Friday, April 26, 2019

Is California a Model For the Demise of The United States?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Is California a Model For the Demise of The United States?


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted April 26, 2019

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California has become the best known sanctuary for gangs and drug cartels, illegal aliens, drug addicts, the homeless, human trafficking, unhealthy environment, lawlessness, Muslim terrorists, and political criminals. 

Governor Moonbeam Brown of California, ruled that his entire State of California is declared to be a ‘Sanctuary State’ for criminals, terrorists, drug and human traffickers. How’s that again? This means anyone from anywhere is free to come into the criminal Communist state of California, enjoy its benefits paid for of course by taxpayers as in any socialist country, and not risk arrest for being here illegally. Many get away with crimes without punishment. California has always been a little flaky but this is way over the top my friend.

Awhile back I received a press release from California’s anti-Constitutional Senator Dianne Feinstein proclaiming that she is introducing a bill to rescind President Trumps Discriminatory Order on Immigration Refugees.”

Here is her statement to the Press:

“President Trump’s discriminatory executive order isn’t about strengthening our national security. It’s a transparent effort to fulfill his campaign promise to implement a ‘Muslim Ban.
“These divisive policies alienate our allies in the Muslim world and fuel anti-American sentiment by sending a message that the United States is out to punish one religion.
“To say that someone who comes from a particular country or is a member of a particular faith is barred from this country is contrary to our founding principles and will do nothing to make us safer.”

Of course, all the Democrat senators are backing and supporting Feinstein’s bill while Nazi Billionaire George Soros provides lobby bribes and payola money. Soros wants all borders open so criminals can come and go as they please. It is a ploy to weaken our country, the only country in the world now standing in the way of his ‘One World Government’ agenda.

When President Trump proposed the banning of Muslim entry into America, the Democrats yelled that this wasDiscrimination. Well duh! You bet it is, and for good reason. These crimes were not committed by the Boy Scouts.  Think San Bernardino, Orlando, 9/11, Ft. Hood, and dozens of other attacks and attempted attacks from within that show it is good sense to discriminate against criminal organizations such as the MS-13 drug cartel, German Nazis, Russian Communists and ISIS Jihadists.  (And in case you are wondering, yes Nazis still exist in Germany.)

When a specific identifiable group has a tenancy to commit murder, then it is good sense to look at that group with suspicion as the group itself is so inclined to commit crimes. (And yes that should include Planned Parenthood who have murdered more than 60 million Americans.) This just shows how far down the toilet our once free country has gone.

In the case of Islam, Di Fi, as most left wing Democrat Communists ignorantly identify Islam as a First Amendment religion. The truth is that Islam is a foreign criminal despotic ideology, not unlike Nazism or Communism. It is not a religion protected by the First Amendment, it is a criminal homicidal barbaric organization. This is what happens when we ignorantly elect ignorant people to Congress.

The following my friend is the agenda of Islam written in their own book the Quran: Please read it for yourself…

The Quran says: 

"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies" Quran 22:19 "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" Quran 2:191 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhoodQuran 9:123 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them” Quran 9:5 “any religion other than Islam is not acceptable” Quran 3:85 “the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them” Quran 9:30 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam Quran 5:33 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them” Quran 8:65 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends” Quran 3:28 “terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an” Quran 8:12 “Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize the infidels” Quran 8:60  “Allah Commands Muslims to smite the neck of anyone who did not accept the teachings of Islam. It says to strike them in the neck till many of them have been killed or wounded; until they embrace Islam” … The Quran Sura 47:4


Now ask yourself my friend: Is this a religion that the Framers wanted to protect by U.S. Constitutional law? Or is this a Criminal ideology not unlike Nazism or MS-13? Moreover they aren’t protected by the First Amendment either.


Question: So why do Muslims migrate to Western countries?

Answer: To impose Sharia Law, which they are determined to implement in any county they enter. This has been the goal throughout history for more than 1400 years. And enter they do with the Soros sponsored hate America Democrat Socialists making certain all doors are open to them.

Presenting themselves as “refugees” Muslim Jihadists manage to cross borders that are no longer borders. Once in, they immediately set up shop and prepare to commit Jihad, killing citizens from within to frighten and drive them into compliance with THEIR Sharia rules. There is not even a question of them assimilating into the culture of the country they crash. The goal is to transform any country they enter, into Islamic rule, dragging it from modern society back to the Stone Age.

It is all about conquest, never assimilation. They enter a country to take it over. And the George Soros anti-American Democrats have viciously attacked President Donald Trump’s ban on further entry of Muslim Jihadists into the U.S. which should be reasonable to any independent thinking American. This is not only common sense, but essential for the safety of our country.

One doesn’t even have to be an expert in Voltaire philosophy to understand this my friend. Although you might want to pay some attention to what he said about Islam back in the 1700’s, 300 years ago. They haven’t changed my friend, not in more than 1400 years.  

The Quran teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others, murder as a legitimate means for the dissemination and preservation of this satanic doctrine. It talks ill of women, classifies people into classes, calls for blood and ever more blood. Yet, that Muhammad, a camel trader, sparks uproar in his tribe, that he wants to make his fellow citizens believe that he talked to the archangel Gabriel; that he boasted about being taken up into heaven and receiving a part of that indigestible book there, which can shake common sense on every page, that to gain respect for this work, he covers his country with fire and iron, that he strangles fathers, drags away daughters, that he leaves the beaten a free choice between death and his faith; now this is certainly something that no one can excuse, unless he came as a Turk into the world, unless superstition has stifled any natural light of reason in him.” Voltaire 1694-1788


“Muslims in the United States should not assimilate into American society, but should instead act to please Allah and only Allah,” said Linda Sarsour, leader of the Women’s March and a rising star among Democrat Socialists.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Throughout history Muslims have migrated to non-Muslim countries. Why? Not to assimilate…but to create another Muslim country.


Today we are nearing the end of Stage 2 of Islamic Conquest in America, the consolidation of power.  With Muslims now freely elected to the U.S. Congress we will soon enter Stage 3, open warfare w/ leadership & culture which in the 35 known terrorists training camps now in the U.S., they are now preparing for. At this stage there is no stopping America from becoming the next Islamic State. At least not without a war resembling Civil war. France for example, is at the beginning of stage 3 with England, Germany, Holland and the rest of Europe not far behind.

So if the U.S. continues to follow the model of California and its blind ignorance about providing sanctuary for anyone and everyone we will not only lose our freedom but we will lose our country, and our lives.  

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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