Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Private Wealth a Thing of the Past?

If Obama has his way he will confiscate all the personal and private wealth of this nation.

By de Andréa

How is Obama going to pay off the largest National Debt in American history? Answer, by pillaging all the wealth of the nation, both public and private.

A while back I wrote an article about the U.S. Government discussing the plan of confiscating your personal retirement investments, it is titled “Obama: to steal your IRA’s and your 401k’s”. If you missed it, or want to read it again you can read it by clicking ‘HERE’ if that article wasn’t enough to make your blood boil and start a second revolution then add this new plan to the stack and then join a militia.

A new CNN poll finds that a majority of Americans think the federal government has become so large and so powerful; that it poses an immediate threat to their lives, rights, and freedoms. Virtually every financial asset we own is 100% transparent to the prying eyes of this new governmental regime. Moreover, unless steps are taken now to privatize our wealth we could lose it all.

Did you know! You do not have the right to own gold

If you are one of the smart Americans that have been squirreling part of your savings into precious metals as a hedge against the failing American dollar and thought it was safe from taxes, or worse yet, complete confutation by the IRS or the Treasury Department. You should read your history book.

The U.S. Government has since 1933 had, and still has the authority to prohibit the private possession and ownership of gold and silver coins and bullion by U.S. citizens during wartime and declared emergencies.

The U.S. Patriot Act of 2006, Section 352 Anti-money laundering and terrorism, states; "Anything that derives 50% or more of its value from its metal content is reportable."

In today's world of big government spending, could the Federal Government resort to confiscating gold and silver from citizens to pay their debts? Yes it can…

A little history

It happened less than 100 years ago. “President Roosevelt used the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 to force the public confiscation of gold bullion at $20.67/oz. He then immediately reset the price tot $35/oz., causing a 75% loss to gold owners!”


Right now, Obama and his administration needs a new way to finance this huge budget deficit. Their latest proposal is to take control of the retirement accounts of the American public. The Treasury Department has stated they would also have no problem confiscating gold ---- again.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If by any remote chance you haven’t been able to connect the dots, put the pieces of the puzzle together in order to see the big picture, or the truth or recognize what is happening around you, then you need to pay close attention.

America was designed by the Framers to be a Representative Constitutional Republic. Not a Democracy and certainly not a Social Communist Regime.

The central government was designed to be a Federal and not a National government with the main purpose of protecting this nation from a foreign invasion.

We will lose it all
You will notice the first word in the description of our form of government is “Representative”. It is easy to blame the government for all the corruption and misuse of office and power, but it is the people, who are to blame.

Does your Representative represent you? Does he or she pass laws to protect your rights and your freedoms? NO? Have you called, written or e-mailed your Senator or your Representative in the past year, month or…EVER? NO? Then it is because of you that we are losing our Representative Constitutional Republic.

While you are working hard to support your families, spending time with them, or just sitting around your swimming pools sipping the liberal communist Kool aid, America is rapidly becoming a Social Communist State. It is actually a race between the Islam and Communism. The Conservative Majority has become complacent and lazy. Or just too busy with their jobs, family, and leisure to be bothered with trying to protect the very freedom that allows them to enjoy the fruit of their labor their family and their leisure.

If you want to save what you might have left of your free life style and pursuit of happiness for your kids, I would strongly suggest that you find out how, and then contact your Representatives, and tell them:… that it is “We The People” that formed this Union, in order to establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility. It is the elected government that is charged with providing for the common defense and to promote the general welfare and to protect the rights of the people to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our prosperity. And it is ‘WE’ who did ordain and establish the Constitutional Law of the United States of America.

This country is ours, and it is about time we take it back from the elitist criminals in Washington that think this country and everything in it belongs to them.

The elected Office works for us, we do not work for the elected Office. We are not subjected to the government the government is subjected to “We The People”.

Then if you want to continue the process of saving what you have left of your free unique American culture, then I strongly suggest that you begin to overthrow this government in November and vote in a few real Americans for a change that will uphold the Constitution, protect your freedom and liberty and our borders from a foreign invasion.

Moreover in 2012, overthrow this whole bloody Muslim Communist regime. If you don’t want to take the time because you have other priorities… then my p oor oppressed dependant friend…YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GET!

The Declaration of Independence
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

To read the rest of this marvelous and uniquely American document CLICK HERE!

I really hope and pray the American People wake up to reality, recognize the blind ignorance of perusing a Godless Welfare State and make an effort to turn this once free and prosperous country back on track to its historical roots.

There is a good reason why this Judeao Christian Nation grew from nothing 400 years ago to the most powerful and propitious country the world has ever known. It is because our Forefathers followed a Biblical plan written more than 2000 years ago, …”that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”...

Learn about God’s Natural Law

You snooze you lose…

de Andréa

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