Friday, July 26, 2019

The Banning of Words at American Communist Universities

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


The Banning of Words at American Communist Universities


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted July 26, 2019

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Colorado State University Orders Students to Stop Using The Offensive Term “Americans” and “America.”


Abraham Lincoln once said, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” So if you want to know why America has become a swear word…well…just check out what your kids are being brainwash with in school. This is why most college graduates hate America.
This is really not a new thing my friend. The groundwork for this has been in the making since the Democracy Coup by Democrat President Wilson back in 1913.

This my friend, is what President Trump is referring to, when he says: “the DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA,” that’s just in case you were wondering…


Those of you who are my regular readers, know that I am at the very least -discusted and angry at what has happened to our so-called institutions of higher so-called learning.  The Department of Education DoED began in 1980 signed into law by… guess who? A Marxist Democrat, Yes Jimmy Carter established the DoED with a wastful 60 billion a year butget. And now it dictates the indoctrination and hate America brainwashing of your kids from pre-school all the way to a graduate degree. 


This, Mr. and Mrs. America is what your tuition and your hard earned tax money is being used for. And if you think this is the only college institution that is going in this direction, you would be wrong my friend.

Colorado State University — funded by the Colorado State Taxpayers — has ruled that its students must STOP exercising their right of FREE SPEECH and using the offensive word “Americans”   and/or “America”, to help make the campus more “inclusive” for foreigners/illegals, or’ face expulsion.

I can only guess what it is that they would want to replace it with… Maybe - the “Socialist Republic of The States,” or the “Republic of Islamic Jihad” would be more to their liking.

The school is also banning other bad and offensive words such as “handicapped parking, “and  ”the words “male,” and “female” among others.
Yes, the idiotic PCism of our perverted Communist system of higher learning rears its ugly head once again.
The new dictates came from the school’s so-called Inclusive Language Guide, which was created by the money-wasting (HATE AMERICA) Inclusive Communications Task Force, according to Campus Reform.
 As Campus Reform reports:
CSU lists both “American” and “America” as non-inclusive words “to avoid,” due to the fact that America encompasses more than just the U.S. By referring to the U.S. as America, the guide claims that one “erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.” The school suggests using “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” as substitutes.
So, “American” is now an offensive and oppressive term… in America, the school continued.

The university additionally lists many gendered words and phrases that are banned. Including “male,” “female,” “ladies and gentlemen,” and “Mr./Mrs./Ms.” “Male and female refers to biological sex and not gender,” says the guide. “In terms of communication methods (articles, social media, etc.), we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender.”  I suppose it’s considered profiling, another bad thing.
Another word on the ban list is the word “straight.” The school says you are implying that gays are crooked or broken if you call normal people “straight.” Speaking of “normal people,” you can’t say that, either, because it implies the people “other” than gays are in fact normal. Um. No. It does not just imply it. It outright states it as a fact! And it is right! Oh well… that’s another subject and I’m already in trouble.
I think we ought to take back the word gay that the homosexuals stole from our language so they wouldn’t have to admit what they really are.
Then the phrase “handicapped parking” has to go… because it “otherizes” handicapped people. OK. Fine. Then take away their special parking spaces. After all, don’t they want to be treated as equals and just like everyone else? What do they need special parking for anyway?
Other words and phrases that are banned include:
“War,” “cake walk,” “eenie meenie miney moe,” “Eskimo,” “freshman,” “hip hip hooray!”, “hold down the fort,” “starving,” and “policeman” were among other words and phrases deemed offensive and non-inclusive by CSU.
THE BOTTOM LINE: After all this tyrannical subjugation, the people who put out the guide claim that they aren’t being “politically correct,” but just trying to “help” people learn more “inclusive language.” (In other words brainwashed)
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we [ignorantly] destroyed ourselves. Abraham Lincoln

This is some of what Democracy/Democrat tyranny will look like.
Hey, Colorado. Your taxes are going for this Communist foolishness. Time to defund the Colorado Communist State University.
Don’t forget this country used to be a “Constitutional Republic,” before President Wilson ignorantly turned it into a Democracy.

Thomas Jefferson said:  “Democracy is the ability of a people to elect their own tyrant.”

That’s why the Framers created a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. The anti-American DeepState SwampRats from before nineteen hundred created the Democracy and that my friend is why the Democrats are the Communist enemies of the Constitutional Free Republic today.  

I wonder if they will also ban the word "birthday." I mean after all, what about all those poor people who are not having a birthday tomorrow? Won't they feel offended?  Well... they'er trying to ban birthdays in a different banning birth altogether.   

PS – FYI Sean Hannity is the only political commentator that regularly refers to the U.S. as “THE REPUBLIC”.  The only one besides yours truly, that is…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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