Monday, January 12, 2009

“They Must Be Stopped”

The title, “They Must Be Stopped”, is the title of ‘Brigitte Gabriel’s’ new book, sub-titled “Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It”

By de Andréa

If one would like to take a crash course on the history of Islam and how the Muslim mind works and why, then this new book of Brigitte Gabriel’s is a must read.

If just a few of our Federal Government leaders would read this book written by someone that has lived through and survived exactly that part of the tragic history that Europe and the United Stated are about to repeat, then we might be able to avoid the bloody battle that is just ahead on this dangerous road that we blindly travel.

Read the bloody book…
With hindsight for example--- if President Roosevelt would have just listened to Prime Minster Churchill in the early 1930’s and read the “bloody book” as he so graciously put it, (meaning Hitler’s book Mine Kampf), the truth is, we could have avoided the Second World War in Europe as well as the extermination of approximately 12 million Europeans.

But now, it is not a matter of ‘Hindsight’; it is a matter of history, clearly and blindly repeating itself. Only this time it is a thousand time more dangerous.

The primary source of Hitler’s supremacist philosophy of Nazism was the Quran and the theocracy of Islamic oppression and dictatorship. Only now, we are dealing with the primary source and not a copy-cat European style image created by a German lunatic.

No, this is now the real McCoy my friend, and as I said, it is, a thousand times more dangerous.

The following are excerpts from the book “They Must Be Stopped” by Brigitte Gabriel. In the 3rd chapter titled “PURISTS DRINK THEIR ISLAM STRAIGHT’, it starts out appropriately with a quote from the Quran :) (The bracketed words are mine)

“Your Lord [Allah] inspired the angles [Allah’s demonic spirits] with the message: ‘I am with you. Give firmness to the believers [Muslims}. I will terrorize the unbelievers [infidels or unbelievers]. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.” (Quran 8:12)

That is directly out of the Quran my friend. Pretty clear I’d say. This is not just for those few radicals that the deceived western media says “hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam” This is directly from their satanic god Allah to every one of the almost 2 billion Muslims world wide. That’s nearly a third of the population of the world.

She goes on to say:

“Radical Islam is a danger not only to western society, but also to moderate Muslims and the rest of the world.” [Note: Brigitte uses the term ‘radical Muslims’ differentiating them from so-called moderate Muslims, the Quran was written for all Muslims, and not for just a few practicing radicals. In the end all Muslims will join the Jihad or be killed themselves. This can easily be misunderstood to give one a false sense of security. Your neighborhood friendly warm fuzzy so-called moderate Muslim may not kill you today, but he surely will tomorrow. From talking to Brigitte on the phone I believe she does this because she knows this is how you are used to hearing it, and she is trying gently to wean you away from the lies of politically correct indoctrination. Because she goes on to explain…] “Radical Islamists are dedicated Muslims following the instructions of the Koran and walking in the steps of their prophet Mohammad, whom they consider –“the perfect man”- Al-Insan Al Kamil. All because they truly believe in the Koran, their holy book, and believe it contains Allah’s words and commandments.”

Let me ask you this, would you trust a moderate Nazi???

“They do not have to make up any of their sources of motivation. It is there in black and white. In this war on Islamofascism we are not fighting a few people who hijacked a peaceful religion. We are fighting devout Muslims who drink their Islam straight. No water no ice no nothing. The Koran states very clearly that Islam is the superior religion on earth; all others are inferior and must submit to Allah and accept Mohammed as his messenger and the last of the prophets.”

Within this chapter, Brigitte quotes several passages directly from the Quran; the following are just three of them:

“When you clash with the unbelieving infidels in battle; smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Therefore either generosity or ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burdens. Thus you are commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam” (Koran 47:4)

The last sentence in this passage clearly states Allah’s Command of never stopping the unholy war of Jihad until all the Infidels submit to Islam. Bear in mind, this doesn’t just mean in the Middle East my friend; this means the entire world including right in your own neighborhood. They have been on this road for nearly 1400 years now, and as the Quean says, they will not stop until all the worlds people are Muslim and subjected to Sharia law.

“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait, and ambush them using every stratagem of war.” (Koran 9:5)

“So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) [non-Muslims] and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world) (Koran 8:39)

Smiting, terrorizing, beheading, fighting, cutting fingers off, wounding, overpowering, subduing, binding, capturing, harassing, ambushing, and killing. In only these four verses, these are just a few of the jewels of oppression and brutality with which the Quran indoctrinates its followers. I ask you this---does this sound to you like a religion of peace?

If one wonders why the Palestinians for example travel down a road of broken treaties/agreements with Israel, then chapter (2) is just for you. You see… everything the Muslims do has already been done. Islam is an all encompassing Religion/theocracy. Everything they do, everything they eat, how they perform their hygiene, do their finances, conduct themselves in public, their politics, to how they dress, is dictated in the Quran and in the examples of Muhammad’s life in the Hadith.

Treaties, covenants, agreements, and deals are all described in the Hadith. The most famous example of a Muslim treaty is the treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah, (try saying that five times fast) this is the treaty that Yassar Arafat the now deceased Palestinian leader referred to when making the first of many broken treaties with Israel.

