Thursday, December 19, 2019

Create An Impeachment, And I’ll Show You The Crime

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)

Create An Impeachment, And I’ll Show You The Crime


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted December 19, 2019

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Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people need to hear truth in the news that they won't get anywhere else. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have blocked and shadow-banned accounts that expose the truth about anything. But I won't put up a paywall. Because never has the free world needed an independent source of real news more than right now my friend.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

This my friend, is why the Department of Education of the Deep State is trying to rewrite history…or’ just get rid of history altogether.

If you have been wondering why I have referred to the Democrats as Communists, which might seem a little extreme, well read on my friend and discover the truth about the Democrat Party and the so-called ‘American Democracy’. In this article I will show the reader that this is war, but not between Republicans and Democrats, but between a Global Shadow Government and the original Republic of America that our founders created.

Since it’s inception in the 1830’s, todays American Democrat Communist party has been surreptitiously turning our country into what the old USSR was. Today, here’ is what the Democrat House of Congress is copying right out of the Russian Communist history book.

The quote above  “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime, “is right out of the history of Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe. He bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as Stalin’s deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953.

Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi (MO or method of operation) was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.  If you have been paying close attention to the impeachment process of President Trump this is also the MO of the US Democrat majority in the House of Representatives who don’t represent anyone except the ‘U.S. DeepState’ of the ‘Global Shadow Government’.

By contrast, under the United States Constitution, there’s a presumption of innocence, ‘not guilt’, which emanates from the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments, as set forth in Coffin vs. U.S. (1895). But alas in today’s unfortunate democracy, which is ‘the conduit to tyranny’, the law no longer rules. Today in a Democrat Communist House, the majority rules, and the law is irrelevant and/or abused. 

The Communist in the House from even before Donald J Trump was elected president, have been focused on Impeachment looking for a Crime. So right out of the Russian Communist history book, the Democrat Communist mantra has become, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

So what is the real truth about who, when, what’ and why’ this Presidential Impeachment is going on in Washington DC, and when did it really begin? This impeachment is a direct result of the American’s electing a president who is not a pawn or a puppet of the DeepState.  

Here is a prime example of American history being totally ignored:  Up until 1913 this country was what the framers created, the Constitutional Representative Republic of America, a country ruled by law, and a government representing the people.  But in December of 1913 the foundation of a true democracy was laid, which is a government ruled by the majority not law. And since that time the United States of America has been a pawn in the hands of a Global Shadow Government
So what was the turning point issues in 1913?

Three foundational laws were unscrupulously and surreptitiously passed in 1913 pouring the foundation of the ‘New American Majority Rules Democracy’ and the eventual destruction of the Free American Republic.

First: the abolition of state legislature representation in the federal government. The Seventeenth Amendment changed the appointment of federal Senators by the individual state legislators, to a popular vote by election, thereby reducing the separation of powers and completely taking away any representation of state governments in the Federal government. The State House was destroyed. The Senate now represented no one but DeepState.

Second: The passing of the Federal Reserve Act, creating an institution that the Framers had fought against for at least 200 years. Forcing the government to borrow money at exorbitant interest rates, putting the federal government in perpetual debt and creating an outrageously wealthy and powerful global organization which is part of the International Banking Cartel. Which is todays ‘Shadow Government’. In the year 2000 there were seven countries that were not controlled by the International Banking Cartel today there are three.  Once all industrialized nations are controlled by the Banking Cartel full Globalism will follow.

And third: The Internal Revenue Service. (IRS) This was to support the Federal Reserve Bank. Today all individual income tax goes to the Federal Reserve Bank in the form of interest. The government is run on borrowed money. We will get out of debt only when the Republic no longer exists, and the Global Shadow Government comes out of the Shadows. This is the Globalist Plan that has been in process for the last 400 years, yes since the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. 

Now pay close attrition, and learn about how history has become the present reality. The truth about what and why. Who and when we have already discussed. ‘Who’, is the Shadow government, better known as the International Banking Cartel. ‘When’, is the idea that began in 1620 and the foundation was poured in 1913.

Now, the ‘What and Why’.

‘What’, is the issue of the impeachment of a duly elected president. A man who ran for president, but wasn’t supposed to win. According to the plan of the DeepState one of their own was supposed to win, criminal Democrat Communist Hillary Clinton a supporter of Saul Alinsky of the American Communist party. And in spite of her attempt at rigging the election, which the truth of, is already bleeding out all over the world. What is left of the American System of the Republic, elected a man who is a threat to the DeepState. A threat to what the Shadow Government has been working toward for the last hundred years.

