Thursday, December 27, 2007


Either Arnold does not recognize what he did by recently signing two crucial bills into law, or, he gave in to the liberal agenda and political pressure of disarming America. I hate to say that he may have also taken a political bribe, but that is always a possibility.

Ninth and final in a series
By de Andréa

The British are coming, the British are coming. This is what Paul Revere shouted all over the countryside just before the revolutionary war. What do you think the British were coming to do, collect taxes? No, they were coming to collect the guns, to disarm the American colonists, so they could continue with their oppressive tyranny---unchallenged.

This by the way, is the primary (forgotten) reason for the Second Amendment …”being necessary to the security of a free State,”…

On October 13, 2007 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, signed Assembly bills 1471 and 821 into law. A.B. 1471 will effectively lay the groundwork for a total ban on at least all semi auto guns, possibly all new guns period. [The oppressors are coming, the oppressors are coming] Moreover, A.B. 821 does the same for the banning, or the control of ammunition. California may just be the first State to be disarmed. The question is, will the other States follow suite. Remember, as California goes, so goes the Nation.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in Governor Schwarzenegger; who, while he was running for governor said he was an advocate of, and supported the Second Amendment. As far as I am concerned, he should go back to Austria, where he can live under the oppression of socialism that he obviously supports. He who does not support the Second Amendment, which is the last line of defence against tyranny, does not support the freedom of this Republic. In case one wants to know who said that, I did…

I cannot say exactly why the Governor flip-flopped on supporting this most basic American inalienable right, because I do not know, but there are at least three possible motives. One, he lied and is really a liberal socialist. Two, he crumbled under the political pressure of the leftist’s elites such as Diane Feinstein and the Brady Bunch, as well as the ecocreeps. Or three, he took a political bribe from the only corporation with the registered patent to carry out the micro-stamping demanded by one of the new laws. Now there maybe a forth, which is all of the above.

In the past, I have always received a reply from the “Terminator” regarding bills, but regarding these two bills there was a notable silence…

To cut to the chase of these two bills I will explain: A.B. 1471 is the stamping of the guns serial number on the rim or primer of the expended and ejected shell by the firing pin or the bolt. If the purpose is not obvious then I will explain. The misguided theory is that when a crime is committed with a gun, it is always committed with a semi-auto handgun, which is of course properly registered to the criminal who is using the gun in the commission of the crime. Now I said semi-auto because that is the only type of gun that ejects its shells after each single shot, one at a time. This is because it has only one chamber. A revolver on the other hand usually has from six to eight chambers and it retains the shells to be ejected all at once, at a later time. Even though the micro-stamping could be applied to both a revolver and a semi-auto, the chances of finding ejected shells from a revolver is about 1 in 1000. This is because one can fire all the rounds of ammunition before one needs to manually eject and then only in order to reload, consequently shells from a revolver are not generally found at a crime scene.

Some statistics
82 percent of all crimes committed with a gun, are committed with a revolver, leaving only an 18 percent chance of even finding any ejected shells, that is, if the crime was even committed with a gun.

75 percent of all violent crimes, and 34 percent of all murders and 65 percent of all robberies are committed without any kind of a gun at all, as well as 55 percent of crimes committed with a gun the gun is never fired, leaving an infinitesimal chance of even finding an ejected shell at any crime scene.

Then if that is not enough, only guns manufactured after January 1, 2010 will be subject to the new law. What are we going to do then, pass another law that says one can only commit a crime with a new gun??? If that isn’t enough, during the test firing of the prototypes only 23 percent left a readable series of charters imprinted on the shell, and as I said, if that is not enough the imprint stamped on the firing pin or the bolt can easily be removed with a piece of common household sand paper rendering the whole project useless. Not to mention the fact that criminals cannot be forced to register their firearms under the self-incrimination clause of Fifth Amendment. So if there were even a .01 percent chance of finding an imprinted shell at a crime scene it would likely not be traceable to the perpetrator of the crime. Not to mention that a smart criminal could easily procure some spent cartridges from a shooting range, sprinkle them at a crime scene, and really create a big problem causing the arrest of innocent people for registering their micro-stamped guns and shooting at a gun range.

Oh, that is not even the good part, since California is the only state with the micro-stamping law there is no manufacturer in the world that is going to spend the money on retooling their entire production for just the sales in California. Sales of new guns will thus be illegal in California, in a de-facto gun ban on all new guns in the state...

Remember this all in the name of stopping crime, if Schwarzenegger was so concerned about catching criminals, why then is he letting them go in this recent biggest convict early release in history?.

The only thing this law does do with regard to crime, is to possibly make criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens, as is the potential of all illegal gun control laws.

Moreover, if the manufacturers ever do retool to accommodate this perverted idea of fighting crime, it will add an average of 150 to 175 dollars to the cost of a gun, a good windfall for the micro-stampers. So you see it does serve a purpose. I wonder if Arnold is getting a piece of that action???

Ban on lead
Then we have A.B. 821 prompted by the eco-freaks that outlaws all lead ammunition. Guess what, all ammunition by law is lead except shot pellets, and they are mostly steel now, which is what is used on birds. A steel bullet on the other hand would be an armor-piercing bullet and therefore illegal, so I guess this is another de-facto ban, this time on ammunition.

The liberal America hating anti-Constitutional socialists used the tree hugging ecocreeps to push this one. The turkey vulture called the California Condor, has lead in its blood. Well we all have lead in our blood, as well as a plethora of other metals good and bad. The issue should be, which it is not, are there toxic levels of lead in the birds blood, and does it come from bullets?

According to ecologist Molly Church of the University of California at Santa Cruse, lead imbedded in the carcasses that Condors feed on is the principal source of lead in the bird’s blood. You no, I did not know that Condors used shotguns to bring down their prey; well one learns something new everyday, doesn’t one. Nevertheless, the study failed not only to find toxic levels of lead, but also failed to prove that since the birds have normal levels of lead that it did not come from the normal static background source, the same source from which we all ingest lead. Lead used in bullets is an alloy, the normal levels of lead found in the blood of these birds is pure lead oxide found in trace amounts in the soil and in most foods as well as water.

Don Saba, a research scientist in biochemistry and medicine, reviewed Church’s study and found the study purposely omitted the critical data that showed the lead in the birds’ blood was not the type used in ammunition. But as usual, don’t confuse us with the scientific facts, it is all about airhead ecology and politics and power and control and… well anything but the truth.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Again, laws that are made to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens instead of punishing criminals that violate citizen’s rights, are not laws, but tyranny. The purpose of law, according to Frederic Bastiat, is to protect our inalienable rights of freedom. The whole idea of gun control to fight crime is an illegal bad joke, played on the American law abiding citizen. If for no other reason, but that it is illegal under the Fifth Amendment to force anyone to incriminate themselves such as being forced to register a gun that one intends to use in the commission of a crime, it would be forced self-incrimination and therefore a Constitutional violation.. Gun control laws are also illegal under the Second and the Tenth Amendment as well as half dozen places in the main body of the U.S. Constitution. But then who pays any attention to the Constitution these days? Certainly not the lawmakers or the courts: The purpose of gun control is not crime control but people control. It has no place in a free sociality. Gun control does not prevent crime it enables it.

Hopefully in this coming year the U.S. Supreme Court will do its job for a change, which is to uphold the Constitution, and restore the rights (which have been reduced to restricted privileges) documented in the bill passed by the first and only State Constitutional Convention in our history. The First Ten Amendments, known as the Bill of our God given basic inalienable rights.

de Andréa

"I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away.” -- Thomas Jefferson to Uriah Forrest, 1787. Papers, 12:477.

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