Thursday, November 07, 2019

The U.S. Media Is No Friend Of American Citizens - Instead They Are Friends Of Terrorists

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


The U.S. Media Is No Friend Of American Citizens - Instead They Are Friends Of Terrorists


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted November 7, 2019


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So what is the hate America Communist media up to now? Well in order to promote their ambiguity of the border crisis, the NY Times and other anti- American media pin the Mexican cartel killings on the victims themselves. Moreover, they ignore the cartels involvement of not only trafficking drugs, but the smuggling of Iranian terrorists across the border into the U.S.

Members of the LeBaron family mourn at the site of the cartel killings where nine family members — three women and six children — were killed and/or burned alive during an ambush by members of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel in the Mexican state of Sonora.
The Mexican Federales know exactly who they are, but are paid to look the other way.

Breaking news coming out of Mexico detailed the horrific cartel killings of an American family, which, astonishingly, The New York Times has blamed the victims because of their religious practices. Specifically a perversion of the Mormon Cult.
 An American family whose ancestors lived in Mexico for the last  one hundred years was ambushed and massacred by Sinaloa Drug Cartel, with three women and six children murdered. The scene as described by surviving family members is horrific:  “They described a terrifying scene in which one child was gunned down while running away, while others were trapped inside a burning car. Two of the children killed were less than a year old, the family members said. The car they were in with their mother was set ablaze.”
 In one article, the family is described as being part of a “fundamentalist Mormon community,” while in another the spotlight is on the victims’ faith.
 In fact, a quick Google search of the NY Times coverage of the tragedy yielded the following headlines on articles put up at various times during the day by the Times: 9 Members of Mormon Family in Mexico Are Killed in Ambush,” “A Storied Mormon Family Reels After Mexico Murders,” “What We Know About the Killing of 9 Mormon Family and US Victims in Mexico Attack From Mormon Offshoot Community.”
 In between all these headlines, and example of another mainstream media source, NBC chimed in with its own coverage: Slain U.S. citizens were part of Mormon offshoot with sordid history,” which detailed, well, the “sordid history” of the group which they nevertheless rightfully called a “cult.”

This honestly might be the most disgraceful stunt the Communist media has ever pulled. And that is saying quite a lot. 

Thanks @nytimes. For a second there, I thought it was the murderous cartel’s fault that six children were burned alive while their mothers were raped, then shot rather than Mormonism. Silly me. 

Six children were murdered and this is how the hate America New York Times chose to cover it. It’s pathetic but typical of the Communists Times to ignore the perpetrator and blame the victim.

With its single focused political views, the mainstream media is now more engaged in creative writing, rather than factual, reporting.
 Acknowledging the real issue of cartel killings, violence and terror infiltration on America’s southern border would have given a nod to the wisdom of Trump’s solutions for the border crisis: the need for increased security and more stringent immigrant vetting, and challenging sanctuary cities across America that provide safe havens for criminal and illegal aliens.
So, instead, the NY Times and other mainstream Communist media outlets decided to make these cartel killings an issue of religious fundamentalism. It’s the victim’s fault.
 Ironically, when it comes to Islam, the mainstream media doesn’t seem to have any problem not blaming religious fundamentalism. In fact, the media narrative since 9/11 has been that “Islamic Terrorism, is a religion of peace” so blaming them for anything would be an attack of their “PEACFUL” so-called religion, which is not even a religion but a militant ideology not unlike Nazism.
The fact is that how we talk about victim’s matters just as much as how we talk about oppressors. President Donald J. Trump got that right. Tweeting the news, he offered Mexico help in fighting the real culprits, the cartels, referring to them as monsters. But knowing the Mexican government is at least partially supported by the illegal drug industry the Mexican president declined.

