Wednesday, November 18, 2009

U.S. Sanctions Against Israel ?

Obama supports Muslim land grab, but Israel threatens retaliation if U.N. approves Palestinian state. Will the Obama regime support Islam in a war against Israel?

By de Andréa

According to the Jerusalem Post, a top Palestinian Authority official said that the PA reached an understanding with the Obama administration regarding a Palestinian threat to unilaterally ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state outside of negotiations with Israel.

Ahmed Qurei, the former PA prime minister, and member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization executive committee, said in an interview that the PA "reached an understanding with important elements within the administration" to bring a resolution to the U.N. Security Council which would unilaterally and behind the back of Israel, create a Palestinian state..

Asked to which "elements" he was referring, Qurei would only say they were from the Obama administration.

Olmert reportedly offered the PA not only 95 percent of the West Bank and peripheral eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods but also other territories never before offered by any Israeli leader, including parts of the Israeli Negev desert bordering Gaza as well as sections of the Jordan Valley, it was rejected, they want it all. Moreover it looks as if Obama will try to get is for them.

"We understand from the U.S. that the Netanyahu government is not in a position to go against creating a state within two years," the PA official said.

The official claimed the Obama administration was ready to ultimately consider "sanctions" against Israel if the Netanyahu government rejected negotiations leading to a Palestinian state. The official refused to clarify which sanctions he was referring to or whether he was specifically told by the U.S. government it would consider sanctions.
The PA official claimed Obama could make a "headache" for Netanyahu if the Israeli leader does not conduct negotiations leading within two years to a Palestinian state.

While Obama is opposed to the expansion of Israel, overriding a bush agreement of building on outlying Israeli land, he is obviously not opposed to Islam taking over most if not all of Israel including the Israeli city of Jerusalem. This advancement of Islam is reminiscent and is what began the Crusades in European history.

A top PA negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity, named the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, and National Security Council member Samantha Power as among the Obama administration officials who were involved with the Palestinians' U.N. threat.

Despite widespread assumptions the U.S. would veto any such U.N. Security Council resolution, the PA negotiator said that in initial discussions, the Obama administration did not threaten to veto their conceptual unilateral resolution.

"The U.S. has a history of never before vetoing any U.N. move to create a new state," the negotiator pointed out.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said yesterday the Palestinians had decided to turn to the U.N. Security Council to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.

Separately, the negotiator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the Obama administration is "totally on board" with a plan by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to create a state on the pre-1967 borders within two years.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The question is, will Obama support America’s enemy against its closest ally, and only the ally we have in the Middle East. Moreover will he get away with it without a mutiny?

I guess that will depend on how much power we have given this Muslim Dictator.

No! I mean King-Imam-Barrack Hussein Obammah…

de Andréa

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