Thursday, September 26, 2019

U.S. Dept. of Education Funds Public Indoctrination of Islamic Ideology.

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


U.S. Dept. of Education Funds Public Indoctrination of Islamic Ideology.

What is its purpose? Read and learn, my friend.


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted September 26, 2019

If you would like to write me direct with a question or a comment on this or other articles, you can email me at


Back to School


U.S. Government Schools Indoctrinates Kids in the Ideology of Islam

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…
The Nazi Third Reich is nearly exactly the same as the Islamic Third Jihad.
Anti-Americanism, anti-Israel, anti-Christian, pro-Islamic Jihad, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Globalism and ‘the fear that humanity is causing the end of the world’, is in some form or other abusing your kids in American Public Schools that I refer to as ‘Indoctrination Institutions’ from Kindergarten through Graduate School. That’s not an accusation my friend, that’s a fact…

If you want to change this…TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS then they will have to listen.

And if you or any of your friends think this is just a bunch of political right wing garbage, conspiracy theories, or as many have accused me of, as being nothing but a racist then this is your chance to learn the truth for a change.
Everything written in this article is documented by credible sources. Check out all the highlighted-underlined-hyperlinks, to the sources.

Is the First Amendment limited to just the Congress? No - the Fourteenth Amendment made it apply to all government agencies both State and Federal.

The Department of Education is a Federal agency and has been in violation of the Constitution since it was established by Jimmy Carter, (a self-described Democrat Progressive) in 1979.  Once part of the Department of Health Education and Welfare HEW created on April 11, 1953, when Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 became effective. HEW thus became the first new Cabinet-level department since the Department of Labor was created in 1913 at the beginning of the new American Democracy. The Reorganization Plan abolished the Federal Security Agency and transferred all of its functions to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and all components of the Agency to the HEW.  
During the time of the Dept. of HEW the education part was mostly used to gather statistics about American education it wasn’t until after the Dept. of Education became its own entity in 1979 did it have much to do with the actual education of American children.
The Public School System
In 1852 Horace Mann established a statewide system of education in the state of Massachusetts, which became the first state to pass mandatory school attendance laws. But it was not until 1918, again after the establishment of the ‘New Socialist Democracy and the abolition of the Constitutional Republic’ in 1913, were children required by law to receive a government run education in all states. That was the beginning of the Public School INDOCTRINATION System that we have today.  
The very existence of today’s Dept. of education violates a half dozen other parts of the constitution as well, including the Tenth Amendment which prohibits the Federal Government from establishing anything that is not listed in the Constitution. 12 years ago I challenged any’ and everyone to find any reference in the constitution to education and have yet to hear from anyone on that subject.
But this is nothing new and is certainly not isolated to the Dept. of Education. Seventy eight percent of the Federal Government is unconstitutional under the Tenth Amendment and has been growing toward full a blown Socialists Democracy since 1913 when America lost is Constitutional Representative Republic under the Wilson administration, (just in case you missed it) which was a Quid Pro Quo for getting him elected by the Anti-American Caucus at the time.
Note: A Democracy by the way, is a government run by the majority of a majority elected government, to hell with the minority, instead of a Constitutional Representative Republic where the minority is included. That’s why the Democrat Communists want to get rid of the Electoral College, the last vestige left of the old American architects Constitutional Representative Republic of 1787.

I don’t think we have had any independent thinking individuals in government since Abraham Lincoln who said “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” This means that by illegally teaching the Ideology of Islam in our schools today, we will have an Islamic state in the next generation.
Today’s Public School Curriculum

The new school year is upon us and Access Islam, a program backed by the anti-American unconstitutional Department of Education, and promoted by PBS, yes that PBS, the one with the frog and the piggy, it  is under fire again after being exposed as an Islamist indoctrination program promoting jihad.

Before I go any farther let me explain a very important aspect of Islam. Contrary to what you may have been indoctrinated with, Islam is not a religion, it wasn’t even recognized by the Constitutional Framers as a religion. Islam is a political ideology not unlike Nazism with the same agenda of world subjugation. And please…don’t’ just believe me just because I said so. Buy a copy of Mine Kampf, the Third Riche, the Quran and a Hadith and read them for yourself. Example: The German words ‘mine kampf’ mean ‘my struggle’ in English, and the Arabic word ‘jihad’ means ‘my struggle’ in English and the struggle in both cases is to crush and subjugate the world for the satanic being “Allah”.  Moreover that is not just coincidence my friend.

As I have said on numerous occasions, “Islam has infiltrated every part of American culture and government, Local, State and Federal.”

This program claims to educate school children about religious diversity, but it is specifically geared to turn your kids into little Muslims and future jihadists.

