Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bush is in violation of the U.S. Constitution

Bush is in violation of the U.S. Constitution
The result is out of control crime in the U.S.

The picture is of 12 year old Zina Linnik. She was kidnapped raped and murdered by one of Bush’s “undocumented citizens that just wanted to do the work that Americans won’t do”. You can read the full story written by Michelle Malkin of the New York Post, by clicking on this:

I have also written a previous article on this subject titled VICTIMS OF THE ILLEGAL ALIEN WAR May 16, 2007; you can read it by clicking the archive or by paging down to the date.

The U.S. Constitution addresses this illegal foreign invasion in the second part of article 4 section 4, referring to what the U.S. Government shall Guarantee to the individual States, “…and shall protect each of them against invasion;” … The framers purposely did not specify just what kind of invasion so that it would refer to any kind of foreign invasion, military, economic, or in this case, illegal alien invasion.

America is experiencing an outrages invasion of foreign nationals from every and any country on the planet, including citizens of Middle Eastern countries that attacked us on 911 and whom we are presently engaged in war. Some illegally come here just to work and provide a better life for their family’s, but most are up to no good. They either apply for every welfare program available or they are involved in crime, some are even involved in organized gang crime. Some come to raise money for so-called charitable organizations which ends up supporting terrorist’s organization either here or abroad.

Over 70% of the outstanding warrants for violent crimes in Los Angeles California are for illegal aliens. Refer to article titled “Victims of Illegal Alien War” May 16, 2007 on this site.
There are more than 32 known terrorists training camps in the continental United States, built and supported by Middle Eastern illegal aliens Refer to article titled Islamberg July 19, 2007 on this site.

Moreover, if that isn’t enough Constitutional violation for one president, the administration has been for the last decade allowing China to poison, injure and kill Americans with their exports to this country and Congress is just now looking into it The Congress according to the Constitution, is to promote the General Health and Welfare of the Citizens of the many States. Congress and this administration have obviously been putting the economy of Communist China before the health and welfare of the American Citizen. Refer to Article titled, “Is China Trying To Kill Us”…, June 12, 2007 and an article titled “China May Be Trying To Poison America” May 27, 2007 on this site.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The Constitution was written by a people with tremendous foresight and historical knowledge. It is tragic that our electorate today either hasn’t the intellectual fortitude, nor the philosophical understanding, or the foresight, or the moral character to acclaim very much credence to this 200 year old Document. Most of the problematic issues of today can be attributed not only to ignorance of the U.S. Constitution but the abhorrence and subsequent violations of the document by both the liberal elites and those that call themselves conservatives.

The story in this article is just one small example of the problems created by violations and infringements of the U.S. Constitution. If every time a problem arises new or old, one would go to the U.S. Constitution to verify the Issue, one would discover 9 of 10 times it is because we have veered off course in our peregrination through time and as a result we are incrementally moving away from liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

de Andréa

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