Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The American Flag Is Now Offensive

No! Not just in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon or in Iran but in America. Guess what? If my flag offends you, then you can get out of my country…

By de Andréa

It is not just in Arizona or California that our flag is offensive, it is now apparently offensive all over the United States.

“If my flag offends you then I will get right in your face with it and defend it to the death”. That is what a Morgan Hill resident said to a police officer in Morgan Hill Ca. after she was told to put her American flag away during a Cinco de Mayo parade or face arrest. The police officer said that this is their parade and the flag was offensive. The woman said yes, but this is my country and this is my flag. She chose to be arrested instead of hiding her flag.

Several students in a Arizona high school wearing American flag bandanas and American flag tee shirts were told by the school principal that the flags were offensive and to remove the bandannas and to turn their tee shirts inside-out. The students removed their bandannas but refused to remove their shirts. They were suspended from school. Some parents are looking for other schools, some are looking into home schooling, some are considering going to court, and some are just giving in to the pressure, hoping it will just go away. Well, it won’t.

I think I have to stand with the Morgan Hill gal and get right in your face with my flag, if it offends you then get out of my country. This is America, and if you want to wave some other flag like the Mexican, Canadian, or the Hisbala Islamic Jihad flag, then go back to your own country and wave it to your hearts content. But in America, if the American flag is offensive to you my foreign illegal alien, then you are offensive to me.

What has happened to America? Why are so many of us ashamed of our country and of our flag? I’ll tell you why, it’s because we have become a herd of robotic non-thinking Spoiled ungrateful sheep, which have been programmed to follow the robotic leader right over the cliff.

If America’s leader hates America, then all robotically indoctrinated American leaders hate America. Did you know that your so-called President, Leader, your Commander and Chief Barrack Hussein Obammah refuses to wear the traditional American flag lapel pin, (that presidents have worn since lapel pins were invented) because it is offensive to him? He refuses to respect our flag by putting his hand over his heart and face the waving flag when the national anthem is being played.

Yeah, that’s him in the front -left with the broken right arm. .

Did you know that your President is not only ashamed of your country and flag but he hates it? He has not only spent 20 years in a black Muslim church listening to Jeremiah Wright vomiting out hate America propaganda but he spent his entire childhood in Muslim schools, learning how to hate America.

Your President Barack Hussein Obama, travels all over the world apologizing for your country, the United States of America, and bragging that he is a Muslim. Watch a video of film clips. And guess what? Muslims want to kill you --- all of you. They have, for exactly 1400 years and they will never --- ever--- change. It is a frightening thought that Obama is the most powerful man on earth, and the majority of American robotic citizens ignorantly gave him all that power.

Is it really any wonder that we will get arrested if we wave the flag of our country in public, the flag that hundreds of thousands of our fighting men have died to protect - the flag that was razed under fire on Iwo? Is it any wonder that our children are attending ‘hate America’ schools, when we have a hate America leader?

Obama disrespects my flag; and my country --- I respect his office but I have no respect for him.

Folks, this is waaaaaay beyond the preverbal historical tea tax.

Why don’t we make it a point today to get into someone’s face with an American flag? Moreover, if they are offended, offer to put them on the next plane to northern Pakistan.

de Andréa

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