Children in grades K through 8 are required to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam then they are told to make posters about them, read and interpret Islamic scripture from the Quran and provide examples on how Muslims implement these lessons into their everyday lives.
No, that picture is not a school in Iran, that is a U.S. Public School.

In the U.S., students in the program were required to copy and learn the shahada, (the Muslim declaration of faith), which declares, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” As I said making little Islamic jihadists out of your children.
In New York, students were shown videos of Islamic terrorists justifying their attacks against Israelis.
In Massachusetts, students were given reading materials funded by Arab states such as so-called U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which advocates for the so-called “Historic Muslim Palestinians” even though until the 1960’s the only people recognized as Palestinians by the rest of the world, were Jews.” As soon as, and while these textbooks were being used in schools, there was a sudden rise in the amount of anti-Semitic attacks. Mmm I can’t imagine why, can you?
It should be noted that the U.S. Department of Education backing Access Islam contradicts not only the U. S. Constitution but the United States’ stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The United States has shown public support for Israel and does not recognize a country called “Palestine.” Because it never existed in history and it doesn’t exist today.  How can the U.S. publicly support Israel while simultaneously supporting anti-Israel ideologies being taught in its own public school system? Something you might want to ask your Representative while you still have one.

There is a certain point where education is transformed into indoctrination and or brainwashing and child abuse, in this case, it is Islamic indoctrination. Many people have accused The Department of Education and Access Islam of crossing this line, based on the fact that no other religion is taught in this manner, if at all, in American public schools and with no critical eye.

In fact, no other program of this scale has ever been backed by the U.S. Department of Education, only Islam.

Moreover, in states where the program is taught, it is not offered as an elective course, but rather a required subject. The program is not even taught in religious studies classes. Students encounter Access Islam lessons in their mandatory classes. There have been multiple cases of parents requesting that their child receive an alternative assignment, but their requests have been refused. Parents of children are told they will receive a failing grade if they do not complete the Access Islam assignments. Islamic brainwashing is mandatory in American Public Schools.

There has been a nationwide outrage against this program in recent years and with a new school year about to start, it is important to get all the facts out.
Access Islam is an Islamist indoctrination program not an educational program. It lacks the objectivity required to legally implement a program of this manner in our public schools.

Muslim Anti-Semite Countries Writing California High School Curriculum

Three committee members tasked with writing California high school curriculum have expressed support for the BDS movement, (Boycott Divest and Sanction) against Israel, reported by the Washington Free Beacon in a recent expose.

The BDS movement has been deemed at its core anti-Semitic, according to the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by the U.S. State Department and 31 other countries worldwide and yet that is what is taught to your high schoolers.

In addition, one of the teachers on the 18-member committee is a self-described Palestinian Muslim activist, who currently uses teaching materials that utilize state-owned media outlets from Iran and Qatar as source material.

Members of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus, as well as various Jewish groups have raised concern over the proposed curriculum for Public high schools, which is being described as “blatantly pro-Islamic, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.” As well as anti-American.

The three members of the committee with a history of anti-Israel bias are Gaye Theresa Johnson, Theresa Montano, and Samia Shoman.

Johnson and Montano have expressed  full support to the discriminatory and terror-tied Islamic BDS Movement.

Shoman, a Palestinian Muslim jihadist activist and California high school teacher, authored a history curriculum on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Her five-week course and supplemental materials can be found at the KARAMA Arab and Islamic World Information Project.

The teaching materials from Shoman are absolutely designed to the point of proselytizing. Some of the curricula documents utilize state-owned media outlets from Iran and Qatar as source material.

The Qatar Foundation International (QFI), a US-based member of the Qatar Foundation (QF), promotes Shoman’s anti-Israel curricula through their teaching web portal Al-Masdar.

QF is an arm of the Muslim jihadi Qatari government, founded and led by top Qatari officials. QF is also committed to promoting the Islamic teachings of Muhammad al-Wahhab, the founder of “Wahhabism,” an extreme radical form of ISIS terrorist Islam.

QF is also linked to the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization (now declared a terrorist organization by President Donald Trump) and is a front group linked to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Qatar has come under criticism for their funding of U.S. schools. Based on figures provided by the Department of Education, Clarion Project recently reported that, since 2012, Qatari entities have given close to $1.5 billion to U.S. universities in the form of Quid Pro Quo monetary gifts and contracts, surreptitiously turning our schools into Muslim subjugated dependents.

QFI currently provides Arabic language program grants to 22 primary and secondary schools throughout the United States.

The California high school new Muslim anti-American, anti-Israel curriculum is currently going through public comment before board approval next year. Passage of this curriculum will mean an increase in Qatar’s involvement and influence in primary and secondary schools throughout America as well as American children being taught blatant anti-Semitism as well as American Islamic Jihad. (The overthrow of America)

You can contact the California Department of Education to voice your opinion on this issue by clicking here.

