Thursday, April 09, 2009

We Appreciate Islam

So says Obama…The rest of the story that went on after the G-20 Summit.
Obama’s plan is all coming together…

By de Andréa

After bowing down to the king of Saudi Arabia and apologizing again for America at the recent G-20 Summit in London, president Obama attended the Islamic terrorist Alliance of Civilizations summit in turkey, a conference that ‘seeks ‘Islamic Sharia interests' the interests of our enemy and the enemy of the ‘Free World’. In a speech there he made a commendable effort to “connect” with the terrorist Islamic world, but in-so-doing he went perilously too far by saying things that simply are not accurate and thus should not have been said.

For example: Obama said: "We convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better..." For the better he says...I would really like to know just exactly what Islam has done for the better Al-Obama.

Excuse me while I throw up!!! Thank you I’m back…

[Read a WorldNetDaily reoprt of the G-20 Summit We just lost our national sovereginty]

Just as Obama represented the American people when he bowed down in submission to the king of Saudi Arabia, he says ”We” convey “our” deep appreciation for the Islamic faith… again as a reprehensive of the American people. While I totally understand Al-Barrack Hussein Obammah’s personal “deep appreciation for the Islamic faith,” and while I of course cannot speak for you, but I, myself have no appreciation or respect for the Islamic faith whatsoever, deep or otherwise. Furthermore this Muslim Communist President does not represent me in any way. He in fact represents Islam ‘the enemy of humanity and the free world’.

On the other hand, I can certainly understand why Obama would not want to tell the truth and say, “1,400 years of the Islamic agenda has resulted in 270 million murders, and countless millions enslaved.” Such history hardly qualifies Islam as “shaping the world for the better,” moreover; he would have been better advised to simply not make such a historically inaccurate and unsupportable statement.

Obama also said that he wants to “strengthen Ataturk's vision of democratic Turkey.” Either Obama doesn’t know his history or he is lying through his Muslim teeth. What Mr. Obama needs to do is to tell the truth and say to the Muslim world what Ataturk’s vision really was --- a vision which ended the Islamic Empire in 1924, he rebelled against Islam and its Sharia law, and gave women rights, as well as the right to vote, to get an education, to work, etc. It was Ataturk's vision that put the last nail in the coffin of the Islamic empire, ending centuries of murder, mayhem, and terrorism. It was because of Ataturk's action that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt five years later, to reclaim and revive the Islamic Empire and set the course for present-day Islamic Jihad. The Muslim Brotherhood is now the oldest and largest terrorist organization in the world, boasting 70 offshoots including Al-Qaida, and CAIR and our President not only supports it but bows down and summits to it.

Obama also eloquently stated that “America is not at war with Islam”. If America is not at war with Islam I would sure like to have him tell me just exactly whom we are at war with…? Moreover, someone should advise him that Islam is at war with America. (But then he already knows that doesn’t he?) If he could possibly tell the truth (which is not possible for a Muslim) he would have to say: "Today we are all challenged by Islamic Jihad that has declared war, not only on America but on the entire ‘Western Culture’ the ideology of political Islamic ideology, threatens the entire world.

Meanwhile, North Korea conducts another missile launch, which has enormous ramifications for the world’s ability to defeat the Nation of Islam (that Obama says we are not at war with) North Korea is doing more than manufacture nuclear weapons for itself. North Korea's business is selling arms technology to the cash-rich Arab nations who provide it with the cash it so desperately needs. A few years ago North Korea supplied Syria with the nuclear reactor that Israel bombed in September 2007. North Korean engineers were killed and many injured at the Syrian facility during the Israeli bombing. Thanks to Israel the West still exists.

On another Islamist front Iran is clearly set on attacking Israel and America. Iran is very interested in buying North Korean missile technology which they can then deliver an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) read what Newt Gingrich has to say about EMP attack against America with one bomb. So while North Korea may not attack us directly, its technology is what our die-hard enemies are going to use to destroy us.

The United Nations has proven to be virtually impotent in dealing with such serious issues. Saddam Hussein ignored UN sanctions, North Korea ignores the UN, and Iran marches on, ignoring everyone. The United States needs to take a bold step to disrupt the “nuclear proliferation axis” that exists between North Korea and the militant nations of the Islamic world. But instead president Obama OK’s Iran’s ‘Nuclear Program

We can and should go directly to China and ask them how would they feel if we made nuclear missile technology available to Japan and Taiwan? We can exert great pressure on China in this area because those two nations are a major threat to China if we make our technology available to them. This would give China a vested interest in pressuring North Korea to stop their missile program. What we are concerned about right now is the political victory that North Korea has achieved with this launch. Even though this was not a military victory because the launch was not successful to the point they expected, it achieved a political victory against America. We should have shot it down. It would have reversed the victory.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Just as we had in the 1980’s and 90’s, America is again establishing a clear track record of “non-response’ and look where that got us. In 2006 Kaddafi, who signed an agreement in 2003 to get rid of his 30 tons of mustard gas, reneged on the contract and changed his mind after watching America's lack of decisive action against Iran. North Korea is extremely dangerous because its missiles could carry a nuclear warhead to America and it will continue to provide the technology to other nations wanting to harm America. In other words, the nuclear threat to America and the West will continue to escalate beyond North Korea to Islamist regimes unless we bring it to a screeching halt.

But Obammah says: NO!

Incedentally, he knows that talking to Muslims changes nothing.

Do you still not believe he is a Muslim??? Let me help you understand something, when you finely recognize this, it will be too late.

Since our government refuses to do its job of protecting America, are you prepared to protect your family?

Let me ask you this…do you have any missiles???

The clock is ticking ever closer to the midnight hour…

de Andréa .

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