Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Legal Jihad

Is Islam’s Sharia Law incrementally replacing the American Constitution?
This is just one small example of this ongoing struggle to save our freedom.

By de Andréa

Imagine an America where no journalist, author, or speaker dared to write, or speak out about militant Islam and Islamic terrorism. Imagine an America where books like Brigitte Gabriel’s Because They Hate were never published out of fear by the publishing company that they could be bankrupted by “libel” lawsuits for simply speaking the truth.
Sound impossible in America? The Lebanese thought so too before Islam took over their democracy in the 1980’s. America is the world’s beacon light of free speech and free press, right? Yes, but those rights are under very serious assault from another tentacle of the infiltration of the west by the on going “Cultural Jihad” of Islam, this one is called– “Legal Jihad.”

One of the tactics being employed by this new kind of Islamic Jihad is to intimidate critics and muzzle investigative reporting of Islamic militancy and terrorism is the use of lawsuits alleging defamation of character and slander. A particularly egregious example of this has ensnared Rachel Ehrenfeld, noted author on terrorism and related issues, and a member of the Advisory Board of American Congress for Truth, the Act For America’s sister organization.

Rachel Ehrenfeld was sued in a British court by Saudi billionaire Khalid Salim bin Mahfouz for detailing in her book how Bin Mahfouz, and some of his family, are tied to funding terrorist organizations in Europe and elsewhere. She lost the suit by default because she rightfully ignored it, she was however ordered by the British court to pay Bin Mahfouz over $225,000 in damages. The fact that she carefully documented all the sources for her accusations in her book didn’t hold water with the British courts. I guess the truth isn’t important there anymore, or, it maybe already controlled by Islam and they are using Islamic Sharia Law instead of British Parliamentary law..

Bin Mahfouz has already used the British legal system to obtain more than three dozen such judgments affecting the U.S. media. His tactics have been so successful that several major American media companies and book publishing companies have chosen to pull books and issue apologies and retractions, rather than face the economic consequences of losing to him in British courts. Indecently Canadian courts have done the same thing to American writers and publishers.
Such legal assaults, if allowed to continue, will have chilling and far-reaching implications for our cherished freedoms of speech and the press so enormous that they threaten the very foundation of American liberty.

It is no accident that our Founding Fathers placed freedom of speech and the press in the very first amendment of the Bill of Rights. They understood that without such freedoms, there could not be a free people. Some of us don’t recognize that the framers documented our rights in order of priority, and that they are all relative and interdependent. If we lose the first one for example, then like dominos, we will loose all the rest, because when we lose the second and the third etc we can’t speak, we would have already lost that right.

The average American is not even aware of the cultural Islamic Jihad going on everyday right here in America. By the time it becomes obvious it will have evolved into violent militant Islamic Jihad in our streets. Only then, it will be too late to stop it and save what might be left of the America we will only read about in history, which is of course if one manages to hide a book or two.

It is no accident that our Founding Fathers placed freedom of speech and the press in the very first amendment of the Bill of Rights. They understood that without such freedoms, there could not be a free people.

Ehrenfeld rightly sought a court order and legal protection of her constitutional rights in the New York court system. Shockingly, a New York Court of Appeals has ruled that it cannot protect her from this lawsuit. The court ruled that it does not have jurisdiction to protect Americans – on U.S. soil – from a foreign defamation verdict!!

This court ruling has stunned many in the legal, media and publishing community. The British court system’s legal standard for libel is much lower than that in the United States, and has already been infiltrated by Islam, which explains why litigants like Bin Mahfouz file lawsuits in Great Britain. They recognize that so far anyway, they are less likely to succeed with such lawsuits in America, so they use foreign courts in an attempt to intimidate and muzzle American authors and journalists.This is nothing more than “Legal Jihad” – and it must be stopped.

An Attempt To Occlude Fortunately, a bi-partisan effort is now under way in New York to pass legislation designed to protect journalists, authors and publishers from lawsuits filed outside the U.S. by foreign nationals seeking to muzzle the First Amendment rights of American citizens, particularly those reporting on terrorism and its financiers.

This Sunday, January 13th, at 10:30 a.m., on the steps of the New York Public Library, 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue, a bi-partisan news conference will be held by New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assemblyman Rory I. Lancman, where they will announce the introduction of such legislation. The two lawmakers, Ehrenfeld, and members of the bar, will warn that without this legislation, not only are authors and journalists threatened, the contents of the New York Public Library could be subject to assault by foreign nationals seeking to silence public debate in America. They are to be applauded and supported for this effort.

THE BOTTOM LINE: My friend, if Islamists are allowed to “court shop” around the world, seeking friendly judges who will issue court rulings and monetary judgments against anyone in America who dares to write or speak out against the assault of these terrorist Muslims; not only will our ability to resist this threat be dramatically imperiled, but this will be a stake in the heart of American free speech and the rights of the press.

This is just one of the many ways in which our enemy, the Nation if Islam is launching this new surreptitious “Cultural Jihad” against America and the west. The use of this incremental infiltration into our culture has been very successful throughout Europe. The replacement of national law with Sharia law is part of the intermediate goal to gain control of as much of the western society Culture and Government as possible, and then violent militant Jihad will begin in the ultimate goal to conquer the world.

If your light bulb has gone on, and you recognize this deceitful assault of “Cultural Jihad” on our country by our enemy the Nation Islam, moreover you would like to do something about it, I would suggest that you let your Representatives in Washington know, because trust me their light bulb is burn out and will never go on. So please if you want your children to live their lives with what is left of the same freedom you enjoyed, then please contact them and shed a little of your light on their path before we all fall into the abyss of Islamic subjugation or worse.

Remember, every government contact is as if a thousand contacts had been made, because they know; only one in a thousand will…

de Andréa

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