Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Vote of Intolerance

I suggest we start acting like Christians
While intolerance is not generally one of America’s faults, Muslims across America and throughout the world regularly lecture the West about how we are not sufficiently “tolerant” of Islam.

By de Andréa

On the contrary, we Americans are far too tolerant of a people that at every turn try to change our culture into theirs, make slaves of us, and or threaten to kill us.

Benevolence and tolerance of others and their beliefs, religious or otherwise is a Judeo Christian value. The Christian West -- does not force their beliefs on non-Christians. They do not attempt to force others to accommodate their rituals, rules, or sacraments. They do not threaten to kill people for exercising their opposing beliefs. No the only religious people in the world that indicatively practice intolerance, is Islam.

Tolerance must generally be exorcised by all. Otherwise it becomes a dictatorial theocracy. Freedom doesn’t mean one is free to dominate another, or take freedom away from others in order to exercise ones own freedom. If this were not true freedom would rapidly self district.

So what would be sufficiently tolerant for Islam? If Westerners were just tolerant enough to conform to Islam’s Sharia law, bow to their every demand and dictate, or just die…that would be tolerance in the mind of Islam.

In the final analyses of Islamic intolerance, we must finally say, “I vote for “intolerance” of an intolerant hateful demonic people”.

We will lose our American culture, our freedom, our rights, ‘ALL OF THEM’, our liberty, our country our lives and our souls--- if we continue to blindly embrace this multi-cultural, politically - correct tolerance of a demonic ideology that is bent on our destruction.

So, enough said about our intolerance, what about the intolerance of Islam for the rest of the world. The “intolerance of Islam’ is blatantly on display in Saudi Arabia, where Christians cannot publicly carry a Bible and a Jew can’t wear a Star of David.

American college students who face the threat of Islam know how offensively hypocritical this is. America bends over backwards to be tolerant, so much so that “tolerance” has evolved into a corrosive political correctness which created the climate of blind military silence that led to 9/11 and the recent jihadist massacre at Ft. Hood.

An example is on display in this video, recorded at the University of California in Irvine, where Muslims and their blind sympathizers repeatedly shouted down Ambassador Michael Oren at a public event. If you want to see the ugly face of the “intolerance” of militant Islam right here in America, watch this video.

The following typifies the intolerance that exists in the Nation of Islam. This is a true story. (I am not revealing the pastor’s name or the country to protect his identity and his life.)

The pastor was invited to speak at a small home meeting, a group of about 20 people, including children. During the meeting, over 60 Muslim military police descended on this small group that the police said posed a fearsome “threat” to the peace and well-being of the country!

The truth is that it is a fearsome threat to Islam, not the peace and well-being of the country.The pastor’s Bible and personal effects were confiscated. Fortunately for him, his punishment was deportation. It could have been much, much worse. Christians have been killed for less.

The militant intolerance of Islam that dominates the Muslim world is not a relic of some ancient past. It is their religion, and the reality of every nation where Muslims enjoy either a small majority or a substantial minority of the population. Even countries characterized as more tolerant, such as Turkey, are rife with examples of this Muslim intolerance.

This Islamic intolerance has taken root in America and it is not going away unless we make it go away. The UC/Irvine video is not an isolated case. Perhaps you recall the protestors in Dec 2008, and again in Jan of 2009, shouting at Jews on the streets of Florida “go back to the ovens” and “die, die, die!” Watch Video

We must win the war against Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. But we must also win this war right here in America, for the preservation of America’s values of freedom and our cherished right of free speech.

As Lee Harris notes in his book The Suicide of Reason, for the tolerance of evil is not tolerance, moreover, the tolerance of militant Islam’s intolerance, is cultural suicide.

THE BOTTOM LINE: With our ‘Blind Tolerance’, ‘multi-Culturalism’, and ‘Political Correctness’, we are indeed committing “Cultural Suicide”.

I vote that we intolerantly deport Islam right out of America the same way this Christian pastor was intolerated right out of his African Muslim country.

The golden rule works only with an independent thinking people, for the purpose of showing an example of love benevolence and understanding. Here in lies the stickity wicket, the word love, benevolence or charity, does not exists in Islam. It was part of the ancient Arabic language but since the year 610 AD when the hateful demonic religion of Islam entered the Middle East, real love is not even understood by Islam, it is instead regarded as a sign of weakness and is therefore scorned.

On a personal note

Some people are going to want to call me racist, and un-Christian. I have paid a price for my stand on Islam. I have lost the respect of a large part of my own family because of my opinion about Islam. Even so, I rarely defend my position or make excuses for my beliefs, but this time in my own defense please understand that Islam is not a race of people it is a demonic ideology.

Christianity teaches us to love one another even the unlovable. But it does not teach us to love a demonic ideology or subject ourselves to it. It teaches us to get as far away from it as possible.

I suggest we start acting like Christians and wake up to what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches.

One should not try to pick out the injustice in his brother’s eye until he has first removed the ignorance from his own eye.

With love, de Andréa

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