Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Is there anything that ‘His Majesty Al-Barrack Hussein Obammah’ isn’t an expert in?

By de Andréa

Obama is CEO of several American manufacturing companies, as well as production manager. He runs several American financial institutions. He is president of the once great United States of America. He is an expert in history and foreign affairs. He is an expert reader of Teleprompters. All this - and he may not even be an American. And if that is not enough, he now wants to be your primary care physician.

"Now that the cameras have been put away and the media is no longer watching, their secret emerges: They are going to cut medical costs by cutting your medical care. Right now! These decisions will not be medical but financial. They will not be based on a doctor's opinion of what his or her patient needs, but a bureaucrat's and an accountant s opinion of what the new health care system can afford,” says political pundit, writer, and speaker, Dick Morris. But that's not all. Morris issues the following dire warning:

"But this is just the very beginning... rationing is coming, and coming soon."

To paraphrase Morris; if you need a CAT scan or an MRI, forget it. If you need antibiotics, forget it. As for potentially life-saving or life-extending treatments, take a number and stand in line. Is that why Barack Obama wants to bankrupt the nation? Isn't America a republic? Do we not all have the God-given right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

Obama describes his health care scheme with the usual pie-in-the-sky rhetoric, claiming – with fingers crossed behind his back – that his approach will heal the sick, miraculously reduce costs, and resurrect a moribund health system.

First – there is nothing wrong with America’s present “Health Care System”. The only negative aspect is cost. If one would just take the time to analyze the reason for the high cost of American health care one would find…One -- good stuff cost more money. One can’t expect a Cadillac limousine health care system to be the price of a Yugo. But that isn’t the largest slice of the ‘Health Care Pie’. Number two, it’s the courts. Don’t you know by now it’s the courts that run the country? It’s the courts that make law; it’s the courts that encourage tort. Lawyers are lined up around the block to prosecute doctors for just doing their job, and it is the best in the world. Take the frivolous law suites out of the equation and you will cut the cost of medicine by a third. And it is not only doctors that pay outrageous and exorbitant liability Insurance premiums, but it is pharmaceutical companies as well. An ever increasing cost of a hospital, a doctor, a hospice, a pharmaceutical company, an ambulance service, anything remotely connected to medicine or health care is that they are fair game for the “Ambulance Chasers” looking for the deep pockets of insurance companies.

Obama has told you that if you want to keep your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor and if you want to keep your present health plan, you'll be able to keep your present health plan. Specifically, Obama said: "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away."

No, no one will take it away; it will simply be put out of business by the government. Obama can't keep that promise and he knows it.

Jim Lindgren writing for the Internet blog the “Volokh Conspiracy” puts it this way…"If the Obama plan is enacted, a substantial portion of employers will cut their health subsidies — raising their employees' share of contributions to the company plan — in order to drive some of the employees into the government exchange and the public option. Other employers may drop their plans altogether — after all, workers could buy their own coverage in the government exchange — or simply fund part of their workers' participation in the exchange. These changes, which would be the direct results of the implementation of the Obama plan, would make it virtually impossible for Obama to keep these promises...."

Health care rationing:
Will keeping your doctor or your health care provider really matter when government bureaucrats start calling the shots and telling your doctor and provider exactly what they can and cannot do... what they are allowed to treat... what they will pay for?.

Make no mistake, Obama's takeover of health care will be nothing more than a raw power grab, more cogent than his takeover of the banks and the automobile industry. Its goal will not be to improve health care but, to reward political allies with ‘ more power and control’ – and in the process punish people like you.

You can stop him by letting the Congressional leadership know – right now... today – that there will be a political price to pay if they allow the world's best health care system turn into a medical disastrous wasteland.

Let's examine the real repercussions of health care rationing:
Think of it this way, to Obama, people represent health costs. The fewer people, the lower the costs. Are we saying that Obama will target the elderly, the handicapped, and the unborn to reduce costs?

Consider Obama's own words remarks as reprinted in the Washington Times and make that call yourself. "Part of what I think government can do effectively is to be an honest broker in assessing and evaluating treatment options.” Obama also said: "The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill...."

Regarding those in the last phases of life, Obama specifically says: "There is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels." Can you see the tap-dance routine from what he is really saying?

Obama's top health advisers have emphasized that America should value the lives of young, healthy people more than those of old, sick individuals. One such adviser is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Obama's chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel.

