Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Covert ISIS Army Is Already In America Ready To Strike

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


A Covert ISIS Army Is Already In America Ready To Strike


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 21, 2019


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This is a follow-up to yesterday’s article titled Is Trump Declaring The Brotherhood of Muslims a Terrorists Organization?”  If you haven’t yet read it, you might want to read it first.
During the 8 years under the Barack Obama administration, he made sure that ISIS and their Islamic terrorist ideology would infest the world. As a result ISIS had a stronghold throughout the Middle East as well as North Africa, and grew stronger with each passing day.
Then when Donald Trump began the race to the White House, he spoke on how dangerous ISIS was and that how it is paramount to stop them, he did everything to destroy them. Now ISIS has released their latest plan and it proves how right Trump has been all along about the agenda of Islam.
The Islamic State’s grip on Iraq and Syria are now slowly slipping away under the Trump administration. While that may sound like a potential victory it really isn’t. Not for us anyway. ISIS is not just bragging that Muslims that are born in the United States will become an army of conquest and are “getting ready for the battle in their homeland”, it has become a fact.

Paul Wood, a BBC world affairs correspondent, wrote an article in The Spectator that tells a terrifying story, one that I have warned about for more than 20 years. Wood writes, “A document is circulating among ISIS members through text messages and Twitter. Titled ‘The caliphate will not perish,’ it is a series of morale-boosting declarations by Isis leaders, living and dead.”

Wood continues to say in the article that when ISIS does lose its territory a “virtual caliphate” will replace it. This caliphate will replace the physical one which will have a fresh crop of jihadi fighters ready to be dispatched.
According to InfoWars:
In the document, a member of the ISIS Shura Council “boasts that Muslims born in the US will become an army of conquest,” according to Wood.
“They are getting ready for the battle in their homeland. Today the caliphate is in Iraq and Syria. Tomorrow, it will be in the White House,” asserts the ISIS council member.
While Trump could annihilate ISIS overseas what happens to the ones already here? That is why it is important that we check who is coming into our country. Trump is exactly correct with issuing a Muslim travel ban, but of course, liberals are blind and can’t see this. All they care about is the illegal votes they bring to get and keep them in power.  ISIS is just waiting to sound the alarm to attack around the globe and it is imperative that we are ready.

Is it any wonder that we are being attacked from within our own country? There are more than 21 known terrorist training camps right here in the U.S. So as ISIS terrorist are defeated in the Middle East they grow stronger every day in Europe and right here in America. Note the two maps and how similar they are. The attacks in the states where training camps are.

Check out a related [Spectator] article.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today they historically just bought a prayer rug and a compass.

Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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