Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The End of Free Speech

I have lived ‘FREE’ too long to be muzzled by my own government

By de Andréa

This new Communist government of ours is slipperier than snake snot. Last week the Senate passed a Broadcaster Freedom Amendment by a vote of 87-11 supposedly doing away with the [un]Fairness Doctrine. But at the same time, in a Cigar smoke filled backroom the Durbin Amendment was passed. While the liberal media rushed to declare the Fairness Doctrine dead, they ignored the “Durbin Amendment” that essentially primes the pump for silencing all free speech through backdoor FCC regulations!

The liberal media would have you believe that the gag order against conservative talk has been once and for all lifted. The alphabet soup media and our Government are a bunch of lying son’s of Satan. Nothing could be further from the truth!

A Stealth Attack on Your Free Speech Rights!
Surreptitiously and behind the backs of real Americans, the Durbin amendment requires the FCC to “take actions to encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership. We are back to square one, since before Reagan took office

With a close look, this “stealth” attack on Free Speech Rights is far more insidious, because it empowers the government to censor and control the airwaves through backdoor policies that would most certainly be eventually expanded to include television, newspapers and the Internet!

In other words, the Durbin amendment essentially expands the threat of free speech beyond Talk Radio to include all aspects of our First Amendment rights.

If this bill is slipped through the house in the same underhanded way that it surreptitiously was voted on by the senate, i.e. in conjunction with the demise of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” it will for sure be signed into law by our Communist Muslim President. And then watch your First Amendment Rights go down the dumper. Oh yes, your religious rights too! There will have to be equal time to promote Islam, as well as Christianity, maybe even from the pulpit.

Your Efforts Are More Important Than Ever
There is little doubt in my mind that we are headed for a showdown over our Free Speech Rights among other anti-freedom Issues. I am urging everyone to take fast action—first by signing a Free Speech Alliance Petition, and then by alerting friends and family to the real truth about our Free Speech Rights coming under assault.

As we true Americans boldly move forward to protect and preserve our First Amendment Rights, it’s imperative that everyone stand in support during this critical time. If you aren’t sure whether or not you’ve signed this petition, do so again. The system will only count you once regardless of how many times you sign.

After adding your name, alert your friends and urge them to join with you in defending your First Amendment Rights by going to the petition here

Time is short. Through this Durbin Amendment, liberal members of Congress will now have a way to muzzle free speech in America, and I believe will waste little time moving toward that end.

THE BOTTOM LINE: It is mind boggling to me that the majority of voters didn’t see this coming during the last election. I suppose it was then just as it is now, a major media cover-up. Obama pulled the same shenanigans on his campaign trail; he simply threatened the local media with the FCC and pressure on their advertisers. Stomp on Free-speech through the backdoor…

I will make you this promise---NO ONE WILL EVER MUZZLE ME!

de Andréa

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