Friday, November 06, 2015

The U.S. Constitution Identifies Islam as a Hate Group


The U.S. Constitution Identifies Islam as a Hate Group
Islam is not a religion protected by the First Amendment.

By de Andréa, Opinion Editorialist
Published November 6, 2015

Obama’s former White House Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary (a terrorists Muslim Brotherhood member), asserted:  “America is an Islamic country” with an “Islamic Compliant Constitution.”

Elbiary, like most Muslims, believe that America will be part of a Muslim majority world within the next ten years.
To understand Elbiary, Obama, and all other Muslins, it’s important (as I have been saying for years,) to first understand that Islam is not a religion. Not as we understand the definition of religion.  “Religious worship” is only a facade and only one aspect of an expansive Islamic political agenda, an ideology of subjugation.  It is more like the ideology of Nazism than a generally accepted religion.
As Islam puts it nose further and further under the tent of western civilization, the people become more and more deceived and actually thoughtlessly protective of the destructive force from Hell, it is just a matter of time…
The infiltration of Islam and their Sharia laws of violent tyranny and subjugation:
Islam regulates financial transactions and contracts, a perverted version of morality, philosophical beliefs, and so-called moral, criminal and civil law. Islamic Shari’a Councils exist in societies worldwide, which institutionalize and regulate violence against women, honor killings, child marriage, and domestic violence.
Islamic rules are outlined in the Quran by Muhammad, a self-proclaimed prophet and political leader, about which he explicitly stated no follower of his could alter or ignore. While Islam, literally translated, means “submission” or subjugation [to Allah—or death], Islam and Sharia law are one and the same.
Islam’s totalitarian political ideology specifies a mandatory legal system to oversee all areas of society—and rejects every aspect of western law.
·        Drinkers of alcohol, gamblers, and unmarried sexual partners must be whipped;
·        All gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people are to be executed if sever punishment does not result in repentance and halting of perverted behavior.
·        Free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to worship or not worship do not exist under Islamic law.

In fact, the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunnah all clearly articulate Islam’s ultimate goal: to implement worldwide totalitarian rule under Shari’a Law.
It’s important for concerned American citizens to understand that Islam, which means “submission,” is not a religion. (Watch the video) It is a totalitarian ideology that exists in three phases, which all exist in today’s America.

Total infiltration is underway in America towards this end.
The Muslim Brotherhood recently announced its intention to create a political party to engage Muslims in U.S. politics in addition to the numerous organizations and agencies it has infiltrated over the last several decades. CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) and other organizations and Islamists are actively trying to make every state constitution Sharia compliant.
Obama’s close friend and Muslim advisor, Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR, pictured at right, claimed:
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America.”

Belgian leader Abu Imran helps clarify the Islamic perspective:

“Democracy is the opposite of Islam. A Muslim who supports democracy is equivalent to a Jewish Muslim. It’s impossible to be both Jewish and Muslim and impossible to be a Muslim without Sharia.”

The lie:  There are just a few extremist that have “High-jacked a peaceful religion.”

According to the Quran, it is every Muslims duty to participate in the transformation of all governments worldwide, to Sharia Law– which is why all mosques act primarily as political centers, not “religious” institutions as we have been deceptively indoctrinated with.
According to the Center for Security Policy, they have proved that at least 81 percent of all mosques in America distribute imam-promoted literature that encourages violent Jihad as part of advancing Islam, but likely it’s 100 percent. According to the Center’s survey results, data, and calculations, the majority of men who attend mosques on a weekly basis attend mosques that promote terrorist jihad.
Because the imam-distributed material classifies as hate speech, many Islamic organizations affiliated with and/or funding/managing mosques can be classified as “hate groups.” More importantly, they can also be shut down.
The Qur’an is the only so-called “religious book” that requires its followers to target and kill certain people— solely based on their ethnicity and religious belief and/or affiliation.
Even if considered “religious,” no rational assertion can claim Islam does not incite violence. Because violence is integral to Islam, Islam as taught in the Quran violates the very foundation of the U.S. Constitution.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled more than once that “hate speech,” which incites a circumstance that leads to violence, falls outside of constitutional protection.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. argued, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing panic.” (Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).
Although illegal to do so, because the Court cannot add or change any law or statute -- nevertheless in 1969 the Supreme Court added three conditions to the Holmes argument for restricting speech; the speech in question must have 1) the intent and 2) the likelihood of causing 3) imminent violence.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Inciting the intent to kill any non-Muslim, anyone who rejects the Qur’an, Shari’a law and Islam, involving direct encouragements for others to commit crimes and to commit them “now,” all meet the three-prong criteria. Yet, few if any legal actions have been taken against the so-called Islamic religion let alone the imams, mosques, or any other groups that continue to incite violence.
Every American citizen must demand that legal action be taken to curtail and halt incitement to violence being directed towards any and everyone who rejects Islam.
The first place to start is by first classifying mosques as “hate groups.” Next, shut down mosques. Finally, identify, arrest, and try imams and everyone who poses a direct threat to the American Constitution, as instructed in Article III.
Thanks for listening – de Andréa

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