Saturday, October 20, 2018

What Does It Mean To Be A Real American?

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)


What Does It Mean To Be A Real American?


By de Andréa

Opinion Editorialist for    

Posted October 20, 2018

The true foundation of America is not a democracy as the anti-America media propaganda says, the real foundation of America is individualism.

Defining individualism within the construct of the United States and what it means to be an American, gives us an understanding of both our individual purpose and the purpose of our Constitutional-Republican guaranteed form of government.

Article 4 - Section 4 – of the U.S. Constitution:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
A Republic 1: a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and is usually a president; also: a nation or other political unit having such a government 2 a government in which supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law; also: a nation or other political unit having such a form of government Source: NMW
In the context of the United States, both definitions apply.
Both John Locke and Charles de Montesquieu, two of America’s most influential Enlightenment philosophers, articulate this as well. Dr. Lyle Rossiter, in his study of the American psyche, gives a very concrete definition which eloquently and clearly characterizes the meaning and function of individualism; and, as Dr. Rossiter rightfully states, Individuation is fundamental to any society grounded in the principles of individual liberty.”

Dr. Rossiter defines and explains individualism as:
“The autonomous individuated adult correctly assumes his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He assumes the right as a moral conviction: he has a proper sense of entitlement to a life of his own, to live as he sees fit and not as someone else directs. But mature autonomy does not consist in a belief that one should be able to do or have anything that one wants without regard for others and without earning it. It does not imply entitlement to goods and services from others simply because one demands it or needs it. That is the attitude of a dependent child…It is not the callous disdain for the other that is always present in a pathological narcissism but often concealed by superficial charm.
The truly autonomous person learns in contrast to the narcissist that every other person is also an autonomous agent in his own right, not a mere object to be exploited…the truly autonomous person honors the sovereignty of other competent persons and respects their right to live lives of their own. These insights are critical to participation in a free society. They ground our conception of individual liberty, lead to prohibitions against encroaching upon the persons and property of others, and establish the attitudinal foundation for equality under the law.[1]

Locke, nearly a century prior to the formation of the United States, wrote[2] that “Men being, as has been said, by nature, all free, equal, and independent, no one can be put out of his estate, and subjected to a political power of another, without his own consent. The only way whereby any one divests himself of his natural liberty, and puts on the bonds of civil society is by agreeing with other men to join and unite into a community, for their comfortable, safe, and peaceable living one amongst another, in a secure enjoyment of their properties, and a greater security against any that are not of it…wherein the majority have a right to act and conclude the rest.[3]

This individualism cannot be supplanted by the will of a majority. It is the cornerstone behind why we are not a democracy, but a deliberately chosen Constitutional-Republic.[4] Our Founders studied the democracies of the past and understood their abject failures, so while embracing democratic principles; they reject democracy as a form of governance. They realized a pure democracy, as history had demonstrated, was a road to despotism, and an absolute breach of individualism. Moreover, I say this because, few understand that in the year 1913 with the passage of the unconstitutional 16th and 17th Amendments, as well as the Federal Reserve Act, the United States became a true pure democracy. Today as in all of history we are surruptishisly, as the Framers feared, - on the road to despotism.
Rossiter continues:
“Individualism insists that an individual’s freedom to live as he chooses may not be subordinated to any collective-based rules beyond those essential to ensure social order and equal liberty for all individuals…[and]…must give first importance to the individual, not to a group; no collective cause should be allowed to override those rights. The only legitimate function of government is to foster the lives of citizens by protecting their rights as individuals, not as members of a class or group; no collective cause should be allowed to override those rights. Individualism opposes any conception of the state or other collective as primary in value over the individual. In particular, it opposes any notion that the individual exists for the good of the state.[5]
Bibliography Source is at the bottom of this article.

Our Philosophical Founders, Locke, and Montesquieu couldn’t agree more.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Somehow I have always known this.  Maybe it’s because in my day they still taught real American history. While I have written articles on this subject several times before. I decided after graduating from the class on American Constitutional History at Hillsdale University in Hillsdale Michigan that this was an appropriate time in our political history to revisit this important, little known and little understood truth about our American Heritage.
If one is ignorant about where one comes from, one will also be ignorant about where one is going.
Thanks for listening my friend. Now go do the right thing, pray and fight for truth and freedom.  If you would like to write me direct with a question or a comment you can contact me at
- de Andréa
Please pass on this article to everyone on your email list.  It may be the only chance for your family and friends to hear the truth.
[1]  Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., 2006, The Liberal mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, (St. Charles, IL: Free World Books, LLC), pp. 130-131.
[2] Locke ascribes to this throughout his Second Treatise articulated it in a variety of descriptions.
[3] John Locke, 1982, ed. Richard Cox (originally published in 1690), Second Treatise of Government, “Book VIII: Of the Beginning of Political Societies, Sec. 95,” (Wheeling, IL: Harlan Davidson, Inc.), p. 58.
[4] In pages 120 to 125, Montesquieu begins building the bases for why separate states join to build a confederate-republic. See Charles de Montesquieu, 2010 (originally published in 1748), The Spirit of the Laws, “Book IX: Of Laws in the Relation They Bear to a Defensive Force,” ( Book), p 120-125.
[5] Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., 2006, The Liberal mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, (St. Charles, IL: Free World Books, LLC), p. 146.
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