Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Climate Change is The New Global Warming & SF6 is The New CO2

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Climate Change is The New Global Warming & SF6 is The New CO2


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 17, 2019

If you would like to write me direct with a question or a comment on this or other articles, you can email me at writedeandrea@hotmail.com

The Green People, (those that are brain washed to believe that humans are not, or shouldn't be a part of‘, or‘, are a threat to‘, the environment) have all but abandon the terminology of Global Warming‘ for the more palatable identification of Climate Change‘, which one cannot really argue with since the climate has been constantly changing since the beginning of historical time and humanity. 

But then, it‘s really not about a safe environment anyway its about anti-freedom, and power and control. Just as gun safety is not about safety at all, its about anti-freedom, power and control. That‘s why the Communist changed the advocacy name from Global Warming to Climate Change and Gun Control to Gun Safety. (Who can argue with that, WHO DOESN’T WANT TO BE SAFE)  They don’t really care about your safety my friend, they just want to take away your freedom of self defense, and as the second Amendment says, your defense „of a free state“

With Global Warming, first it was Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC‘s), then it was Carbon di oxide, but now they may even be abandoning or trading man caused Carbon di-oxide (CO2) emissions as the major cause of the total destruction of the planet according to the Democrat Communist Party - within 12 days or maybe it‘s 12  years, I don’t which it is now, because they may have discovered that your basic high school chemistry shows that CO2 is actually necessary for the existence of all life on earth, so now they may be trading that in for the little known gas called  ‘Sulfur Hexafluoride’ (SF6) as the new man caused total destruction of our atmosphere. They figure if they‘ don’t know what it is, it’s likely you don’t either.

The ironic part of this change, change, change, is that the synthetic gas SF6 was invented as a safety insulator because of the Green People’s push for alternative sources of electricity away from the dreaded fossil fuel, watch a video.  It seems that these alternative energy sources spread out all over the countryside require more and more connections of substations to the grid, thereby increasing the probability of an overload and subsequent electrical explosion as demonstrated in the video.

The Bad News
SF6 is 23,500 times worse than CO2 in terms of its effect on our atmosphere. Its emissions are comparable to the yearly CO2 emissions produced by approximately 100 Million cars.  Furthermore, it is a synthetic gas for which neither a natural sink exists nor an effective disposal method is known, making its accumulation virtually irreversible. On top of this, the gas is extremely long-lived: SF6’s lifetime, is akin to that of nuclear waste, hundreds of thousands of years, or vertually forever, which is well beyond CO2‘s 100-200- year lifetime. And yet almost no one has heard of this gas.  Why is that? Well my friend, the Green People don’t want you to know that they are the ones that caused the use of this gas by pushing, at too rapid a pace, the use of more and more alternative GREEN electrical generators such as small multiplel solar, wind and tide generators.

So, just exsacly what is Sulfur Hexafluoride’ (SF6)?  
Sulfur Hexafluoride is so nontoxic it is actually safe to inhale in small amounts and it makes your voice sound like Darth Vader, really deep, just the opposite of Helium. But make sure it’s a small amount because it’s 6 times heavier than oxygen so it will take a while for the gas to go out. But because it is six time heavier than air it is also not likely to go into the upper atmosphere and become a greenhouse gas, but don’t tell the greenies that, because to them everything is a greenhouse gas. That’s why they want rubber band airplanes and battery operated trains and the banning of hamburgers, well…they really want to ban everything, including you my friend.
Nevertheless According to Wikipedia (SF6) is inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, non-toxic and according to the EPA an extremely potent greenhouse gas, but an excellent electrical insulator. SF6 has an octahedral geometry, consisting of six fluorine atoms attached to a central sulfur atom. It is a hypervalent molecule. Typical for a nonpolar gas, it is poorly soluble in water, so it’s not likely to combine with water vapor in the air. But quite soluble in non polar organic solvents. It is generally transported as a liquefied compressed gas. It has a density of 6.12g/L at sea level conditions, considerably higher than the density of air @ (1.225g/L).

SF6 is used primarily in the electrical industry

Despite the claim of it being such a significant contributor to global warming, SF6 is widely used in the new green energy industry due to its excellent electrical insolating properties. To be more precise, of all the SF6 produced, 80% is used in the electrical industry, switchgear industry including, its individual component production and testing is by far the largest field of application. SF6 emissions, however, are not well-known: research shows that up to 80% of SF6 emissions are not reported at all. One reason for this is that some countries who are driving the increase in emissions, do not report their SF6 emissions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Another reason is that developed countries that do report emissions to the UNFCCC are likely to be underestimating their emissions.

SF6 is increasingly a subject of regulation

Because of its potential environmental impact, no one knows just exactly what kind of impact, SF6 is increasingly being regulated by regulatory bodies. The EU F-gas regulations in 2006 and 2014 (in the framework of its F-Gas Regulation No. 517/2014), have further strengthened the restriction of SF6 usage in switchgear industry. Further revision of regulation in 2020 and 2022 will assess new technologies on the market and whether it is possible or necessary to further restrict SF6's usage.

In the USA, SF6 emissions from electrical equipment are reported to be much higher than in European countries due to Europes lack of, or scewed documentation. The Air Resource Board of California has regulated allowable yearly emissions from 10% in 2010 to 1% in 2020. This may result in further stringent restriction of SF6 usage in the coming years.

