Friday, February 15, 2008

The Genocide of American Youth

Another shooting in a gun free zone

By de Andréa

I am absolutely livid. Moreover, you should be as well. This latest massacre of our youth not only happened in a gun free school, but in virtually a gun free State. Northern ILL University lost five of their students as well as 15 in the hospital, and yet the conspiracy between the tyrants of government disarmament, using these psycho nut cases to carry out their agenda of sacrificial genocide, continues. Yes these Anti-American tyrants, that are creating so-called gun-free zones across this country, are sacrificing your children in order to bring their agenda of Nazism to fruition.

We ought to thank God that it wasn’t forty or fifty killed, because of what is to be expected in a “GUN FREE ZONE”, the shooter met with no opposition whatsoever.

No more excuses
I have absolutely no more doubt that these left wing extremist demagogs in our local, state, and federal governments as well as the Nazis in the school districts and collage boards are purposely setting up our children and youth for genocide.

NO ONE, absolutely no one, could be so stuck on stupid as to not recognize that creating a place as well as advertising it as a safe place for crazies to commit mass murder would be at the same time a safe place for children and other living things. So the only answer is that it is done purposely. It is done purposely by the “America Haters” in our government to carry out their agenda of disarming America and making us all totally dependent on their idea of a utopian society, all in the name of safety, and the safety of our children. So far their safety record stinks and so does their Nazi philosophy.

Yesterday the tragic shooting at Northern Illinois University is another failure of the “gun free zone” mentality, which has created among the dependant students and parents, a false sense of security on college campuses and other public venues across the country.

Gun-free zones have given us nothing but body counts. This giant loophole in public safety and violation of free American citizens to defend themselves against these criminal legislators is not only unconstitutional but it is becoming a national disgrace. Moreover, it is time to dramatically change our perspective on personal responsibility and self-defense in this country.

Know your enemy
Our Tyrannical Nazi legislative elites would like you to believe that guns are your enemy. Not only are guns not your enemy but the criminal crazies on the street are not your enemy either. Your enemy is the liberal Ani-American Liberty haters in our governments and bureaucracies across this country of ours. “The only purpose of law in a free society is to uphold and support the rights of a free citizen.” from the book ” The Law” by Frederic Bastiat.

Their was a reason why the framers included the very reason for the Second Amendment; --right in the amendment … “Being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” … My friend, we no longer have a free state, we have a conspiracy to commit Genocide. This, my friend, is precisely what Adolf Hitler did in the 1930’s in order to commit “Tyrannical Genocide” in Europe. Hitler is dead but Nazism is not…

This incident is particularly distressing because it happened in Illinois, one of two remaining states in which anti-gun, anti-constitution, anti-freedom, America hating state lawmakers and governors have repeatedly thwarted common sense efforts to put law-abiding citizens at least on a level playing field with criminals and crazies by adopting right-to-carry laws. Instead, Illinois and Wisconsin lawmakers have chosen to leave their citizens at the mercy of killers who have no mercy.

Five students were killed and more than a dozen others wounded in yesterdays campus shooting. It occurred two weeks after another gunman murdered five women at a suburban Chicago shopping mall, another Illinois “Gun Free Zone”. The two biggest threats to public safety today are gun free zones and the Nazi legislators who create them.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Illinois lawmakers and anti-gun rights extremists should start explaining right now, why they have consistently and systematically resisted progressive, sensible changes in state gun laws that would give people a fighting chance against this kind of outrage.

Advocates of gun-free zones across the country should be held accountable if not tried for conspiracy to commit murder for defending these areas of victim disarmament. These are places where violent criminals and crazies know they will face no resistance as they carry out their rampages of insanity. Moreover the legislators that enable them know this as well.

"It is time for the citizen’s of America to demand that lawmakers either change the laws right now; or resign from office. Their jaded approach and outright denial of self-defense and gun ownership in general, is nothing short of malfeasance. They have failed miserably in their responsibility to public safety and the protection of our rights, moreover the blood of all of these children is on their hands, and on the hands of these gun control Nazi extremists everywhere.

de Andréa

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