In the 2nd chapter, Brigitte writes about the nearly 1400 year old Al-Hudaybiyah treaty documented in the Hadith which is the blue print for all subsequent treaties made by Muslims. So If the Western leaders would simply read this they would know that all treaties made by Muslims, no matter how much haggling they do, (the Muslims don’t really care what the treaty contains because it is all a charade) it means only a buying of time; time to reorganize, and to obtain the weapons needed for the next attack. Muslims are not granted the latitude to decide what to do in any given situation; it is dictated in the Quran and Hadith. It is the ‘Script’ they play out for real on the world stage.

“In 628 Mohammad traveled toward Mecca with 1,400 of his followers and made camp nearby at Al-Hudaybiyah. Fighting was avoided when Mohammad and the Meccan’s agreed on a treaty to suspend hostilities toward one another for ten years. Based on that treaty, Mecca viewed Mohammad as nonaggressive and disposed to friendliness. Mohammad, however, had a long term strategy to incorporate Mecca into Islam. He new he couldn’t win the battle with the Meccan’s if he fought them now, so he used the time granted by the treaty to build his army, and strengthen, recruit, and rejuvenate it. And then he declared war on Mecca two years later when least expected.”

There are many such treaties and battles documented in the Hadith, this is the most famous one because Mecca has remained in the hands of Islam from the year 630 to date and is their most “holy city”, it has remained all these years, the unholy city of their satanic god Allah.

Lying, cheating, stealing, murder, torture, and terrorizing are at the very foundation of Islam. Anything that advances the power and control of Islam is acceptable and encouraged by the Quran. In other words the”end always justifies the means”. If that quote sounds familiar, it should. It is right out of Karl Marx. Yes the brutal philosophy of Nazism and Communism, are both born out of Islam. Did you think either of these men Hitler or Marx had a completely original Idea. No they just skewed the Islamic Ideology to fit their perversion of an Ideal culture concentrating on the political part of Islam rather than the religious aspect, although both men saw themselves as gods. Remember even the Catholic Bishops and Cardinals from the Vatican bowed down and said “Hail Hitler” god of this earth. Hitler was just a stand in for Allah.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The reason why I wrote this article is that one can either look up and read all the articles that I have written about Islam on my site, an enormous task on line, there are over 400 of them. Or, one could purchase a couple of books written by someone who knows first hand what the 1400 year old agenda of Islam is, and more importantly, what it means to you personally.

Brigitte Gabriel grew up from age 10 to age 17 quite literally smack dab in the middle of a battle field in a war between Israel and the terrorist organization Hisbala. The Western media wrongly referred to it as a civil war. After being near fatally wounded at age 11 when a terrorist missile hit her parent’s house near the border of south Lebanon and northern Israel, she lived most of the next 6 years existing in a hole in the ground while the Israelis to the south of them fought the terrorist Hisbalah to the north of them.

For the next six years off and on Brigitte and her mother stole out at night crawling on their bellies to get water and pick green weeds to eat while mortars, missiles, and gunfire flew in both directions close over their heads. She survived all of this to later become anchorwoman at World TV News in Israel. This riveting story is told in Brigitte’s first best selling book “Because They Hate” . In her second book now on the New York Times best selling list is They Must Be Stopped” , it is, as I said, a crash course in the understanding of Islam, it’s about the script of Islam, and why they do what they do, and why they will never stop on their own. We---you and I, must stop them. Click on the titles to order the books online.

Remember I get nothing more than you do out of this, and that is to help change the course of the future history in America.

After reading these two books you will know more than anyone in Washington about what Islam has planned for the west. It is exactly what they did in Lebanon, in Indonesia, in North Africa, and anywhere they have culturally infiltrated a country. It is exactly what they are doing in all of Western Europe today. It is exactly what they are surreptitiously and incrementally doing right here in our governments, both Federal and State, in our schools, both elementary and in our colleges, in our financial institutions, and in our neighborhoods right here in America, in our cities, in some cases, as in State of Michigan, Muslims have taken over entire towns enforcing Sharia law, There are today, more Muslims occupying the State of Michigan than there are in the entire country of Afghanistan and growing.

My suggestion is that you think long and hard about doing this, because the only other alternative is the buy and storehouse all the weapons and ammunition you can, so that when the United States finds itself in the same state of Islamic Cultural Jihad that exists today in Western Europe, when the time comes, and it will, you will be able to defend yourself and your families to the death in the streets just as the Phoenician Lebanese did in the 1980’s against the Muslim terrorists of Hezbollah in their so-called civil war.

I challenge you to purchase and read these two books and then write and tell me how wrong and crazy you think I am. Or, if the deception and brainwashing of Islam and the Western media has been lifted from off of the eyes and ears and out of your indoctrinated brain, you can then instead write your City, State, and Federal representatives and tell them what you know about Islam. Moreover encourage them to purchase and read these two books, better yet buy, and send them a copy.

As I said you can encourage your government to defend you now, from the cancer of these satanically driven murderers or you can defend yourselves later, in the streets of your neighborhood. It’s your choice. Trust me; the two books are less expensive than guns and ammunition.

P.S. I can’t do this alone, so just in case you decide not to help me and the rest of us in America to encourage our Government to defend us against the terrorist Nation of Islam, I, have already purchased enough arms and ammunition to stand against an army of Muslim terrorists in my own neighborhood.

I am either some kind of nut job or I am telling the truth, isn’t it worth a little time and the price of a couple of books to find out.

You might seriously want to think about that…

Watch a video of Hamas terrorist training for children and sign a petition for a UN resolution to stop the children terrorist's trainning camps.

de Andréa

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