Kevin Williamson of National Review Online describes Dr. Emanuel's views: "He wrote in The Lancet in 2008: 'Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination.’ We all were young once, the argument goes, and so denying the elderly and weak in order to care for the young and fit is just."

Just what do you think Obama's talking about here? Trust me, these are scary times and if you're over the age of 55, be concerned, be very concerned. If you're chronically ill with diabetes or high blood pressure or multiple sclerosis – or dying with heart disease or cancer – your future under a rationed healthcare plan doesn't look very bright.

Would Obama empower the federal government and bureaucratic pencil-pushers to decide exactly when your presence on earth is no longer feasible, viable, or sustainable?

Do we really want to find out the answer the hard way?
Obama claims that his health plan won't involve rationing or reduced care. But that's ridiculous, because all government-run health systems suffer from those drawbacks.

For a real-world, practical example, we only need look at the Canadian system.

Dr. David Gratzer, a Canadian-trained physician who practices in the United States, describes his own revelation about Canada's medical horror show: "On [my way to medical school class]... I cut through a hospital emergency room and came upon dozens of people on stretchers – waiting, moaning, begging for treatment. Some elderly patients had waited up to five days in corridors before being admitted to beds. They smelled of urine and sweat. As I navigated past the bodies, I began to question everything I thought I knew about health care – not only in Canada, but also in the United States. ... I had begun a journey into the heart of one of the great policy disasters of modern times."

Is the situation really any better in Europe – should we, for instance, emulate the French?

Consider a French journalist's words at the Heritage Foundation: "The majority of France's state-owned hospitals are managed in a way that is reminiscent of the old U.S.S.R. ... In the average French public hospital, it is not uncommon for every window to be open, even in winter, because the heating system in the building cannot be regulated. With the only options being no heat or unbearably high heat, everyone opts for the latter. Predictably, this is not very cheap."

What about Germany?
The British medical journal Lancet states: "The German health care system is facing bankruptcy on an unprecedented scale."

In Great Britain, one current cost-saving measure is the denial of essential medications to women in advanced stages of certain cancers. And yet, on June 15, Barack Obama told the American Medical Association (AMA) that other developed countries – he meant nations like Canada, Germany, France, and Britain – pay much less per capita for health care than Americans.

Tell us something we don't know... you also get exactly what you pay for. You get a Yugo instead of a Cadillac. And if the government system breaks down and you are left a quadriplegic invalid with brain damage after a surgeon’s stupid mistake or maybe no treatment at all, try to get any just compensation.

So why does Obama want to bring millions of people into the system literally overnight? What happens when there are suddenly many more patients than there are practitioners to care for them?

Will the health care system start to follow the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) model... where you take-a-number.... and wait... and then wait some more? Moreover, if you're really sick, what are the chances that you might die in line, waiting for treatment that simply does not come in time?

Dr. Gratzer tells us what's going on in Canada: "I trained in emergency rooms that were chronically, chaotically, dangerously overcrowded... all across Canada. I met a middle-aged man with sleep problems who was booked for an appointment with a specialist three years later; a man with pain... who was referred to a pain clinic with a two-year wait list; a woman with breast cancer who was asked to wait for four months before starting the life-saving radiation and chemo-therapy."

When you consider the evils of health care rationing, consider the following.
Addressing the AMA, Obama implied that costs were rising because patients were getting unneeded care. In fact, the opposite is true.

A 2003 survey by the Rand Corporation found that only 11% of patients got treatments they didn't need, and 80 present of these were to cover the doctors behind in case of a tort law suite– while a whopping 46% failed to receive needed care because ‘Medicare’ wouldn’t cover the cost. Are you sure you want a government healthcare system?

And strangely, there's tremendous irony in Obama's mindless drive toward a government-run system. In Great Britain, France, Germany – and even Canada – there's a growing push to get people back into private insurance systems again, Hello! -- taking the pressure off public facilities and doctors. It's a move toward – you guessed it –cost savings. Because it doesn’t work.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Government run anything simply doesn’t work, has never worked, and will not work. Can you think of anything, in any part of history, that the government has run, that is better and cheaper than a private system?
It's time to tell Congress – loudly and clearly – that being pushed off a cliff is hazardous to the health of children, old people, and all other living things, as individuals as well as a nation...

It is time to be responsible. Contact your Representative and Senators now.

de Andréa

P.S. The truth is, Obama is not an expert in anything, except deception…

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