Saturday, April 22, 2017

In America –Communist Atheists Think Only They Have Rights

"I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away." -- Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 1787. Papers, 12:477.


In America –Communist Atheists Think Only They Have Rights


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for

Posted April 21, 2017

A public school teacher, while exercising her Constitutional rights, banned her students from wearing a Christian Cross, she called it a “Gang Symbol.”
It’ time to fight back my friend

Apparently one has Constitutional rights in the United States of America as long as one is a member of the Communist Atheist Gang.  The Jesus Gang has no rights, they are band from public school.  My recommendation is’ and always has been, PULL YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL NOW!

We cannot abide the assault on our First Amendment rights of religious freedom by the Communists, because the victims of our apathy will be the loss of our children. While many of us have enjoyed lives lived under the cloak of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, ideals that for most of our lives the Republicans AND the Democrats alike have defended. But today the Democrats of America have been taken over by the Fabian Communists Atheists.  If we don’t fight back now, our children will not know the freedoms that we have known.

What should we fight against?  We should fight against people like this and their destructive satanic elitist ideology.

The Daily Caller has a new story about a teacher from Hillsborough County, Florida who has an interesting and despotic way of teaching her Christian students.

An Atheist High School math teacher Lora Jane Riedas believes, as most Communists do, that she is just a lot more equal than the rest of us. She has found herself on the wrong side of the law after the treatment of her students became known. The lawyers for some of the students are from the constitutional defenders at the Liberty Counsel, and they recently sent a letter to the District School Superintendent explaining the situation.

We write on behalf of parents of children in the classroom of teacher Lora Jane Riedas, a math teacher at Riverview High School, who report that Ms. Riedas has prohibited at least three children from wearing Christian cross necklaces in her classroom, claiming on occasion that they are “gang symbols.” They are not gang symbols, but are symbols of personal faith. A picture of one of the crosses, less than an inch tall, is attached. Subsequent to her cross ban, Ms. Riedas singled out at least one of the students for a number of false “misbehavior” allegations.1 One of our student clients reports that she had just sat down in class, and placed her books on her desk, when Ms. Riedas approached her. Referencing the tiny cross necklace which was around the student’s neck, Ms. Riedas said, “I need you to take your necklace off.” Our client asked “Why?” and Ms. Riedas refused to explain, stating “That’s disrespectful; you have to take it off.” Our client did not want to be disrespectful, so she took it off, but she felt bad because she felt she was being forced to deny her faith. All of our clients are afraid to openly wear their cross necklaces in class any more. Ms. Riedas has further engaged in impermissible LGBT political activism in the classroom, and has indicated her intent to further do so during instructional time. Ms. Riedas is planning to promote GLSEN’s 2 “Day of Silence” coercive political activities during instructional time in her classroom on Friday, April 21, 2017. In addition to being opposed to student religious expression, we understand that Ms. Riedas is the sponsor for the R.G.S.A Gay-Straight Alliance (“GSA”) at Riverview High School, and that her classroom is permanently decorated with LGBT political themes, including a large display on her wall stating “ALLY,” a “Safe Space” poster and door sticker, and assorted other LGBT promotional material, including buttons prominently displayed on her desk, facing students, stating “I Love My LGBT Students” and “PROUD Public Employee.” These buttons make other students feel marginalized and excluded, and not full members of the classroom community. Moreover, at the beginning of the semester, Ms. Riedas placed LGBT rainbow stickers on students’ classroom folders without their consent, which were there one day when the students arrived. One of our clients reports that after she removed the LGBT sticker, Ms. Riedas’ behavior toward her changed markedly for the worse…

The totality of Ms. Riedas’ behavior is very concerning: banning cross necklaces on the one hand, while promoting wholesale LGBT political activism on the other. By retweeting GLSEN’s “guide” for classroom activism, Ms. Riedas is encouraging other teachers to engage in what she herself appears to be preparing to do on Friday, April 21: classroom activism during instructional time, requiring students who do not agree with “Day of Silence” to participate in various forced activities entirely unrelated to math class, and rewarding students who participate in the political activity she herself favors.

In banning cross necklaces from three different students in her classroom, Ms. Riedas has “intentionally violate[d] or den[ied] a student’s legal rights.” The right to wear a cross necklace is clearly established. There is no question that students have the right to wear religious jewelry, despite any specious claim of “gang affiliation” by Ms. Riedas. Subsequent to her cross ban, Ms. Reidas has subjected at least one of the students “to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement,” in singling the student out for false allegations of student behavior violations. In her numerous promotions of homosexuality in the classroom, including GLSEN’s “guide” she has indicated an intent to “intentionally . . . distort subject matter” which is beyond the scope of classroom instruction. In the cross ban and subsequent harassment, Ms. Riedas has violated the prohibition on harassment or discrimination “against any student on the basis of …religion . . . political beliefs . . . or social and family background.” The same holds true for any of the activities from GLSEN’s “guide” which she plans to foist upon the students, as well as the final prohibition on “exploit[ing] a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage,” in that she holds a position of power over students, and is using that to push her own politically activist LGBT beliefs upon them…

Parents have the fundamental right to determine the jewelry as well as the associations and activities of their minor children. School officials have no business in intentionally interfering with parent-approved religious jewelry, or in promoting their pet political ideologies during instructional time to a captive audience. The Hillsborough County School District is hereby on notice that any further violations of student rights in this fashion will be viewed by Liberty Counsel as sufficient to support a federal lawsuit for civil rights violations…

Reidas’ behavior is un-American, un-Constitutional and un-acceptable, but unfortunately it is also becoming more and more common in our nation’s public schools. There are a few good teachers toiling in anonymity, working hard trying to educate our children and mold young minds into a creative and intelligent generation. Sadly, those teachers have been overshadowed by the growing thousands  (upon thousands) of teachers, who just like Reidas care more about their own agenda of elitist indoctrination than they do the true education of our children. We cannot allow this to continue my friend.

If you believe that God given rights as endorsed in the declaration - are for everyone and not just those that believe they are just for a self-chosen few, then write your representatives HERE and let them know that Constitutional rights are for all citizens not just the Fabian Communists. Moreover, freedom doesn’t mean that by exorcising ones freedom, one can take someone else’s freedom away.

"No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." -- Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816.

Thanks for listening. Now go do the right thing and fight for freedom. 
- de Andréa
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