Monday, November 04, 2019

Oregon Pastor Says Allah Is Not God

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Oregon Pastor Says Allah Is Not God


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted November 4, 2019

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This my friend defines the satanic influence that Islam has had on once
Christian America.

In sharp contrast to many Christian churches these days such as the so-called Chrislam churches, a phony meld of Islam and Christianity, this Pastor is telling it like it is…

Everyone has their two cents about religious freedoms and how they should be upheld, but more often than not Christians are the ones who are silenced and persecuted more than any other. One awesome Pastor in Oregon decided he was no longer going to allow ANY of his God-given First Amendment rights to continue to be infringed upon, and he let it be known with a couple of signs.
The Belmont Baptist Church Pastor has decided that he won’t play the politically correct game and instead is going full out “Biblically Correct.” Can I get an AMEN here? Taking on Islam is hard enough for most folks, but it is something that is greatly needed in this country, and many of us should take this Pastor’s move as incentive to do the same.
In this world of political correctness, it’s so nice to hear Christians defending their faith. It is inspirational to see someone not backing down. The Communist - left really needs to grow up and ignore the things they don’t agree with and stop trying to ban and censor everyone else.
They demanded that the little Christian church remove the signs but the pastor didn’t back down. The Christian sign rotated with messages like, “Wake up Christians. Allah is not our God. Muhammad not greater than Jesus.” and “Only the Bible is God’s word. ‘Holy book.’ Koran is just another book.”  Controversial, but fully within the 1st Amendment rights to free speech and religion.
“I’m not politically correct. I’ve never been politically correct, but I think I’m Biblically correct, and that’s what matters to me.” The pastor of Belmont Drive Missionary Baptist Church in Ft Hood, Oregon said. (WATCH THE VIDEO)
The view from the Belmont Drive Missionary Baptist Church is beautiful, but
many say the messages outside the church are downright ugly. The reader board now displays two messages. The first reads, “Wake up Christians. Allah is not our God. Muhammad not greater than Jesus.” The second says, “Only the Bible is God’s word. ‘Holy book.’ Koran is just another book.”
“I literally had to stop and back up and make sure I saw what I saw, and I was profoundly offended and upset by it,” Eric Cohn said. Cohn, a Hood River resident, first spotted the message while he was out for a bike ride. He couldn’t believe what he was reading, and he isn’t the only one. “I was really annoyed and sad,” Hood River mayor, Paul Blackburn, said. “I’m annoyed that in this political season there’s a solid case of ugly going on. I think it norms up this kind of behavior like ‘oh it’s okay to be a bigot now.’”
So they took to social and broadcast media to complain. They complained, the issue died down. When did Americans, of any race or religion, get so weak that a simple sign that they disagree with cannot be ignored? When did we get to the point where differences caused people to fight so hard as to lose all common sense?
So being Christian is bigotry now! If bigotry is intolerance, my friend, then Islam is bigotry personified. Why do I say that? Because the Islamic Quran teaches to kill all non-Muslims while the Christian Bible teaches to love your enemies. Read the books my friend and discover the truth for yourself.
THE BOTTOM LINE: In a world gone mad with Jihadist Muslims, we have the right and even the duty as Christians to stand up and say we will never bow to a satanic ideology regardless of what the popular mindset may be. We all see the devastation in the European countries that have allowed PC to protect the Muslims while the Christians and conservatives get arrested, beaten, and killed or run out of town for standing against it.
It is well past time that Christians come out in force and put an end to being pushed down into the shadows for fear of repercussions if we so much as speak out against something that violates our own rights and beliefs.
Let’s show this Pastor some respect and back him up in this fight in any way we can. My religious right is no less than the next person’s rights, and I will fight to the death to see it respected and honored in our country. This is “One Nation Under God” and history has proven and documented that America was indeed founded on God and the Christian value system and no man should be able to silence that truth!
God Bless America!
If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. Or as in Europe they are beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today they historically just bought a prayer rug and a compass.
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and or friends to hear the truth.
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