Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Jesus is God, God is the creator of all things, Jesus gave his life for us, and rose again so we might have life with him forever

By de Andréa

A lot of people have a very difficult time believing some or all of the previous statements. Some say, well, where is your proof? Or some may even believe in a supreme being who may have created the earth, but not in all this Jesus stuff, especially this stuff about Jesus dying to pay for the sin of all people of the entire world, and a new life forever, after this one, show me the proof.

If one is standing in the doorway of an airplane flying at 10,000 feet, ready to jump, would one say I don’t believe that particular parachute will save me, so I will foolishly choose not to trust it, I will leave it behind and jump without it… Splat

I, personally, have decided to stop trying to convince people that are looking for proof that something will or will not save them, because it is really irrelevant and a waste of time and effort. Besides it doesn’t convince anyone of anything.

This is why I think, Jesus said, don’t cast your perils before swine, a peril has no more value to a pig, than if one needs proof that a parachute will save them after jumping out of an airplane.
So how does one deal with this dilemma? Well let’s go back into the airplane, what if one would just jump without the chute? One would certainly go splat on the ground 10,000 feet below.
Moreover, if after jumping and on the way down one had a change of heart or mind, and then decides, maybe I should have tried the parachute anyway. Sorry! Too late, splat…

If one had actually tried the chute instead of leaving it behind, and it didn’t work, would one be anymore or less dead? NO!

But the really important question is; what if it did work???

You see whether there is proof or not of salvation through believing that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ will make the difference between one spending eternity living forever in Paradise with the Creator, or wasting in the fires of hell, is irrelevant.
What is important, is, just what if it is true? But if because one requires proof rather than faith, one foolishly jumps without the parachute, even if you thought that all that might happen is that one would just bounce a couple of times… uh uh Splat!

It is not even a question of whether or not we are going to jump, every one of us will eventually take the leap, because it is inevitable, none of us will physically live forever.

Thankfully God has created all of us, with at least enough intelligence to make a reasonable choice. So if I am wasting my time trying to prove salvation then at least let me appeal to ones natural God given intellectual ability to make a reasonable choice, you lose nothing by strapping on the parachute, so then why not strap it on???.

You see my friend; in this case, believing by faith not proof, is simply the intelligent choice. Even if there is no other reason to believe it, than the chance that; what if it is true?

So strap on the whole armor of God now, before you make that final leap into the unknown, you have nothing to lose if you do, but you could lose everything if you don’t. Because guess what, Jesus, who or whatever else you believe that He might be, He is your parachute, moreover, what if it’s true, that He and only He can save your eternal life.

de Andréa .

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