Friday, July 05, 2019

Abolish The Electoral College And Usher in Communism

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Abolish The Electoral College And Usher in Communism

Happy Independence Day


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted July 5, 2019

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If you are a regular reader of mine, you will know that I am a really big fan of the US Constitution and the architects who designed it.  And yes they did know more about government and political science than we will ever know. The main reason for that is because they knew their history. The real truth of history isn’t even taught in government/public schools anymore.  We are not unlike the USSR, in that history is at best being rewritten, and at worst…

To me it is unthinkable that on this past Independence Day July 4 2019 there are those in America that want to abolish what is left of the foundation of the most successful government system in the past 6000 years.  And as you have likely heard, the hate America Dem's have all agreed that "America has never been great."  All of the Democrats Communist were against the celebration of Independence Day on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Why? Because they are afraid it will bring people closer together, moreover they just might just learn a little about the history of their own country.  And that, my friend, would spell disaster for the SwampRat elites

The first truth that I need to establish or myth that I need to demolish is the belief that this country was meant to be a D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y. Well' my friend the truth is, that it was not meant to be a democracy any more than it was meant to be a Communist or an Islamic State. As a matter of historical fact the Constitutional architects were so afraid of America becoming a democracy that they could hardly sleep at night, shuddering to think that after all their hard work and bloodshed this country would ignorantly and surreptitiously deteriorate into a dreaded democracy.

America was designed to be a Constitutional Representative Republic, but it's a Democracy that you now hear from our members of Congress and is now spoon feed to your kids in government schools. The Framers knew that if the United States would ever become a democracy that it would soon become a Totalitarian State. Why? Because all throughout history every time a democracy has be tried as a form of government it would last only for approximately 100 years max, before evolving into Despotism. It’s inevitable.  

The Framers worst nightmare began in 1913
In 2009, four years before the 100 year anniversary of our newly formed Democracy, I wrote an article titled “The Freedom Train”. Because I knew that the threat of Communistic Tyranny was coming soon, and as you can now see it’s here. No, I’m not psychic, I just know my history.

In 1913 during the regular Christmas adjournment the Congress had enough members to legally have a vote on three bills that the scoundrels of the newly formed shadow government that today is called the DeepState SwampRats, pushed through three major bills including the   16th and 17th Amendments and the Federal Reserve Act, which President Woodrow Wilson signed into law on Dec 23 because of political favors he owed to the anti-Constitutional elites, resulting in his election. His legislation included the Federal Reserve Act, the Underwood Revenue Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act, the 16th and 17th Amendments and child labor laws. The 16th and the 17th Amendments were later fraudulently sold to the states for ratification, and according to some historians even the ratification was fraudulently skewed to bring about the desired result.

Plans for a new government
The 16th Amendment, we all know to be the IRS or the federal personal income tax amendment. This was needed to fund a planned expansion of the new national democratic socialist government that the Shadow Government was now embracing. The 17th Amendment was one of the necessary eliminations of the old Republic that helped to maintain State Sovereignty. A balance of power between the State governments and the Federal government. It now made Senators directly elected by the people (Democracy) instead of the State legislator’s thereby eliminating State representation in the US Congress. Here I will return to my original statement referring to the Constitutional architects that: “yes they did know more about government and political science than we will ever know”.

So what does this have to do with the Electoral College today?
Now, with an adequate supply of money in which to pay interest on loans through the IRS and no State interference by State controlled Senators along with the Federal Reserve Act providing an unlimited supply of loans, we had the foundation for a true D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y, a government directly ruled by the majority (MOB RULE) rather than the rule of law and elected representatives. And NOW a Senate representing only themselves and not the states. A gigantic shift in the balance of power. The only thing left was to have the majority of citizens directly elect the president as well, eliminating the Constitutional Representative Electoral College, then we would be at the point of no return, the Free Representative Republic would be a government of the past, OPENING  THE DOOR TO TYRANNY.

