Friday, October 27, 2006


Headlines of the Left Wing Extremists

By de Andréa

This one really has my dander up!

Timed of course for the November election, Michael J Fox recently appeared in an ad, promoting Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR) that has obviously been designed to imply that Republicans just don’t care about sick people, especially Conservative Republicans. That’s right Conservatives just don’t care about: old people, poor people, Black people, sick people, children, teachers, homeless people, schools, people shot and killed with guns, warm fuzzy Muslims, trees, weeds, endangered insects, people killed in foreign countries by tyrants, civil rights, Global Warming, Global Cooling, and certainly they don’t care about our environment or any kind of animals. I hope that about covers it. Oh please excuse me I forgot about not caring about Katrina victims.

Now, I will have to agree that at least most Conservatives aren’t too into hugging very many weeds, or hugging some of their liberal creepy crawly brothers, but to say or imply that Conservatives do not care about sick people just because they do not believe in destroying the life of a human fertilized egg, just to steal the stem cells is offensive and a malicious deceptive lie.
First, there is no scientific evidence that Embryonic Stem Cells will lead to cures for anything. Moreover, like the Global Warming bunch, weed huggers, and the PETA people, the purpose of Embryonic Stem Cell or ESC research fanatics, is not to cure sick people, but to provide a sick way to finance Cloning research and suck more money out of the Tax Payers already empty pockets, to pay for this week’s project, hobby, or pet cause.

These embryos are frozen and they will be thrown out anyway, they are just leftovers”. [That brings to mind a movie I saw once about orphan children that were called leftovers] Secondly, one should question the morality behind creating these leftover embryos in the first place. Moreover, what happens when the leftovers run out?

Well my friends they will create new human leftovers only to destroy them for more useless research. It will become a big moneymaking business just like the black market sale of aborted human baby body parts, this is big business. This demand is what is driving the need for more and more abortions and now they will want more and more fertilized embryos. The demand could be so great that human sexuality would be reduced to the harvesting of embryos, or fetuses for profit, moreover, actual reproduction would be a by product and or an after thought. This not about sick people with incurable diseases it is about sick people that want to create yet another toilet for taxpayers hard earned money, and using people with incurable diseases as pawns in their game of defrauding the public.

While there is some evidence that adult or umbilical cord stem cells possibly could be involved in a cure or relief from some medical problems, and despite the lack of U.S. taxpayer money, Embryonic Stem Cell research has gone on all over the world, and still, there is absolutely no evidence, anywhere on this earth anyway, that ESC’s are a prime candidate for curing Alzheimer’s, Spinal cord damage, Brain damage, Lou Gerick’s disease or the Parkinson’s disease that Michael J Fox is pledged with, or the cure of any other disease for that matter. This just brings false hope to people with these terrible afflictions.

In case one would wonder how these empty and sometimes useless causes like Embryonic Stem cell, research, global warming, research, or the Extermination of Humanity in order to save the Environment, research get started; one should just follow the money. There is a lot of money involved in research projects, legitimate or not, some of the projects are led by people that have too much money, not enough to do and too much time to do it in.

This is why we do not hear too much from the opposition, no one is paying the legitimist scientists to waste their time proving what should be obvious to anyone with a functioning organ of thought, or in the case of Global warming enough since to read history. Of course there is global warming it has been going on for thousands of years, long before the environmental invading humans were involved in emitting anything but ammonia or methane gas caused by relieving themselves from natural human waste. But then of course according to the Enviromaniacs we humans especially Conservative ones, are not part of the ecosystem and do nothing but destroy things and hate sick people.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The point is to check out which rock these magnets crawl out from under to make these outrages attacks on people. Whether they are the environmental invading tree hating humans that are trying to melt the glaciers by causing Global Warming, or what our left wing extremist tax sucking liberalists are calling Fire Fighters that are trying to put out a forest fire instead of letting it burn because it was started by a natural lightening strike, or Conservatives that hate sick people, poor people or any other kind of people. If one is lucky enough to find that rock one will usually uncover yet another empty cause led by empty heads filling their empty time, soliciting a lot of money, just so they can pay for ad’s that say or imply that Conservatives just don’t Care and they especially hate sick people.

de Andréa

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