Saturday, December 08, 2018

Pakistan Ignorantly Says ‘Jesus Never Existed’

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Pakistan Ignorantly Says ‘Jesus Never Existed’

By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted December 8, 2018


Bear in mind as you read this, Pakistan is a so-called ally of the United States.
Pakistani’s prime minister just made the outrageous statement that Jesus never existed.
In a speech translated by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), Imran Khan said:
“There were prophets of Allah other [than Mohammed], but there is no mention of them in human history. There is negligible mention of them. Moses is mentioned, but there is no mention of Jesus in history. But the entire life of Mohammed, who was Allah’s last prophet, is part of history.”
What makes it outrageous is not only the fact that it’s false, but Jesus is mentioned over and over as a prophet in the Muslim Quran: As I have so often said Muslims don’t even know their own religion. Moreover, Khan believes freedom of speech to insult Christianity is fine. It’s just when it’s the truth about Islam that the freedom is objectionable.
Witnessed in the same speech, Khan launched into a diatribe against those who insult Islam and its prophet Mohammed, saying freedom of speech could not be used “as a cover for hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims around the world.”
Continuing his breathtaking ignorant hypocrisy, Khan urged, “We want the countries of the world to sign a convention which will be called the International Convention on Preventing the Defamation of Religions” [my emphasis].
Of course Khan is referring to his ignorant one way defamation of Islam — not “religions,” as evidenced by his lies about Jesus. As he explained about the convention, “[This] means that freedom of speech cannot be used as a pretext to hurt the world’s 1.25 billion Muslims.”
Khan is well on his way to seeing this convention enacted. The European Court of Human Rights recently set a precedent for this when it ruled that defaming the Islamic prophet Mohammed was prohibited and exceeds the permissible limits of free speech in Europe. (This is in contrast to a ruling by the same court which allowed the insulting of Christianity in 2012.)
Khan cited this ruling, which significantly bolsters his program. “The European Union’s Human Rights Court said for the first time that you cannot hurt somebody’s religion under the pretext of freedom of speech, and especially it said that you cannot blaspheme against Mohammed’s honor,” Khan noted.
So, it should not come as a surprise that Khan consistently upholds Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, which are predominantly used to persecute and carry out vendettas against Christians and other minorities in the country.
As reported by BreitbartPakistan was placed on a special watch list for “severe violations of religious freedom” less than a year ago. It made the list for “having engaged in or tolerated egregious violations of religious freedom.”

Khan recently made a deal with his country’s Islamist mobs. The mobs have been agitating for the death of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother who spent almost a decade in jail (much of that time in solitary confinement) on blasphemy charges and was sentenced to die for her “so called crimes.”
In the same speech as he denied the existence of Jesus, Khan even absolved responsibility for the violence of these mobs, especially in cases where Mohammed is perceived to have been insulted in the West, saying the insults themselves were a ploy to tarnish the name of Islam.
“Every few years, in some Western country, our dear Prophet is blasphemed against and dishonored,” Khan said. “What is the consequence of this? Muslims become angry. We take to the streets in protest…[protesters] break things in our country…It enables the enemies of Muslims to tell people in the West: ‘See, Islam is a big religion that spreads violence.’ They get an opportunity to spread propaganda against Islam.”
Let me give some advice to the Pakistani prime minister. Stop blaming others for your problems. Peace is fostered in an environment of equal rights for all citizens, including the freedom of speech to say what you think (without violence ensuing from perceived “insults”). It’s a great way to put all issues on the table so they can be debated and talked about.
Ask America, it’s a formula that has so far worked for more than 200 years. I’m just wondering how much longer we will enjoy peace and freedom until we become just like our so-called ally Pakistan. Europe has already lost, it is well on its way to the subjugation of Islam.  
THE BOTTOM LINE: Approximately 10 years ago I made the statement to one of my friends that “all the people in the world that knew what Islam was all about - could fit right here in your office.” His response was a predicable…”Naw!” Before he died he said to me, “you were right, now I understand what you meant.”
If you want to be aware of the train that is about to hit you from behind, read the Quran for yourself…the whole thing.  And stop listening to people that have never read it, like the media, including ignorant Muslims who leave it on a shelf high above their head. It is truly a handbook for the subjugation of the world under the evil brutality of Sharia Law.
Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom.  If you would like to write me direct with a question or a comment you can contact me at
- de Andréa

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