Wednesday, October 18, 2006


By de Andrea

Rush Limbaugh, Immediately following the U.N. resolution for isolating North Korea, asked what will happen when North Korea Ignores the resolution and continues to forge ahead with their nuclear testing? “Will the U.N. then send them a threatening letter, maybe with bold type, maybe with all CAPITAL LETTERS?” Well guess what? The U.N., in the wake of the dear leader Kim Jong Il’s announcement of yet another nuclear test, is threatening yet another resolution, this sounds more than just vaguely familiar. Didn’t they do something similar more than a few times regarding W.M.D’s in Iraq?

According to Bill King, former Chief Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol, “this year the Border Patrol will catch approximately 150,000 non-Mexican aliens called OTM’s, (other than Mexicans), trying to cross our southern border”. That is more than 410 per day 24/7. Moreover a clear 85 percent of these non Mexicans or OTM’s are Middle Easterners, and that is not the worst of it, after they are caught, they are given a court date and then released, inside this country, (along with all the others that they didn't catch) with documents that allow them to travel freely. If that isn’t enough to make one develop a great desire to choke an enemy loving America hating legislator, then try this. Almost none of these OTM illegals ever show up on their assigned court date. One cannot help but wonder how many of these 150,000 Middle Eastern foreign invaders are, Muslim Terrorist enemies. I suppose we will find out when it’s to late. One might want to buy some extra shells for grandpa’s 12 gauge before there is a ban.

Fat Kids
While our kids, according to government statistics, are becoming obese, they are at the same time prevented from participating in old fashion exercise. Daa, I think our educators may just need an education. School Principles and School District Supervisors say are afraid of civil suits if children get hurt while playing these dangerous games that all of us skinny people used to play when we were kids. Dangerous games like Dodge ball, Touch foot ball, Basket ball, and now Tag, moreover, the most dangerous game of all, Hide and Seek. I wonder sometimes how we all survived playing these dangerous games back then, or maybe they were not as dangerous as they are today.

A Vote for Intolerance:
What if we would blowup a few Muslim Mosques/terrorist training schools when ever a Muslim says something publicly that is disrespectful to an American. Before long there would be no more Mosques/terrorist training schools. Moreover maybe the Muslims would all go home. I know that sounds just a little politically incorrect. Oh well!

Border Fence:
Gorbachev says, (but of course who cares what Gorby says) a border fence is like the Berlin wall. Your President Reagan said to “tare down this wall”. Well Mr. Gorby, I've got news for you, the Berlin wall was to keep citizens imprisoned. The U.S. border fence would be to keep foreign invaders out. [Ooooh this is good writing de Andrea.]

de Andréa

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