Monday, August 16, 2010

The Tigers Tale

Can a Muslim Be Moderate?

To understand what a Moderate Muslim would be, one must define just what a moderate Islam would look like. Moreover, one must look at it from several prospectives.

By de Andréa

A very controversial and deceptive perception
Is there really, any such thing as Moderate or Radical Islam, or is there just Islam, period?
After the problem of the Ground Zero Mosque has escalated it
becomes an urgent necessity to distinguish so-called 'Moderate' from 'Radical' Islam providing there really is such a distinction. Without defining what a moderate Muslim would be, the US and the rest of the world will remain deceptively divided regarding this issue. Debates about the issue can be endless unless we define the words 'radical' and 'moderate' and how they relate to Islam if they even do.

Can Mosque leaders, Islamic scholars, and organizations who want to be considered Moderates clearly and unambiguously declare that the ideology and the resulting agenda of Islam as stated in the Quran is no longer relevant and part of Islam. ‘I say’ no they can’t, not without gutting their deceptive so-called religion of peace completely.

Can a tiger shed its stripes as well as its predatory philosophy and still remain a tiger, or become a “warm-fuzzy moderate tiger that just eats carrots”?

Several years ago I stumbled upon a web site called Muslims against Sharia. (The Islamic law that completely governs every aspect of Islam and every Muslims life) They claimed that they were in the process of eliminating violent Sharia and reforming Islam.

After reading their manifesto and their so-called rewritten Quran, I realized that the very core elements of violence, death, hate, lies, and destruction had been removed. What was left had no resemblance to Muhammad’s Islam. I don’t know what it was, but it certainly wasn’t Islam.

I corresponded with the organization and published the results. They finally stopped their correspondence when I asked them the question… “By whose authority do you rewrite and eliminate your god Allah’s words”? Their last response was “Christianity was reformed”. My last reply was… “Yes, but the people were reformed --- not the word of their God Jehovah”.
If one took the fundamental teachings of salvation though the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ out of the Christian New Testament, one would no longer have Christianity.

As far as bringing a moderate Muslim into prospective, one must ask oneself: Were, or is, there any such thing as a moderate Nazi? If one says yes of course, then exactly what would this moderate Nazi be? A good Nazi? What would a good Nazi be like? If one would eliminate everything bad and undesirable about a Nazi, one would not have a Nazi. And that my friend, is exactly my point.

If one would take the time to analyze just what a Nazi is, and just what a Muslim is, one would soon discover that they have much the same structure and core ideology as well as the same agenda. That’s because ‘Hitler’s Nazism’ was born out of ‘Muhammad’s Islamism’.

Was and is, Nazism considered a religion under the First Amendment? If it was and is, then we had no right to “prevent the free exercise thereof” much less to destroy it. Moreover we would all be Nazis, speaking German and hailing Hitler as the prophet of his god today. But all we did is trade names; today we blindly embrace Nazism by another name! Islamism

Islam is no more a religion than Nazism is or was. They are both an Idealistic Oppressive Theocracy, with the agenda of dominating the world. (Read THE THIRD REICH, MEIN KAMPF, THE QURAN, AND THE HADITH.) You will find they are fundamentally the same.
So why then do we accept Islam as a religion right along with Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism and Vegetarianism, but not Nazism? Answer…because we are deceived… We did not accept Nazism as a religion, protected under the freedom of religion, because the ideology of Nazism does away with freedom completely, including the First Amendment protection of religion. So it is, by its very nature a contradiction of freedom of religion and therefore not acceptable as the definition of a religion in a free society. Islam is not a religion any more than Nazism is, they are both a supremacist, tyrannical, oppressive, theocracy.

The very basic fundamental teaching of Islamic ideology is deception. In Arabic it is called the doctrine of “Taqiyyah”. Roughly translated “True lies” or “Deception”.

The West has once again bought into this deceptionTo believe that Islam could reform, as Christianity did, or be or become moderate in their ideology, is to be deceived and believe a lie.

This isn’t the first time Islam has deceived the world. Beginning almost immediately after its inception, in the 8th and 9 Century’s, the Western Europeans were deceived by the ‘Taqiyyah or deception’ of Islam. Moreover it continued for nearly 300 years until the awakening and the ‘Bloody Crusades’ drove them out of western Europe, a bloody war that lasted roughly 200 years ensued.

Islam has not changed since then, nor will it ever change. Below is what a moderate Muslim would have to look like in order not to be a so-called radical or a fundamental Muslim Terrorist.

Declaration of Beliefs of Muslim Moderates – Can a Muslim subscribe to the following without giving up the very core beliefs of Islam? I say No!