Today the state of Colorado is considering abolishing the Electoral College, The beginning of the end of our original Constitutional Representative Republic. That is what the Framers designed this country to be, not a Democracy. So what is the difference? In a nutshell a Constitutional Representative Republic is a representative government ruled by constitutional law. A Democracy on the other hand is a government directly ruled by the majority, regardless of the law. The majority rules…And just in case you haven’t noticed, that is exactly what has been happening.  The president for example can’t even do what is required of him by law, because the majority of Congress says no! The law requires the government, for example, to protect this nation from invasion. The president wants to obey the law but the majority in the house and senate says otherwise. Majority rules. Just wait until we get rid of the Electoral College and the President is directly elected by the popular majority vote instead of the representatives, as I said there will be no turning back.  Today it is just a little more than 100 years since the Democratic foundation was laid in 1913.

So how does the Electoral College work and why is it better than a direct popular vote?
The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors who cast votes to decide the President and Vice-President of the United States. When voters go to the polls, they will be choosing which candidate receives their state’s electors. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (270) wins the Presidency. The number 538 is the sum of the nation’s 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, and 3 electors given to the District of Columbia.

How does the Electoral College work?
Every four years, voters go to the polls and select a candidate for President and Vice-President. In all but two states, the candidate who wins the majority of votes in a state wins that state’s electoral votes. In Nebraska and Maine, electoral votes are assigned by proportional representation, meaning that the top vote-getter in those states wins two electoral votes (for the two Senators) while the remaining electoral votes are allocated congressional district by congressional district. These rules make it possible for both candidates to receive electoral votes from Nebraska and Maine, unlike the winner-take-all system in the other 48 states.

How are the electors selected?
This process varies from state to state. Usually, political parties nominate electors at their state conventions. Sometimes that process occurs by a vote of the party’s central committee. The electors are usually state-elected officials, party leaders, or people with a strong affiliation with the Presidential candidates.

Do electors have to vote for their party’s candidate?
Neither the Constitution nor Federal election laws compel electors to vote for their party’s candidate. That said, twenty-seven states have laws on the books that require electors to vote for their party’s candidate if that candidate gets a majority of the state’s popular vote. In 24 states, no such laws apply, but common practice is for electors to vote for their party’s nominee.

What happens if no one gets a majority of Electoral College votes?
If no one gets a majority of electoral votes, the election is thrown to the U.S. House of Representatives. The top three contenders face off with each state casting one vote. Whoever wins a majority of states wins the election. The process is the same for the Vice Presidency, except that the U.S. Senate makes that selection.

Can you lose the popular vote and win the Electoral College vote?
Yes, a candidate could lose the popular vote and win the Electoral College vote. This happened to George W. Bush in 2000, who lost the popular vote to Al Gore by .51% but won the Electoral College 271 to 266. And also President Donald Trump was elected by the Electoral College he lost the majority vote by approximately 3 million votes. Without the Representative vote by the Electoral College, Hillary Clinton would be president today.

When does the Electoral College cast its votes?
Each state’s electors meet on the Monday following the second Wednesday of December. They cast their votes then, and those votes are sent to the President of the Senate who reads them before both houses of Congress on January 6th.

Why does the Electoral College matter?
The Electoral College determines the President and Vice-President of the United States. The Electoral College system also distinguishes the United States from other systems where the highest vote-getter automatically wins.

This “indirect election” process has been the subject of criticism and attempted reform, though proponents of it maintain that it ensures the rights of smaller states and stands as an important piece of the American Representative Republic.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The Constitutional system of representation is what maintains the balance of power in our Free Republic. In 1913 the first major blow to our freedom was cast. Abolishing State representation in the Federal Government seriously affected the balance of power between the States legislators and the Federal legislators. The direct election of the Senators to the Congress not only eliminated any input from the states to the Federal Government but it eliminated most of the usefulness of two houses of Congress. We essentially now have one House of Congress representing the people and one House representing themselves. The 17th Amendment effectively eliminated the State House.

Today we have a bunch of anti-American, anti-Constitutional brainwashed Flower Children who want to drive the final nail in the coffin of the Republic by abolishing the last part of the representative electoral process (The Electoral College) and fundamentally change this once Free Constitutional Representative Republic into a Lawless Autocracy. Every one of the Democrat Progressive anti-American Socialists running for President in 2020 say they will work to abolish the Electoral College. In other words they will do everything in their power to abolish the Republic and replace it with a Socialist Tyranny.

Thanks for listening. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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