Monday, October 14, 2019

The Second Muslim President of the United States

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


The Second Muslim President of the United States


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted October 14, 2019


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Not unlike Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Islamic Jihad, which is the Muslim struggle to create the “World Nation of Islam”, “The Ummah” in Arabic, by any means necessary, is, and has been, in progress in America for decades.  Although not easily recognized because it is mostly a more effective “Stealth Jihad” it nevertheless is progressing right under our noses and with the help and blessings of the Communist Democrats which is just more proof that the Democrats will go to any lengths to destroy what is left of our Constitutional Representative Republic, referred to as a Democracy since 1913.

With the financial backing of Nazi George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama was the first Communist/Muslim President of the United Sates elected in 2008 and again in 2012. Moreover, I’ am not claiming that he was Muslim, he claimed he was Muslim.  As a Muslim Stealth Infiltrating Jihadist he totally destabilized the Middle East as well as North Africa and helped to create the terrorist group known as “The Islamic State”. He supported Hamas Hezbollah. (the party of god) in Arabic, and CAIR the Council on American Islamic Relations,  as well as The Muslim Brotherhood-the revived Ottomans, all known to be international Islamic terrorist organizations.

Obama made an illegal treaty with Iran right out of the Muslim hand book the Hadith, an exact copy of the 10 year treaty that Muhammad made with the Meccans in 628 AD called the Treaty of Hudaybiyya. Two years later in the year 630 Muhammad violated the treaty and attacked Mecca. Mecca became the second Islamic City State after Medina.  President Donald Trump knew this and so he immediately withdrew from the so-called Iran-Treaty.  Muslim treaties are nothing but an agreement to buy time until ready to attack. Obama knew they would violate it in two years more or less.

Long before there were Muslims elected to high government offices I warned that it was coming,  today we have nearly 60 elected Muslims in governments all around the country and thousands more Muslims in appointed positions in government agencies, school teachers, as well as FBI, CIA, Police Dept’s, and the U.S. Military. 

While Barrack Obama was the first Communist Muslim American President Abdul El-Sayed is being groomed to be the second.

The following information was sent to me by Steve A, one of my faithful readers.

Abdul El-Sayed was born October 31, 1984 and is an American politician, former professor, doctor, 
and civil servant. He was a candidate in Michigan's 2018 Democratic gubernatorial primary election.
In September 2018 he founded the political action committee ‘Southpaw Michigan’ to help elect other Muslim candidates in Michigan such as Rashida Harbi Tlaib, a Hamas Palestinian Muslim Jihadist. Also a member of the terrorist group ‘The Muslim Brotherhood’. 
El-Sayed was executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit from 2015 to 2017. Appointed at age 30, he was the youngest health director in a major U.S. city. Previously, he was assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University. On February 9, 2017, the Detroit News reported that El-Sayed would resign as health director to run for governor.

El-Sayed was born in the Detroit metropolitan area to parents who immigrated to the United States from Egypt.

He grew up in the Detroit area with his father, Mohamed El-Sayed, and stepmother, Jacqueline El-Sayed, a native of Gratiot County, Michigan. Both are engineers. His father grew up in Alexandria, Egypt and immigrated to the United States to study engineering at Wayne State University.

El-Sayed attended the University of Michigan, where he majored in biology and political science, graduated with Highest Distinction, and delivered the student commencement speech in 2007 in front of president Bill Clinton

El-Sayed was awarded a full-tuition scholarship to attend the University of Michigan Medical School, where he completed his first two years of medical school. He was offered the Marshall Scholarship and awarded the Rhodes Scholarship in 2009 as a second-year medical student. He attended Oriel College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar, where he completed a PhD in public health in 2011. He completed his MD at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2014 on a Soros Fellowship for New Americans and Medical Scientist Training Program fellow funded through the National Institutes of Health.

On February 25, 2017. El-Sayed was inspired to run for governor following the Flint water crisis, saying, "I watched as Governor Snyder and his team of accountants were cutting costs and cutting corners. Their inattention to communities ultimately poisoned thousands of children - and those children were the very ones that I was serving at the helm of the health department....

El-Sayed was endorsed by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, a Communist congressional nominee and democrat Communist Socialist activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and 2017 Women's March organizer Muslim jihadist Linda Sarsour. He was also endorsed by the organization Justice Democrats and The Nation magazine. In the August 7 primary he received 340,560 votes, about 30% of the vote, losing to Gretchen Whitmer.