Is Your Local Mosque 'Moderate' or 'Radical'?
Ask the Imams of Mosques, the Muslim leaders, and the Islamic organizations in the US and worldwide to subscribe to this declaration.
Muslims who claim they are “Moderate” and want a contemporary Islam to replace currently predominant harsh and radical, hateful, (Salafi/Wahhabist) teachings of Islam, must declare that:
1- Redda Law, the Qu’ranic Sharia Law that calls for the killing of Apostates or Muslims who convert to other faiths, must be banned in Islamic teachings and in Sharia legal doctrine. Islamic countries that practice Sharia must stop the practice of this law and must admit that Freedom of belief and the right to convert to other faiths or beliefs is a basic right that must be given to all Muslims and all peoples.
2- Sharia doctrines justify the use of violence against women. They encourage men to beat their wives to discipline them. They allow women accused of adultery to be stoned to death. These doctrines are barbarically inhumane, supremacist, non-egalitarian, and teach Muslim children to be violent. These teachings must be ended by rewriting the Islamic text that justifies such violence.
3- Traditional Sharia doctrines teach Muslims that they must engage in war so that Islam will dominate the world. When Islam becomes dominant, Non-Muslims or Infidels are offered three options: to convert to Islam, to become a slave of Islam and pay the Jizya (a humiliating tax), or to be murdered. These doctrines run contrary to respect for diversity and for personal freedom of speech and belief. This teaching of Jihad that seeks supremacy and domination of Islam over other peoples must no longer be regarded as an Islamic value and its teaching as a duty for Muslims must stop. The early Islamic broken treaties and wars, known as "Futohaat Islameia" found in the Hadith, were fought to force, and implement this doctrine of Jihad. These wars therefore should now be regarded as un-Islamic, and un-justifiable.
4- Jews and Christians (people of the book) are individuals who deserve the same respect accorded to all individuals. They should not be called the Kaffaar “pigs and monkeys.” The Islamic teaching in the Quran that Muslims must fight and kill all Jews before the end of days is totally unacceptable, as it exists in the Quran. All teachings that encourage anti-Semitic attitudes, violence, or disrespect toward Jews and all other faiths must be declared un-Islamic.
5- Slavery is a crime against humanity. All Sharia laws that justify slavery in our modern times must not be taught any more. Muslim scholars must have a clear and loud voice against slavery.
6- Islamic Sharia laws currently permits the killing of homosexuals. These laws also are advocating a crime against our fellow human beings. They must be declared un-Islamic and their implementation must be considered criminal.

These are just a very few of the fundamental teachings of Islam that are unacceptable in a civilized free Western culture. As I said, one would have to rewrite and eliminate the very foundation of Islam in order to define the existence of a Moderate Muslim. If any Muslim would subscribe to all or any of these declarations they would not be a Muslim, moderate or otherwise.
The above violent teachings, which are currently taught in the Quran and Muhammad’s Hadith, are implemented and enforced in countries that allow governance according to Sharia Law. Future Muslim generations like this little girl and little boy in the U.S. will (just as they have always done) be indoctrinated to carry on with these mad and destructive ideologies, and Islmic agendas.
These violent Sharia doctrines no matter how moderate some Muslims may appear to be, will never be replaced with clear and unconditional explanations of why they are no longer valid in modern society.
In Conclusion: One is either a Nazi or one is not a Nazi. One is either a Christian or one is not a Christian, and one is either a Muslim or one is not a Muslim… No radicals and no Moderates. There are no middle of the road moderate peaceful Nazis, Muslims, or moderate Tigers that just peaceably eat carrots and mushrooms.

The following links are previous articles responding to the so-called “Moderate” “Muslims Against Sharia” in April and May of 2008.
Muslims Against Shariah Part I April 30 2008
Muslims Against Shariah Part II May 2, 2009
Rebuttal to comment of “Muslims Against Sharia” May 9, 2008
Bear in mind that Muslims have been rewriting the Quran for hundreds of years so that the Infidel (non Muslims) will be deceived and accept Islam. They will never rewrite the demonic ideology of Islam or the agenda of Allah’s satanic words…Never…

Will we will wake up one morning and wonder how we became the prey of the predator Nation of Islam? When all along we thought that the warm and-fuzzy “Moderate” peaceful Nation of Islam was ‘moderately’ and peacefully’ becoming part of … us. Yes we will!

Remember --- the Tiger doesn’t eat carrots…or mushrooms! He 'will' however, peacefully eat you --- and your children…although moderately of course!

de Andréa

1 comment:

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