total value of all Currency/money in the U.S. is approximately 6 Trillion dollars, a little less than 2 Trillion in actual currency and 4 Trillion in bank float. The U.S. Government is in debt more than 22 Trillion dollars.  The NYSE is valued at give or take, 15 Trillion dollars, that’s 6 Trillion of Federal Reserve fiat paper currency and bank float, and 9 Trillion on paper stock float.  And all of it is phony funny money. This isn’t even as strong as the proverbial house of cards my friend, this is flimsy waste paper, trash, garbage.  Now don’t misunderstand 6 Trillion is not the total wealth’ of the United States, which would be approximately 225 Trillion but that would be like totaling up all your personal assets, house, property, cars, cash, stocks, furniture, toothbrushes etc. So we are carrying about 10 % of our total wealth in debt.  The source for this information is taken from several publications on the web.  

Recently, on Tuesday September 3, 2019, former Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul appeared on an episode of the Quoth the Raven podcast to weigh in on the state of equity markets, the media's role in indoctrinating the masses with the Keynesian theory.  Which was the bases for FDR’s New Deal introduced in his first 100 days in office, and yes it didn’t work. It took a war for which the U.S. borrowed 228 billion, 7 trillion in today’s dollars from the Federal Reserve.  

Here's Dr. Paul's most recent take on things, and his podcast quotes below

On The Current State of the Market:
When first talking about the state of the Fed and equity markets, Dr. Paul unloaded on Central Bankers,
"I think it's historic. I think it's coming to an end and I think we're going to see a real, real big bust in the economy because I think until we admit we are bankrupt both financially and morally, there can be no answers."
Because the U.S. Government is indebted to the Fed to the tune of more than 22 Trillion he also commented that he believes the Fed understands the catastrophic path we are currently on…
"A lot of people know there's problems. Even members of the Federal Reserve I think are much more aware of what's happening than they're willing to admit...the Fed will eventually get rid of itself, because they know the U.S. economy is not sustainable..."

On Gold:
Dr. Paul also spoke about a breakfast meeting he had with Paul Volcker decades ago, who he said was overtly concerned with the price of gold at the time. Dr. Paul said about gold,
"Gold is real money. Paper money only exists when you can fool the is the ultimate measurement of value. They know that..."

On Helping Main Street Understand Austrian Economics:
When asked about how to empower the ordinary citizen with knowledge of Austrian economics, Dr. Paul responded,
"It has to be by word of mouth, it has to be through education...because it's ideological. The idea is that the universities are not the answer." 
He continued:
"I can remember it dawning on me as I left college and I got more involved in politics that my job seemed to be unlearning the things I had learned...that's where I think the real progress is made..."
"...students are more likely to quote some socialist professor than they are any of us..." 
On Whether Or Not The Fed Is Buying Stocks Or S&P Futures:
When asked about whether or not he thought the Fed and Central Banks are currently in the stock market and the futures market, Dr. Paul responded,
"...I believe they are. They don't want us to know the details and that's why they don't let the audit go through because you could find out..."
"...The Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets, that's their job, to keep stocks from going down..."

"...they have total control and they're really not monitored..."

THE BOTTOM LINE: So you see! I haven’t just been making stuff up again as so many have accused me of, even though unlike the news media I publish my sources if I possibly can. The news media are the ones who make stuff up my friend, or worse yet they don’t publish anything that is news worthy.

If you would now like to really get educated about the history of the Fed and the IRS instead of the lies/fantasy/ or just non information that you are used to getting - then read a few of my earlier articles on the Fed’ Here.  And then the real truth about the 16 Amendment/IRS’ Here.  

As I said all of my articles are backed up with source documentation, these issues are really a matter of public information if one is willing to do the research. They are just kept secret from the history books in schools and universities. That’s why many professors like to control the information by writing their own fabricated text books.  

"I can remember it dawning on me as I left college and I got more involved in politics that my job seemed to be unlearning the things I had learned...that's where I think the real progress is made..."
“The idea is that the universities are not the answer." 
"...students are more likely to quote some socialist professor than they are any of us..." – Dr. Ron Paul  

It is only hidden from today’s students. Because just as in the old USSR the government doesn’t want citizens like you and I to know their true history. That’s how the elitist politicians control the masses and why they hate President Donald J Trump so much. HE”S NOT PART OF THE INDOCTRINATED ELITIST D.C. SWAMP RATS.  He’s just an American!
Abraham Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
That my friend is the hate America Communist philosophy that we are witnessing in the Democrat candidates for president today.
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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