But etch this man's name in your mind. His name is Abdul El-Sayed.
As Obama was, after years of being groomed by George Soros. Abdul El-Sayed has been handpicked by the Left Wing Communists to be their next new “champion” of Hope and Change.
Like Obama, he looks presidential, is articulate, charismatic and smart.

Like all Muslims, he is sympathetic and supports terrorists groups The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood etc. His running for Governor of Michigan is Step 1 in his preparation to run for President of the United States.

In 2020 he will be eligible to run for President. Democrats' mouths are watering in anticipation and are busy raising money for him, Elizabeth Warren is already campaigning for him.

Another Stealth Muslim Communist Trojan Horse?

Al Jazeera, which is widely read by Michigan's large and growing Muslim population, is doing its best to help George Soros make him "YOUR" president in 2020 or 2028!
Go ahead, Google: Abdul El-Sayed-Soros

Bet you never dreamed an unknown, like Obama, would end up as the President of the United States of America, not just once but twice FOR 8 YEARS total, did you?! Well get set for another one, it may be our last elected president.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The history of Islam and the Middle East includes the stealthy surreptitious takeover of one country after another, all in the same way. So that’s why I have by some historically challenged people been called a prophet because I have predicted the one step at a time invasion of Islam into the Western Nations such as Europe, the Americas, Australia and New Zealand. In my lifetime two nations have become Islamic States in the same way that all other Middle Eastern countries have become Islamic States. They are Lebanon and Indonesia. They were both Christian parliamentary democratic nations. French Lebanon and Dutch Indonesia.  

Because History has either been rewritten, or not taught at all in our American Communist/Muslim Public School System, most people think that the Middle East has always been Muslim.  Muslims are even taught that Islam existed at the time of Christ, because that is what is written in the Hadiths, when in fact it didn’t begin until 610 years after Christ. This is why Palestine cannot be the historical home of the so-called Muslim Palestinians. But because we have allowed our history to be rewritten to accommodate Islam we ignorantly and foolishly recognize a Muslim people called Palestinians. Until 1948 both the Jews and the Arabs living in the area were called Palestinians by the British who ruled the area from 1920 after taking it from the Ottomans. Palestine was the name given Israel by the Roman Empire after its defeat in 70 AD.  The Jews had lived in the Semite area known as Canaan and then Israel since approximately 2000 BC.

In fact the entire Middle East was either Jewish Pagan or Christian before Mohammad was born. In the Canaanite Semitic period Iranians were Persians, Iraqis and Syrians were Mesopotamians, Lebanese were Phoenicians Turks and Greeks were Christian, Pakistan was part of India and they were Buddhists and Hindu.  Even Arabia and Egypt were pagan Jew or Christian. Muhammad knew the Christian and Jewish religion very well as he travelled to Iraq and Syria with his Uncle. The Egyptian Coptic’s were among the first Christians. Today they are all or mostly Muslim.

In 610 AD when Muhammad was visited by the spirit in the cave just outside the city state of Mecca, he was told it was Gabriel, Gods Messenger. But Muhammad first believed he was possessed by an evil satanic spirit and was about to commit suicide, as it turned out, he was right. But it was his family that convinced him it was God who had sent an angel.
Today all who identify as Muslim are in fact Jihadist. Muslim Jihad in English literally means “My Struggle” just as Hitler’s Mein Kampf literally means My Struggle. The so-called struggle is to control the world. There is little difference between Nazism and Islam except Islam is Nazism on steroids. Both are commissioned to establish a Global Nation. But Muhammad was smarter than Hitler. Muslims claim Islam to be a Religion of Peace to make it more palatable, rather than what it really is…like Nazism, Islam is actually a Political Ideology, a progressive ideological cult with exactly the same agenda.

So with three terrorist supporting Jihadist Muslims, already in a Communist controlled Congress trying to overthrow our existing government, we are about to ignorantly elect our second Muslim Communist President, only this one is Obama on steroids. As far as a free nation is concerned there is little or no difference between a Communist a Nazi or a Muslim.
They all have the same agenda…Total subjugation of the people.

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today, they historically just bought a prayer rug and a compass.

Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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