Friday, September 20, 2019

Is Trump Declaring The Brotherhood of Muslims - A Terrorist Organization?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Is Trump Declaring The Brotherhood of Muslims - A Terrorist Organization?


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 20, 2019

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In a very wise move, President Trump may have decided to officially label the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Something all other Presidents have purposely avoided. We sure don’t want to ruffle the Muslim Jihadi feathers…
This is a long overdue decision but at least it’s being made now. Hopefully this will not be the only Muslim organization labeled as a terrorist organization, all of these Muslim organizations and more are Muslims Jihadist organizations and support Terrorism. So I hope that we’ll see many more such as The Counsel on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), whose members have threatened the life of yours truly as well as that of my family, a group that is already labeled as a terrorist organization by most western countries. Moreover Muslim Jihadists Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar is a supporter of that organization as well. All Muslim organizations are Jihadists and therefore potential terrorists. It’s in their books.
You’ve been lied to my friend. Islam is not a religion of peace any more than Nazism is a religion of peace. Even, and especially, Muslim charities are terrorists supporting organizations and they are tax exempt. How do I know that? Because I know that charity is benevolence and benevolence is love and the word love does not appear anywhere in the Quran. There is no love, benevolence or charity in Islam.
According to the Guardian:
The White House has confirmed it is considering the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, after Donald Trump was personally lobbied by Egypt’s president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.
The official designation of the Islamist movement as terrorist would have far-reaching effects, sanctioning companies and individuals who had any interactions with the terrorist group.
“I recently met with @jkbadawy and @thefreedomi to talk about Hoda Abdelmonem, a political prisoner in Egypt. I hope that Trump brings up her case in his meeting with the regime that has imprisoned her. We must work to #FreeHoda.”
The Daily Caller also noted,
The designation would impose severe travel and economic sanctions on those who associate with the group, which has millions of members across the Middle East. Trump has asked his administration to figure out a way to make the designation happen, The New York Times reports. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed the news, which the New York Times reports has sparked internal debate in the administration. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security advisor John Bolton support the move, while others at the Pentagon are opposed and are working to propose a more moderate action.
“The president has consulted with his national security team and leaders in the region who share his concern, and this designation is working its way through the internal process,” she told The New York Times.
Muslim Communist President Obama makes friends with the Muslim Brotherhood and sends them your taxpayer money so he forced you to support Islamic terrorism and President Trump wants to declare them what they are, a terrorist organization. I have to ask…which President really cares about America?
So when did the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) begin, where and why?
The Ottoman Empire actually began as far back as 1299 in Turkey and ended in 1922, the Muslim Brotherhood began two years later in 1924 in Saudi Arabia, later it moved its headquarters to Egypt. The MB is just the Ottoman Empire resurrected. Moreover they have the same agenda of taking over and subjugating the world under Sharia.   
THE BOTTOM LINE: Just in case you were wondering…I am going to state my expert opinion once again right here, right now, just in case you forgot. And if you haven’t noticed, when I refer to Muslims I usually follow with Jihadist. Why? Well first – Mahammad’s word Jihad means “my struggle”.  And guess what Hitler’s Mein Kampf means? It means “MY STRUGGLE”.  And then because I know Islam and their books the Quran the Hadiths and the Sunnah, so I know that all who identify with Islam also identify with Jihad and all that it means. By the same token all Muslims who identify with, support, and affiliate with a terrorist organization, are terrorist also. They follow the same books. Just as Christians follow the New Testament, and the Jews follow the Old Testament, Nazis follow Mine Kampf, Communists follow Karl Marx, and Muslims follow the Quran. It’s just the way it is.  
If one doesn’t know that, or understand that, it doesn’t mean one is stupid, it just means one is ignorant and misinformed. If you haven’t read those afore mentioned books then you must rely on what others say, but if the others that you rely on are ignorant themselves, because they haven’t read the books or done the research then a lie is formed in society. And everyone believes the lie because it’s easier than the alternative. First- you don’t have to think for yourself. Second- you don’t have to do anything but allow yourself to be programed with a lie. As I said it’s easier.
My friend – All Muslims are Jihadists, which means they all have the same mission of world dominance and subjugation, there is just no choice it is their ideology. It’s called the Ummah, the world Nation of Islam and they believe that it is ordered by their god Allah. How they personally go about bringing that to fruition is a choice. Usually by moving to a foreign country and infiltrating the culture of that country, pretending to assimilate into the sociality. I said pretend, because that’s what the Quran teaches them to do. That’s called ”taqiyyah,” a form of fraud, also taught in the Quran. The purpose of infiltration is to take control, to get one foot in the door, to gain the locals trust and confidence. Inch by inch, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town, district by district, state by state, until they can take over the central government either by cue or by violence/terrorism.
The U.S now has three elected Muslim Jihadist in the Federal government and many, many more in state and local governments. They’re in our city councils, county board of supervisors, and in our police departments. They are in our justice systems and in our courts. They are in our military and federal law enforcement. They are in our security agencies and in our congress. They are infiltrating - they are Muslim Jihadists just following their books.
Some chose the militant approach which eventually all will join the Terrorist Jihad that is necessary to finally achieve “The Ummah” Country by country, State be State creating the world nation of Islam.  
You too have a choice! You can believe what I say, you can believe what they say, or you can buy their books and discover the truth like I did for yourself.
If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today they historically just bought a prayer rug and a compass so they always know which direction Mecca is.
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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