Iranian supported Hezbollah uses Mexican Drug Cartels to infiltrate Terrorists into the U.S.ail

Iran and its terror proxy Hezbollah are financing Mexican drug cartels, smuggling ISIS fighters into America and recruiting them (for pay) as ISIS sleeper jihadist cells.
 The coordinated operation is part of Iran’s war on America.
While Iran and Hezbollah are known to be active in the drug trade further south in Latin America, many are unaware that Iran, through its proxy Hezbollah, finances money laundering operations and human smuggling through the Mexican drug cartels at the U.S. border.
 The operation is founded on the known fact that the U.S.-Mexican border is easy to penetrate, with tens of thousands of aliens and asylum seekers from Mexico and other Latin American countries coming into the U.S. from Mexico every month.

 In southern Chiapas in Mexico, there are Muslim communities. These communities are made up of Syrians and Lebanese who migrated to Mexico decades ago as well as recent Mexican converts to Islam. In addition, Islam is gaining a foothold and in southern Mexico, with indigenous Mayans converting by the thousands. 
These communities are funded in the Diaspora and all contain sleeper cells. With the help of Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican Federales who are paid to look the other way, they finance and traffic Terrorist Jihadists to the United States. 
Canada has also become their target after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lifted the visa requirement for Mexican citizens. 
For example, Ayman Juma, a Lebanese citizen linked to Mexican drug cartels and involved in the drug trade in Latin America and Mexico, is a member of the Hezbollah. He is also associated with al-Qaeda. 
Juma has smuggled tons of drugs from Mexico to the United States. The money made is used to fund terrorism, especially to prepare terrorist attacks against Israel as well as Hezbollah’s activities in America. 
Hezbollah also managed to smuggle 200 illegal Lebanese through Mexico to America. All of them are part of a network of Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists supporters. 
After his arrest, Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, a Lebanese citizen who infiltrated the United States through the Lebanese-Mexican smuggling network, admitted to the FBI that he spent part of his time in the United States to raise funds to support Hezbollah’s activities. His efforts netted $40,000 for the terror group. 
According to what Korani also told the FBI, his brother is the head of Hezbollah’s military division. 
The smuggling network is a clear example of the symbiotic relationship between the Mexican drug cartels and Hezbollah. Salim Bougader, for example, ran a Lebanese smuggling network in Mexico where he successfully brought in many enemies of the U.S. into the country. 
For example, one of the many smuggled in by Bougader worked for a Hezbollah-funded television station that glorified suicide bombers and was part of an anti-American propaganda machine during the time when U.S. soldiers were dying while serving in the Middle East. 
Hezbollah, in cooperation with Mexican drug cartels, also smuggles drugs to Europe and the Middle East, as well as to the United States. According to the U.S. Justice Department, it is obvious that Hezbollah views America as a source of funds for its operations. 
Due to their partnership, it would be reasonable to assume that Hezbollah is also complicit with the Mexican drug cartels that are responsible for killing tens of thousands in Mexico every year in drug-related violence.
 Although the United States has one of the most powerful intelligence services in the world and is not located in the Middle East, radical Islamic terrorism continues to threaten America — especially through Mexico, which has the largest border with America and one that is relatively easily to penetrate. 
This leads one to the conclusion that, at the very least, a border wall is needed to protect the U.S.’ national security interests from the likes of ISIS, Iran and Hezbollah. 
THE BOTTOM LINE: There is a good reason why China puts Muslims in prison. While it might be because Communists usually eventually put all religious people in prison, they know that Islam’s agenda is in competition with their own. To conquer the world and establish their own form of subjugation, oppression and tyranny. The only difference, the Communists and Nazis don’t hide their ideological agenda behind a false religion.

On a personal note: Yours truly, has never claimed to be a News Reporter, on the contrary I always considered myself to be an opinion editorialist. But unlike the so-called “News Media”, I actually publish the truth, usually backed up with sources which because I write opinion it is not even required. And yet the so-called News Media writes fiction without the facts.  

I have sent such articles as this to Congress and the Senate, I doubt they read them, that’s why they remain ignorant. And unless you do something about it, America will fail from the inside.  

Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”.

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today they historically just bought a prayer rug and a compass.

Think about it…


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Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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