The electric power industry has been using Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas as a dielectric and insulating material for many years. Its popularity is mainly due to its unique physical and electrical properties including:
1) Dielectric strength twice that of air.
2) Nontoxic, nonflammable and noncorrosive.
3) Chemically stable with high breakdown strength. SF6 molecules provide excellent arc extinction during electrical operations which minimizes contact wear and maintenance.
4) Excellent thermal conductivity. High heat transfer permits lower operating temperatures.
5) Readily available in many commercial locations.
For distribution voltage switchgear, SF6 provides these important advantages:
1) Size reduction
2) Weight reduction
3) Reliable operation
4) Ease of installation
5) Ease of handling
6) Ease and reduction of maintenance

Common Applications
Electrical uses include high voltage circuit breakers, high voltage transformers, distribution voltage switchgear, gas insulated power substations, gas insulated transmission lines, radar equipment, linear particle accelerators and generators.
Approximately 80% of the annual consumption of SF6 is used for gas insulated substation (GlS) equipment and medium voltage switchgear including circuit breakers and load break switches. Of the 80%, medium voltage switchgear accounts for approximately 10%. In both electrical applications, the equipment is designed to contain the gas in sealed pressure systems which are assembled, filled and tested in a controlled environment.

Nonelectrical uses include molten magnesium and aluminum protection and purification, leak detection, tracer gas studies, propellants, insulating windows, shock absorbers, lasers and in the electronics industry as a plasma etchant gas. The other 20% of the annual consumption of SF6 is used in these applications which typically require release of the gas into the atmosphere.

The Good News SF6 and the Ozone Layer
SF6 does not deplete the ozone layer when released into the atmosphere. This is because first SF6 is heavier than air and tends to go to ground, and’ it does not contain chlorine atoms as do CFCs (chlorinated fluorocarbons).

SF6 and the Greenhouse Effect and so-called Global Warming
SF6 has been identified as a greenhouse gas. This means that SF6 is one of a group of gases which can absorb and reradiate back to earth some of the earth's natural infrared radiation. But what the Green People don’t tell you is that Greenhouse gases are important to maintain the natural surface temperature of the earth. Some greenhouse gases (predominantly water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)) are naturally occurring and some are the result of man-made processes such as SF6 (more CO, methane (CH), chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs), a substitute for Freon (HCFC-22), SF6 and others). The effect of absorbing and reradiating infrared radiation back to earth is termed the "greenhouse effect". The resultant increase in the earth's natural atmospheric temperature has been termed as "global warming" now replaced with the more obvious term Climate Change. .

SF6 as opposed to CO2
Recent measurements show the current concentration of SF6 in the atmosphere is almost nonexistent, about 3.2 parts per trillion parts of air by volume (pptv). I have been told in the past by a scientist at the Health Department that if one must measure parts of air in (PPT) parts per trillion, then it is usually considered to be zero. In comparison, CO2, concentration is estimated to be between 355 and 400 parts per million (ppmv) which is considerably less than the ideal 800 to 900 (ppmv)  according to Pierre L Gosselin of Climate and Energy News.

The relative contribution of SF6 to global warming (or emission rate) is estimated to be about 0.01%. In 100 years, at its present rate, its contribution is estimated to be less than 0.1%. In comparison, the current concentration of for HCFC-22, another greenhouse gas which GREEN PEOPLE substituted for CFCs such as Freon, is 105 pptv with an estimated emissions rate of 788% through the year 2100.

EPA Position on SF6
The EPA is working on a voluntary program to reduce the emission of SF6 into the atmosphere. The program encourages users and suppliers of SF6 electrical equipment to gather data on usage, upgrade old equipment, recover and recycle the gas, and to improve the sealing methods of gas pressure vessels.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has been working for the past several years with the major suppliers of SF6 electrical equipment to collect data on volume and annual release of SF6. Many utilities and other end users of the equipment are also making good progress on gathering data for more accurate evaluation.

To wrap up the Climate Change question, or more importantly the so-called disaster of Global Warming due to CO2, well…the final word is - that it is a fraud. German climate scientist Professor Werner Kirstein was interviewed by alternative media outlet NuoViso.

Politics commissioning reports for money
In the interview Professor Kirstein tells moderator Robert Stein that CO2 emissions have no effect on the climate and that “politicians commission climate scientists to produce expert reports for money.”
“Public is being deceived”
Prof. Kirstein talks about the “conscious deception” of the public and how all research projects and publications by “climate scientists” only have the goal of confirming “man-made climate change” and that different scientific views are not welcome.
According to Kirstein, the public is being deceived with the false information and that the aim of politics is to find a way to collect further taxes and to collect levies.
“We currently see this with the climate tax, which is to be introduced soon,” Kirstein says.

As I said at the beginning: it has nothing to do with the environment, but it has everything to do with POWER AND CONTROL…the subjugation of the masses.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The more one studies the research on the change of earth’s climate, both scientifically and historically, the more one comes to recognize that it is all just part of nature. There are an estimated 100 to 400 billion stars in our galaxy each having a number of planets and moons orbiting around them. Any one of them could have a habitable atmosphere and climate to support life. But alas we have no idea if, that is true. One thing we do know is that in our own star system, Earth is the only planet capable of sustaining life as we know it. Even though the size of the earth is puny in comparison to the size of our star it is still large enough to absorb all the stupidity of its inhabitance, just has it has been doing for thousands of years. Should life come to an end, it will not be because of our own arrogance.

Note: All living things will die, if the (ppm) of CO2 reaches a low of 150 (ppmv) yet the greenies who have been indoctrinated by the media, government political elites and the educational system, want to reduce the CO2 levels to zero emissions. If they kill off most of the population of the earth they have less people to control. That’s why the same people want to also take away your means of self-defense and the defense of FREEDOM.

Think about it…

Source References:
(1)AccuDri® SF6 Brochure. Allied Chemical, 1995, 97-0103.4M.S95M.
(2)EPA Conference Proceedings, Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems, Sulfur Hexafluoride, and Atmospheric Effects of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Conference, August, 1995.

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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