Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama’s Ultimate Plan

Simmering social unrest in America is “not due to Obama’s inexperience or failed policies as one may think. Rather, it is the direct result of the successful ‘implementation’ of his policies.

By de Andréa

How does one get the power to enact unlimited martial law and bring down a country? One creates political unrest, chaos, and economic disaster, that’s how…

I’ve been saying for some time now that the Obama administration is covertly utilizing prominent agitators among the political left to incite chaos, and eventually violence, based on racial and class factors while it continues to sabotage America’s economic engine. The latter efforts are also intended to catalyze widespread civil unrest.

Implementation of this plan is being carried out via Obama’s unelected czars and it heavily involves Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security. From lower-level DHS agents making payments to street-level agitators, to former green energy czar Van Jones mentoring “Occupy” leaders, to coordination with political allies such as the New Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, as well as the sale of arms to terrorists in Mexico, the administration has all bases covered.  Cultural ‘divide and conquer’, balkanization and another heavy hit to the economy are calculated to result in unprecedented rioting and finally widespread public pandemonium followed by implementation of martial law.

Of course the objectives here are personal power for Obama, and a coalescing of the federal government’s unprecedented authority; the ultimate goal here is the destruction of the United States of America as a constitutional republic, and the introduction of Islamic Sharia law, making America despotic Islamic State.

Like the class-warfare issue, the racial component here is only part of the agenda, but this being America, it is a significant one. In the operational sense, it is both a sad irony and potentially very dangerous that the left has managed to grow a crop of black Americans who are as ignorant, belligerent and destructive as the white bigots of bygone days.

Based on who and what I knew Obama to be – and I knew this well before he was elected – when he did win the presidency, my immediate thought was, he is going to do his level best to stay in office… ‘permanently’.

When I called Obama a ‘Muslim communist’ in 2008, even conservatives giggled, but then they hadn’t done their homework. Everyone of significance in the man’s life had either been a card-carrying communist, or their worldview was principally based on Marxism. The Black Liberation Theology (effectively a Farrakhan Black Muslim church) in which Obama was schooled for 20 years has its roots in Marxism and Islam, as does the social justice doctrine to which he, his minions, and their useful liberal idiots so dearly adhere.

When racial tension increased amidst Obama’s deleterious weighing-in on issues like the Henry Gates affair in 2009, the administration’s refusal to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation and revelations that Eric Holder’s DOJ wasn’t prosecuting blacks for anything they could remotely rationalize as political (including black-on-white crime), most people saw poor leadership or a bumbling incompetent. I saw a developing choreography, the subtle inflaming of black resentment and the abrading of old scars.

Obama implemented his big-government takeover so rapidly after taking office that even those who had his number like me, were surprised. Ostensibly, these were remedial measures to address the economic implosion he and his activist cronies helped bring about via collaboration with government power players, but they were over-reaching. When detractors pointed this out, Obama countered with jokes concerning people complaining about “socialist mops.”

It might be hard at times to discern whether Obama is a Communist, a Muslim sleeper terrorist or a nihilist who simply wants to see the world burn. His actions in America certainly indicate a desire to culminate 100 years of Marxism; however, his furtive participation in the “Arab Spring” that is sweeping Middle Eastern and Arab nations suggests a yearning to touch off a global conflagration that would indeed have the world burning for decades. Could it be that Obama is so narcissistic that he has designs to be the worldwide Caliphate? (the Muslim Messiah). This obviously could not be actualized without tens – if not hundreds of millions – of deaths.

Now, I wouldn’t want anyone to get the impression that I think I’m the only one who knew or knows what was going on; I’m just one of the few. Obviously there are others, but when you have ‘allegedly’ conservative journalists and commentators suggesting that Barack Obama ‘might’ just be a socialist, or kind of a far-left guy (instead of a naked Muslim Communist despot) at this stage of the game, there’s a serious perceptual problem in play here. Even now, we hear people who ought to know better explaining away Obama’s sinister executive orders as boilerplate, run-of-the-mill formalities.

THE BOTTOM LINE: We’ve gone beyond the proverbial hibernating frog in the pot of water who doesn’t realize he’s being slowly boiled. The frog has instead been doused with gasoline and ignited, and it’s time for him to start screaming my friend.

Whatever you do, don’t sleep through this next election like you did the last one…

de Andréa

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