Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Are The French Covering Up The Notre Dame Fire? And Are Sri Lanka Bombings: A Surprise?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


Are The French Covering Up The Notre Dame Fire? And Are Sri Lanka Bombings: A Surprise?


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted April 24, 2019

French Stonemasons At Notre Dame Tell Of Working With Muslims “Who Hate Us” Naw! Muslims are a peaceful people, and love Christians and Jews, at least that’s what they’ say.


But the Quran says: "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies" Quran 22:19 "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" Quran 2:191 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood" Quran 9:123 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them” Quran 9:5 “any religion other than Islam is not acceptable” Quran 3:85 “the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them” Quran 9:30 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Quran 5:33 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them” Quran 8:65 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends” Quran 3:28 “terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an” Quran 8:12 “Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize the infidels” Quran 8:60  Allah Commands Muslims to smite the neck of anyone who did not accept the teachings of Islam. It says to strike them in the neck till many of them have been killed or wounded; until they embrace Islam” The Quran Sura 47:4


Muslims Lie…

I received the following from a French-speaking contact. The tweets at the link were in French, but the summary provided here is sufficient to give you an idea of what is being said. The fact that the African Muslim workers pray on site five time per day facing east indicates that they are not just Africans, but Muslims, and their hostility to the French and Christians may be a result of the contempt that the best of people (spoken of the Muslims) in the (Qur’an 3:110) have for the most vile of created beings,” (the unbelievers) in the (Qur’an 98:6).

Does this mean that the Notre Dame fire was an arson terrorist jihad attack? Well read on my friend and then you decide if it raises the possibility that it could be, and the question of whether or not the French government has the will even to investigate the possibility that could by now be so politically explosive, or to tell the truth about what it finds if it shows up its policies in a negative light. They would risk war the French Muslims.
France is nearly dominated now by its approximate 8.5 percent Muslim population. Historically it takes only 7.5 percent Muslim population for a country to begin its serious domination by Muslim ideology. By contrast the percentage of Muslims in the US as of 2018 is approximately 1.9 percent of the total population and is expected to reach 2.1 percent by 2020 and 7.5 percent by the year 2050.  So Americans still have a little time to purchase their prayer rugs and hijabs. France, on the other hand, is already an Islamic State.
In Ian Fleming’s novel Goldfinger, the eponymous villain says, “Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: ‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.”  Given the large number of church burnings and desecrations currently taking place in France, it is reasonable to ask whether the inferno that engulfed the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was really an accident as it is being portrayed, or was it an attack by the Muslim Jihad terrorists that are now in control of France.

Don’t worry, if you don’t’ see it now – you will, when it comes to America.

“Notre Dame cathedral fire likely caused by accident: [say French officials] The fire that tore through Notre Dame Cathedral was probably caused by accident, French prosecutors said on Tuesday after firefighters doused the last flames in the ruins overnight…”
…that’s what they tell us. Emphasis on words “likely” and “probably” and “accident”.

Does anyone with even a mediocre sense of reality and relative common sense expect the French authorities to actually cough up the name (or names) of people responsible for the fire? Does anyone actually expect Macron now a puppet of Islam, to divulge who is responsible for the inferno…?

The Church is an iconic symbol of Christianity in France. For millions, an arson attack on the Church represents nothing short of an act of war on Christianity. Does anyone really think that Macron will ever reveal who set the fire especially if it’s Muslim terrorists…?

No matter what the investigators find out, it will always be a likely probable accident of restoration to the public. Translation: some people did something”.

Will the French media connect the dots of horror to the March 17th burst of flames at the second largest church, Saint-Sulpice, on March 17?  Will the French government admit a spree of vandalism against 10 Catholic churches across France that sparked fears of a fresh wave of anti-Christian sentiment in the country?  Will the French authorities speak of arrests of 3 Muslim women who were preparing an attack on Notre Dame in 2016 by packing a car with gas cylinders left near the famous Church?  Will the French underscore the fact that France’s labor is entirely unionized? With restoration workers going home promptly the minute the clock struck 5 pm. How coincidental that the fire ignited after the end of the work day and departure of all Muslim restoration staff! No one was injured, no one was on sight……the rest you can speculate yourself.

In the meantime, enjoy tweets of joy from ISIS and all Muslims at this turn of   events. “Allah est grand”, Mohamed Mouara commented at the sight yesterday. YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are ablaze with similar sentiment.

The Quran says that the destroyed remnants of ancient non-Muslim civilizations are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected the “truth”: “Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.” (Quran 3:137). The Islamic celebrations have begun my friend.

Final thought: does it seem a bit odd that terrorism was ruled out within a few minutes of the blaze? The French are a gifted lot, but they need to share some of this miraculous investigative ability with the rest of the world don’t cha’ think?

And then there are the nine bombs that tore through churches and hotels in three Sri Lankan cities on Easter Sunday. The death toll had risen to nearly 300, with more than 500 others wounded by Monday morning. Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardene described the coordinated blasts as a terrorist attack by Muslim Jihadists.

So what is the history of Islam in Sri Lanka?

In the 7th century A.D., with the arrival of Muslim Arab traders Islam began to flourish in Sri Lanka. By the 8th century A.D., Muslims had controlled most of the trade on the Indian Ocean, including that of Sri Lanka. Many of them settled down on the island in large numbers, forcing the spread of Islam. However, when the Portuguese arrived during the 16th century, many of these Muslim traders' descendants - then called the Sri Lankan Moors - were the main merchants of spice trading, with networks spanning to the Middle East. The Portuguese colonists after many terrorist attacks by the Muslims, attacked and destroyed the Sri Lankan Moor settlements, warehouses, and trading networks. Many defeated Moor jihadists sought refuge from persecution by escaping to the interior of central Sri Lanka. The population of Sri Lankan Moors significantly declined during the Portuguese colonial rule due to the defense against the Moors. The Sinhalese ruler King Senarat of Kandy gave refuge to some of the Muslims in the central highlands and Eastern Province, of Sri Lanka.

Then during 18th and 19th centuries, Javanese and Malaysian Muslims ignorantly bought over by the Dutch and British rulers contributed greatly to re-growing the Muslim population in Sri Lanka. Their descendants, now the Sri Lankan Malays, adapted several Sri Lankan Moor Islamic traditions while also contributing their unique cultural Islamic practices to other Muslim groups on the Island.

Today Muslims compose approximately 9.7percent overall of the Sri Lankan population, however some provinces are as many as 40 percent Muslim. So it is no surprise that Muslims Jihadists are murdering infidels and burning Christian churches in Sri Lanka.  It’s what their Quran tells them to do.

THE BOTTOM LINE: This is just part of the Grand Ummah of Islam (The grand Jihad and the world nation of Islam) taught in the Quran. The ignorance of this is beyond astounding to me, and this ignorance will eventually involve the entire world. Just like Nazism is, the agenda of Islam is the subjugation of all the peoples of the world to Sharia, (Islamic Law).   As I said, it’s what the Quran says, Muslims lie to the Infidel because it’s what the Quran tells them to do.

My suggestion is that you don’t read the Quran or the Hadiths or the Sunnah, you will continue in your ignorance and one day when there is blood in the streets, you will wonder what happened. The Bliss of ignorance will only take you so far my friend.

Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom. 
- de Andréa
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