‘Why’, he must be stopped because he promised to clean up corruption and drain the swamp of the criminal rats of Washington DC.  Those rats are part of the DeepState which are pawns and puppets of the Shadow Government. Donald J Trump’s crime is wanting to return America to the Free Republic it once was. And creating the most successful economy in the world. Incidentally President John F Kennedy tried to do the same and the people of the DeepState killed him. 

Today the truth is leaking out all over the place. It is bleeding profusely, I can only hope it continues. If it doesn’t we will lose our freedom we will lose our country to the ‘Global Shadow Government’.

So what is the structure of this Globalism that I am talking about?

Well, as you have already learned the Shadow Government is at the top of this pyramid of world power. And the Shadow Government is the International Banking Cartel of which our own Federal Reserve Bank is a part of. You have learned that since the year 2000 the Banking Cartel still did not control seven countries in the world, today it is only three.  Soon all industrialized countries will be controlled by the Global Shadow Government.

Under the control of the Shadow government in the U.S. are several organizations which make up the DeepState. One of the most important is the ‘Military Industrial Complex’. No I didn’t make that up. President Dwight D Eisenhower warned the American people about the Vast Military Industrial Complex in his farewell speech.  No one listened.

The ‘Military Industrial Complex’ has become the favorite tool in the hands of the Shadow Government since the ‘First World War’ keeping the U.S. in perpetual war. This forces the Federal Government to borrow more and more money from the Federal Reserve Bank, giving the Cartel a constant flow of money into the International Banking Cartel.

Another very important organization is the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR. Working hand in hand with the Military Industrial Complex, they have been the cause of every war since the First World War, forcing presidents through the DeepState to get involved in perpetual war since the 1913 Shadow Government takeover.

WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the war in Somalia, the North African and Middle Eastern Wars, barely giving Americans time to breath between wars. These are just two of the important organizations in the DeepState, some of the others are the Environment protection Agency EPA, the Global warming organizations, the Energy Department, the Department of Education and many more unconstitutional departments in the DeepState all working to bring what is left of this once free country to its knees and create a dependent society.

Is this good for America? No but it is good for the Shadow Government and Globalism. The DeepState are the pawns and puppets supporting the Shadow Government. The SwampRats are a step down from the DeepState they are the ones who have no idea what is actually going on and like robots are used to do the dirty work of the DeepState.

Mr. Donald J Trump was and is an outsider not part of the DeepState who was and is a threat to the past one hundred year plans of the Shadow Government. They just had to get rid of him. I mean he was “Making America Great Again!”  He even threatened to put America back on the ‘Gold Standard’. As I said earlier, if you remember John F Kennedy tried that and they killed him. Kennedy even printed 45 million dollars in US Treasury notes called “Silver Certificates “because they were all backed by silver, and put them into circulation threatening the power of the Federal Reserve, (the Shadow Government). (After they killed him they were immediately taken out of circulation)

That’s why the Democrat Communists of the DeepState threatened to impeach President Trump even before his inauguration. What High Crimes and Misdemeanors had he committed?  Well none. But remember the Communist mantra “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. It took them the better part of three years but by hook and by crook they finally impeached him. Not even by showing you the crime but by fabricating one. Not by the rule of law but by the rule of the majority, remember we now live in a Democracy not a Constitutional Free Republic.  

Last minute breaking news:

After the vote to impeach the President, Nancy Pelosi said she wouldn’t send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate until she was assured that there was actually going to be a trial that satisfies her. So if you still were wondering if the Democrat Communist SwampRats, (are by the Democrat minority rules) trying to control the entire Government then this should clinch it.


Nan, you can’t play in their Sand Box.  


Now my prediction for the future of the DeepState plan to destroy what is left of the Representative Republic, driving the final nail into the coffin of the Republic.

The abolition of the Electoral College.

The DeepState could, and obviously did, manipulate the popular vote but they couldn’t control the people’s representatives - ‘The Electoral College’. They will attempt to destroy the last vestige of the Constitutional Representative Republic.

Since 1913 the Senate represents the DeepState now the House represents the DeepState and then the Electoral representatives will be gone and then people like Donald Trump will never have a chance of being elected again.  Only those SwampRats supported by the DeepState will become a presidential puppet of the emerging Shadow Government. 

THE BOTTOM LINE: Because the Senate is still controlled by the Republicans, we will have five more years to educate the ignorant programed robots in our society.

The only way a tyranny can emerge is in the face of ignorance. de Andréa

Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire
Democracy is the ability of a people to elect their own tyrant.-Thomas Jefferson
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Abraham Lincoln

On a personal note: The Democrats either have no foggy idea what is in the U.S. Constitution, or they just don’t really care. I think it’s both. What do you think?

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and or friends to hear the truth.
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