Monday, October 21, 2019

The Second Fake Impeachment Coup of Donald Trump

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


The Second Fake Impeachment Coup of Donald Trump


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted October 21, 2019

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Comrade Nancy Pelosi chose criminal minded Adam Schiff instead of the usual practice of House Judiciary Chairman, in this case, Jerry Nadler to steer the Democrats’ second fake impeachment coup against Donald Trump. Many of her fellow comrades in the House Communist party questioned the wisdom of the decision after criminal minded Schiff’s disastrous performance as the face of the frame-up Russian collusion conspiracy theory of the first fake impeachment coup of the dully constitutionally elected president.
Those worries mushroomed into full-fledged panic when Schiff made a startling admission about how he planned to proceed with his plans to push articles of impeachment through the House.
Why do I say it is a FAKE IMPEACHMENT?  Well my friend, because it’s not real. The Communists may be criminal, but they aren’t stupid. They know all too well that even if they are somehow able to manipulate, twist, spin and ignore the rules and impeachment actually passes the house, Trump will never be removed from office.  So all they can hope for is, if they put enough doubt in the minds of the voters then maybe, just maybe they can take full control of the government, the nation, and the people.
The focus of the Democrats’ fake impeachment inquiry began with a fake “whistleblower” that allegedly filed a fake complaint claiming President Trump improperly pressured the Ukrainian President (even the Ukrainian president himself, said he wasn’t pressured, but that is neither here or there) to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for possible corruption in Ukraine.
Allegations of a “quid pro quo” involving Ukrainian military aide also hovered around the so-called “whistleblower’s” complaint.
Note: No one has ever seen, nor heard from, this so-called whistleblower. So until he/she is produced, he/she doesn’t legally exist.
But as more details emerged it is quickly becoming clear the Democrats erred in putting all their alleged eggs in this alleged basket.
First, it was revealed the intelligence community inspector general found the so-called “whistleblower” held a political bias against President Trump. Not only was this so-called “whistleblower” a registered Democrat, but he/she also allegedly worked with Joe Biden when Biden served as Obama’s Vice President.
The so-called “whistleblower” may also have committed a felony by not disclosing his contacts with Adam Schiff’s Congressional staff on the complaint form.
With all the red flags surrounding the so-called “whistleblower’s” credibility popping up, Schiff and the Democrats continued to move the goalposts on his/her testimony.
Schiff and the Democrats claimed the so-called “whistleblower” needed to testify from a secure location with their face obscured and their voice altered out of fear that Republicans might harm him/her.  Owooo this sounds mysteriously cloak and dagger, but then this is how criminal rats operate in the Swamp.
When that didn’t pass the laugh test, Schiff went on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday morning and claimed the so-called “whistleblower’s” testimony wasn’t needed after all.
Oh well that’s good, because he/she likely doesn’t really exist anyway.
“Our primary interest right now is making sure that, that person is protected. Indeed, now there’s more than one whistleblower, that they are protected,” Schiff told CBS.
WOW! Now they have alleged whistleblowers coming out of the walls and woodwork. They have all the whistleblowers they need but apparently without whistles.
“We do want to make sure that we identify other evidence that is pertinent to the [investigation] — the withholding of the military support, the effort to cover this up by hiding this in a classified computer system,” Schiff added. “It may not be necessary to take steps that might reveal the whistleblower’s identity to do that.”
No mention that Trump voluntarily turned the transcript of the phone call over to the DOJ. What cover-up???  What other evidence? This is a typical Schiff criminal tactic, to claim ‘more/plenty/other evidence that is never produced’, just as he did in the first coup attempt.
New York Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin blasted Schiff for this chicanery on ABC’s “This Week.”
“There should be a process, but instead what Adam Schiff wants is to get the United States of America drunk on his favorite cocktail,” Zeldin declared. “There’s three ingredients: One is cherry-picking leaks, second is withholding facts, and three he is just outright lying.”
Trump supporters suspected Schiff was playing games all along.
The so-called “whistleblower’s” credibility and motives sit at the heart of this matter.
But if Republicans can’t question this so-called “whistleblower”, because Pelosi won’t bring the impeachment to a house vote, the American people will never have the opportunity to fairly judge their complaint and decide if the President’s conduct rises to the level of an impeachable offense.
Pelosi is wrong when she says that the Constitution doesn’t require a vote of the full House to impeach the president. Investigation is part of the impeachment due process.
Note: Constitutional law doesn’t stipulate what part of the house, what party, or majority, or minority. That’s because the law reads, “The House of Representatives shall” meaning the whole House not just a few or a part of. They legally must have a vote of the full house. 
Schiff, Pelosi, and the Democrats know this but as usual they don’t care. Remember in a Democracy the majority rules not law. The law only rules in a Constitutional Republic.
And why is the fake and illegal impeachment inquiry being conducted without a vote and in secret? So the Republicans cannot participate. "No Due Process For You Trump"
The Democrats figure the less the American people know about what is going on in the Swamp, the better chance they have of impeaching President Trump. If that is even their real intention. Or’ because this is all fake, is it then the intention to just drag this out until the 2020 election just to cast a shadow over the reelection of Donald Trump, leaving enough questions in the minds of the manipulated voters so that Trump will lose?
Thank God we still have enough of the Constitutional Representative Republic left so that we still have the representation of the “Electoral College” that is until the Communists do away with that as well.
THE BOTTOM LINE: But not to worry, we still have the last vestige of our Constitutional Representative Republic. It’s called the Electoral College, which was designed by the Constitutional Architects to prevent exactly what is happening today, the criminal manipulation of the voters.
Remember despite the criminal interference and attempted manipulation of the 2016 election by the DNC, the Constitutional safeguards prevailed, and Donald Trump was legally elected the President of the United States.
This my friend is why the Communists now want to abolish the Electoral College, the last protection of our Free Representative Republic. If they are ever able to accomplish that, America will have become a full-fledged True Democracy, where the majority rules, instead of law, where the minority have no rights of representation, or no rights at all.
The DeepState SwampRats started the destruction of the Republic back in 1913 with the passage of the 17 amendment among other unconstitutional acts– this destroyed the balance of power between the state and the federal governments by changing the election of the Senators from the appointment by state legislators to the majority of the popular vote. This was the first blow of destruction to the Representative Constitutional Republic. Now the majority of the people can be manipulated into voting for DeepState SwampRat Senators of the Communist Democratic Progressive Party. And the states have no direct representation at all.  
A True Democracy is a guaranteed one way trip to tyranny my friend. This is why the Framers did everything they could to prevent it. And now the Democrats are doing everything they can to promote it.
A related article: “The Secret History of Todays Anti-American Democrat Socialists Communist Party”  This article proves without a doubt that the Democrats have had since their inception, the agenda of enslaving the minority by destroying the Republic, the Constitution, and freedom. Turning this nation back into a subjugated people. And-as usual I challenge anyone to refute it.

Moreover they will never stop…  

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have another war for the survival of our freedom.

Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and or friends to hear the truth.
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