And if you think this stops at the end of primary and high school, well think again my friend.


The Trump Administration challenges a University Program that is a cover for promoting Islam


Trumps new Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is challenging a government-funded program promoting Islamic Jihad.

Left-wing hate America academic SwampRats are up in arms about the Trump Administration threat to cut federal funds for a program promoting Islam that violates the Constitution, promotes Islam and anti-Semitism and advances “Islamic ideological priorities” that have nothing to do with the stated purpose of the program.

As reported by the AP, the program in question is run by University of North Carolina and Duke University. The Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies received $235,000 last year from the government for the program which was supposed to promote foreign language instruction for the purpose of preparing students for careers in diplomacy and national security.

Yet, an investigation showed that the program blatantly promoted “the so-called positive aspects of Islam” but not Christianity or Judaism. Moreover, a conference put on by the program titled “Conflict Over Gaza: People, Politics and Possibilities,” featured a rapper who performed a “brazenly anti-Semitic song.”

The investigation into the program was ordered by Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos after North Carolina Rep. George Holding exposed the conference for its “severe pro Islam, anti-American and anti-Israeli bias and anti-Semitic rhetoric.”

In a letter to the program, the government noted “a considerable emphasis [on] understanding the positive aspects of Islam, while there is an absolute absence of any similar focus on the positive aspects of Christianity, Judaism or any other religion or belief system in the Middle East.”

Further, the program doesn’t address the discrimination faced by religious minorities in the Middle East, “including Christians, Jews, Baha’is, Yadizis, Kurds, Coptic’s Druze and others.”

To qualify for government funds, programs must offer a “full understanding” of the region. Moreover almost no proper history of the Middle East, or any history that hasn’t been rewritten is even taught in public schools.

The government’s investigation also showed that many of the conferences and academic papers put out by the consortium’s scholars had nothing to do with the stated goals of the program. In fact, only 11 percent of the program’s graduates pursue careers in government.

Instead, the program put on a conference titled “Love and Desire in Modern Iran” and papers addressing “Performance, Gender-Bending and Subversion in the Early Modern Ottoman Intellectual History” and “Radical Love: Teachings from Islamic Mystical Tradition.”

Note: The word love is not found in the Quran or any part of Muslim history.

The government called out the program in a letter stating, “We do not see how these activities support the development of foreign language and international expertise for the benefit of U.S. national security and economic stability.”

Note: Islam is not a language

Department of Education officials gave the program until September 22, 2019 to come up with a revived schedule of activities and to explain how each of these activities line up with promoting foreign language learning and national security.

In response, Henry Reichman, chairman of a committee on academic freedom for the American Association of University Professors, bristled, “Is the government now going to judge funding programs based on the opinions of instructors or the approach of each course? The odor of right-wing political correctness that comes through this definitely could have a chilling effect.”

Similarly, Jay Smith, a history professor at UNC and vice president of the university’s chapter of the association, said the government’s letter written by Robert King constituted “ideologically driven harassment.

Smith further added that King, “should stay in his lane and allow the experts to determine what constitutes a ‘full understanding’ of the Middle East.”

THE BOTTOM LINE: As I stated at the beginning of this article - the statements by these academics are outrageous in their blatant dismissal of nothing short of violating the Constitution of the United States, which states, according to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, that the government may not favor one religion over another. And don’t forget that Islam insists that its political subjugation ideology is a so-called “religion of peace.”

Further, far from so-called right-wing political correctness (an interesting twisting of a Left-wing concept conceived to harass Conservatives and promote Left-wing Communist ideology), academics should be held to the same standards of accountability as everyone else when receiving government funds.

Far from being an issue of “academic freedom,” when a university accepts funds for a program based on specific goals, it is not unreasonable that they should not only have to design a program to meet those goals but that they should also have to submit to a review by their benefactors to see how well they are doing.

It is supremely ironic that these academics want the government to stay in their “lane,” but at the same time, have no compunction about coming into that “lane” when it comes to grabbing money.

Watch videos from the Access Islam curriculum (more videos from the program can be found by clicking here):

The First thing I suggest as a parent is to keep a close eye and ear on your children’s school, at the first sign of anything remotely similar to what is discussed in this article – pull your kids out…then talk to the principal and the district supervisor etc. It is the only way they will listen. If everyone in your school did that, things would have to change.   

If this is not what you want my friend, you had better do something about it now while you still can. You can do that HERE - HERE and HERE.  Or as in Europe we will soon be beyond the point of stopping it…we will have a war for our survival. Or’, just as every country that is an Islamic State today they historically just gave up and bought a prayer rug and a compass.
Think about it…

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and or friends to hear the truth.
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