Saturday, April 11, 2009

The New King of America

Just in case you haven’t met your king yet, I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce him to you. His name is King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al - Saud, from the house of Saud in Saudi Arabia, the custodian of the two most unholy Islamic terrorist Mosques in Mecca the most unholy city in the world. His name In Arabic: خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود‎ (You should probably learn Arabic soon)

By de Andréa

No! --- Our Muslim President Al-Barrack Hussein Al-Obammah was not picking up his lost contact lenses or picking up his keys or a penny as Ben Franklin might do. No, he in fact was doing a full submissive bow from his waist to the waist of the king of Saudi Arabia, showing absolute and complete submission to his kingship of the Wahhabist Nation of Islam

If you haven’t seen the video yet, click here.

Now since there is absolutely no question about that, then I have a question for yah-all. Since our King Al-Barry was representing you and the rest of the citizens of America at the G20 Summit when he showed complete submission to his King, does this mean that Al-Obammah’s King, the King of Islam is also our King???

I have to tell yah, I haven’t been this ticked off since I was blown up by an old Mama-san pushing a baby carriage in Northern Laos, hoo-rah @#$%^&* yea, sort of like that yah-all.

If you missed my original article titled Al-Obama Bows to His King then please read it as well. Or read again!

As I said in the original article, it was a move described as a violation of protocol and not worthy of the office he holds. But of course that depends on just whose protocol Al-Barrack Hussein Al-Obammah believes takes precedence.

This exhibition of total submission to the king of Islam, and to the enemy of the ‘Free World’, is so telling and clearly shows where Al-Barry’s allegiance lies.

So far as I know, Obama is the only ‘Head of State’ in modern history or possibly any history to bow in submission to another ‘Head of State’ unless it was possibly in complete unconditional surrender in time of war. You don’t think…Naw he couldn’t have.

What with all the Muslims now in the White House, the FBI and in Home Insecurity, the next thing Al-Obammah may do would be to paint the ‘Dome Gold’ and invite the Ayatollah Khomeini to share his prayer rug. .

Moreover we may just see Michelle donning a Hijaab and holding mengaji readings for the neighborhood ladies in the east wing. Like I said, you might want to learn Arabic.

If anyone in the world cannot see that the Twelfth Caliphate of Islam Al-Barrack bin Hussein Al-Obammah of the house of Obammah is not a Communist Muslim then they have been totally deceived by the Islamic satanic spirit of the Taqiyyah. Besides, the man cannot even find his birth certificate.

If you say, well I need more proof, then proof is not what you need my friend. What you might need is an exorcist.

As I always say, if one continues on a road to the ‘East’ one is certain not to get to the ‘North Pole’.

You might want to get familiar with the new flag, of the United States of Islam.

I think while I wasn’t looking Islam must have taken over the world. Yes Israel too they have Muslims in their Parliament as well.

Didn’t you know that is their agenda???

As I said you really, really need to learn Arabic. You might want to join the mengaji with Michelle and the ladies in the east wing.

And don’t forget your Hijaab and oh! Your Quran

de Andréa

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