Sunday, October 06, 2019

New “Christian” Movement Says Killing Babies is a “Joyous Focus”

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


New “Christian” Movement Says Killing Babies is a “Joyous Focus”


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted October 6, 2019

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A small group of clergy that mistakenly call themselves Christians who have their beginnings in the United Methodist Church of Ohio and also have roots in the Calvinist Presbyterian Church USA, have been traveling across the country using their roles as religious leaders to attempt to justify murdering millions of babies.

On Wednesday, they gathered to “bless” the Whole Women’s Health abortion clinic in McAllen Texas during a sacrilegious ceremony. 

The local news outlet KGBT News 4 reported about the event where abortion activists sang religious songs, prayed and promoted the idea that it is morally acceptable to kill innocent human beings by the millions, more than 60 million so far.

The ultra sound picture is that of an 8 week old unborn baby. 

“We do this to support the community, to tell women, to tell the world, that people of faith don’t all think the same way about abortion,” said organizer Sonia Miller, of the Texas Freedom Network.

The Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, a pastor and abortion activist with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, argued that it is “ungodly” to restrict abortions. (She obviously has no idea who the Judeo Christian God is.)

“We have come to Texas with a serious and yet also joyous focus: to affirm the staff and patients at Whole Woman’s Health as being blessed in their role of providing compassionate care,” Jackson said.  (How is it compassionate to torture and murder millions of little children???)

Jackson is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ who has served in United Methodist and Presbyterian Church USA congregations. She has been a regular at these so-called abortion clinic “blessing” ceremonies. So far, her organization has held them in Ohio, Texas, Maryland and Washington, D.C.

Their goal they said, “Is to make abortions seem morally acceptable in the eyes of the faith community”.

“We want to show them a different vision of faith than they may have experienced before – one that upholds reproductive health, advocates for reproductive justice, and celebrates the beauty and power of supporting the bodily autonomy of each and every person that comes through their doors,” Jackson said.

But this belief right out of the book of Satan, obviously does not include the most innocent and vulnerable human beings. That’s just evil my friend.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Rather than using their influence to promote life and love and compassion for women and their children – All Godly attributes, these perverted religious leaders are promoting death and violence which are satanic in nature. 

True religion, true compassion, does not trample on the rights of innocent human beings. Children’s lives are at stake in abortion, and children are upheld throughout Christian teachings as valuable and worthy of protection.

In the name of religion, these evil religious leaders are perverting the truth and leading people astray and, in doing so, further jeopardizing the lives and futures of countless children in society, as I said so far more than 60 million.

When I first read about this, I thought this sounds like the results of Chrislam. A combined belief in both Christianity and Islam.  Chrislam is a perversion of Christianity that has ignorantly allowed Islam to infiltrate the Church. Only one thing can happen in that case and that is the total disintegration of Christian values to be replaced by Islamic values which has no regard for human life.  Click Here, If you want to know more about Chrislam and the falling away of Christianity.

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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