Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Nuclear Iran

Has the NIE been infiltrated by Islam???
In December of 2007 The National Intelligence Estimate reported that Iran had stopped its nuclear program in 2003. Of course what they didn’t tell you, is that they had also resumed it…

By de Andréa

As it pertains to any other information coming from a possible Muslim infiltrated source, there is usually an element of truth in it, however the bottom line is; it’s a deception.

Iran continues to do conduct secret work on nuclear weapons despite a contrary finding by the U.S. intelligence community in December, 2007.

The picture is that of Ahmadinejad, (Dinner Jacket) on his last visit to the U.S.

Let us not forget, Iran’s leader has said that he plans to blow Israel clean off of the map. “First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday” Which is Muslim code for-- (First comes the Jews and then comes the Christians, or first Israel and then America.) Moreover I don’t believe that he plans to do that with a giant fan.

The reason that the information of no nukes in Iran was leaked by the NIE, was to cover-up the fact that Iran had resumed its nuclear program shortly after a brief suspension of its agenda to develop nuclear weapons in 2003. It was of course to cause dissention among the American people in the pursuit of WMD. Remember “Bush lied and people died”, many ignorant Americans still believe that, even after all the proof of probability to the contrary.

The report stated that Iran halted nuclear weapons work in 2003.
According to the opposition group, Iran is working jointly with North Korean specialists at a military research compound near Khojir, to the northwest of Tehran.

The group previously had identified the site as a missile development plant, but said that a new wing of the plant had recently been built for nuclear weapons work — and it is heavily guarded.
As in the Pentagon, the US military and many other departments within the United States Government, have been infiltrated by terrorist sleeper agents from Al Qaida and Hamas as well a Hezbollah. This is of course all in the name of political-correctness multi-cultureism anti-racism or any one of a plethora of other ACLU religions, trying to bring down the culture of America.

In presenting a commercial satellite photograph of the site to the media in Brussels this past week, Mohammad Mohaddessin and Alireza Jafarzadeh said they had passed on their information to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, which is responsible for verifying that Iran is complying with its obligations under the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).

The picture is a sat-photo of Khojir nuclear facility near Tehran. Any closer and you might see the centrifuges and the enriched weapons grade uranium

Senior U.S. government officials have openly called into question the December 2007 National Intelligence Estimate that concluded that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program.

In congressional testimony last week, Director of National Intelligence Adm. Mike McConnell appeared to back-pedal the earlier conclusion, stating that he would have written the NIE differently if he had been given more time.

The IAEA secretary general, Mohamed El Baradei, is expected to deliver his quarterly report on Iran’s non-compliance with IAEA requirements next week.

El Baradei has frequently defended Iran and downplayed allegations that they continue to conduct secret nuclear weapons work.

However, a senior Western diplomat said that most insiders believe that El Baradei will grudgingly report that Iran continues to conduct work on advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges instead of disclosing its past weapons-related work, as required by the IAEA.

The United Nations Security Council has passed three consecutive resolutions demanding that Iran disclose all nuclear weapons-related work, without a shred of compliance by Iran. Oooooh, another Saddam.

In his recent speech to the Egyptian Council on Foreign Relations in Cairo, the U.S. ambassador to the IAEA, Gregory L. Schulte, emphasized that the United States has “new evidence and are more confident than ever that Iran until 2003 had work underway on nuclear weapons design, weaponization, and covert uranium conversion and enrichment.”

Iran’s nuclear programs were “no hobby or academic pursuit,” he said. “This was a concerted, covert program, conducted by military entities, under the direction of Iran’s senior leaders.”

Furthermore, Schulte said, “The U.S. Intelligence Community judges that Iran is deliberately keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons — and that its ongoing enrichment program, now in violation of Security Council resolutions, is part of maintaining that option.”

Schulte accused Iran of “slippery deadlines” and warned that the IAEA board of governors would carefully judge Iran’s compliance with IAEA requirements against “a simple litmus test: Have Iran’s leader’s fully disclosed their past weapons activities, and are they allowing IAEA inspectors to verify they are halted?”

The latest allegations by the NPT, if confirmed by the IAEA, would demonstrate that Iran continues to cheat on its commitments and to continue clandestine nuclear weapons work in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If the only reason was suspicion that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, I would vote for bombing their nuclear facilities. We just cannot afford to have yet another Muslim country with nuclear capability. Ahmadinejad lies when he says they are developing nuclear power plants. They do not need nuclear power plants, they have all the power from oil that they will ever need for the next thousand years. Moreover I don’t believe that Ahmadinejad is preparing for a possible lean time, that far in the future. The U.S. is the country that needs nuclear power plants, so that we don’t have to continue to depend on our enemy for our very existence...

de Andréa

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