Wednesday, April 18, 2007

University assemblage lead in prayer to Allah, but not Jesus

Speakers also called on Buddha, and the Dalai Lama
By de Andrea
One can only conclude that America has become anything but a Christian Nation. Speakers at the Virginia Tech gathering called on Allah and Buddha along with a plethora of other empty spirits in their efforts to minister to the survivors, family, and friends of victims of the shooting massacre at the school – but Jesus wasn't mentioned at all.

President Bush did offer a biblical message of hope, when he suggested the school community that lost 32 members to the shootings by an out-of-control resident alien student find "comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God.” But even he didn't mention Jesus, the only hope of comfort and future life for Christians and all mankind, into the memorials.

They had several representatives from the local 'religious community.’ The Muslim cleric specifically asked for Allah's blessings… and he didn't shy away from saying the name of Allah. The Jewish speaker asked for God's blessings. Buddha was called upon by a Buddhist leader. The only name not heard was, Jesus Christ."

A Muslim cleric calling the name of Allah and quoting the Quran." A Buddhist Community Leader preaching that mankind is basically 'good”. A Female speaker from the Jewish Community quoting Ecclesiastes: 'There is a time for everything."
A Liberal Lutheran Minister talking about 'healing,' etc. and how everyone needs to come together (blah, blah, blah…).” BUT NOT ONE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN, or PASTOR MENTIONED THE OF THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS.

Where was the pastor from the Universal Life 'church' or the 'Church of Satan, and why was a Muslim cleric the first member of the clergy to deliver remarks. By the prominence of the Muslim speaker in the service are we to assume that Virginia Tech is mainly a Muslim student body? Moreover, possibly America has while I wasn’t paying attention become a Muslim Nation.
It was up to President Bush to deliver references to Christianity. "People who have never met you are praying for you," Bush said. "They're praying for your friends who have fallen, and who are injured. There's a power in these prayers, a real power. In times like this, we can find comfort in the grace and the guidance of a loving God”

The other official statements of condolence released also ignored the savior of the Christian faith.

THE BOTTOM LINE: One cannot help but wonder if removing the Christian faith from our school Campuses and now evidently from the Nation as well, has something to do with all the school massacres that have recently plagued this country.

An interesting event occurs when Jesus Christ is excluded from ones life and society, demonic oppression becomes dominant.
Franklin Graham says that Satan is responsable... I think he may be right...

de Andréa

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